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#1 Parent Magister - 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

I guess if i thought this was a sincere post in the first place by 'Flexible Enough' then i would be more willing to post a sincere reply.

It is at best, as 'asd' put it, a post that contains "No research, thought or analysis just a broadsweep circumspect full of opinionated judgmental anecdotes!"

At worst, it's just a wind-up.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

I guess you missed out on the language, the customs, as well as the ideals of the locals. You haven't told us what kind of a place you work at, and for all I know you're just the same person posting under different names.

Chengdu has a reputation for being filled with crap and pretend "schools". Your brief statement only confirms the insincerity of your own posting. Thank you for your opinion. Now you may go back into that hole or bubble that you came out of.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-02-29
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

I'm saying here and now that I've been here in Sichuan for a few years teaching English and that I love China and its culture.

So sichuan equates with all china?

Well boyo, I have been all over the place during my 7 years, and learnt far more than you ever will.

Turnoi, Silverboy, Drags, I would trust them far more than these two GW newbies who didn't [edited]

Grow up!!

#4 Parent Joey - 2012-02-28
Re: China is a hard nut to crack!

Judging by what I've read in this thread to date, I reckon 'Flexible Enough' and 'Liekiller' are the only two posters whose posts are worthwhile. The other posters, including you, yourself, come across as people who are a tad insincere. I'm saying here and now that I've been here in Sichuan for a few years teaching English and that I love China and its culture.

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