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#1 Parent The man behind the vale - 2012-11-14
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

I have worked with Rainbowhouse in Beijing since its inception. I have been a pt teacher, then full time teacher, then management for them. I have never had any complaints for this company. They have always, always done right by me. I get insurance, paid vacation, etc. This is because I work hard and have dedicated myself to my job. I get these benefits because I deserve them. I work hard. I have had crappy jobs before and trust me this is not one of them. The pay is lower but the classes are fun and the environment is relaxed. As a manager of English teachers in China, it is very hard to find reliable workers, especially managers. We have had bad managers in the past who have been fired upon discovery of their misconduct. The company offers work visas for FT employees as well. Again, as a teacher and manager, I make more than most my peers and certainly more than the average Beijinger. English teachers are divas who have never worked real jobs, complain when they aren't allowed to be late for a class that has been paid for by hard working locals, and whine and moan if they are fined for being late due to their previous nights drunken antics. There are some good teachers in Beijing, but the majority of them are worthless and have no work ethic. This is why a company, attempting to be respectful and professional, must impose hefty fines on you children who aren't responsible. If you had bad experiences with management, hopefully they have been removed. Again, I have worked at RHEC for over three years and have never once felt cheated by them. Thats just my two cents.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-08-27
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

and it's best to keep out of Chinese business.

Indeed, this can often have serious physical consequences.

An FT in the wilds of China was locked in a boilerroom with rats and god knows what else by the chinese male PE teachers, until he agreed to sign a document, saying he would leave the school and forfeit his airfare and travel allowance. No, what is Chinese, stays Chinese, best to keep your nose out. As long as your fridge is cold enough and large enough to store at least 12 bottles of harbin beer, some danish butter, aussie milk, and a freezer large enough for storing dumplings and other such, your flats hot water and internet works, and you have a comfy bed for cuddling and snuggling with nice chinese women, keep your nose out of the rest.....

#3 Parent Julie - 2012-08-27
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

Hi All,

I would just like to point out that it was not Chinese staff who bragged about their sexual conquests; It was the western teachers. And may I point out that I had nothing but high regard for the Chinese staff there; they were kind and very caring. I would also like to say that it is no laughing matter; How on earth can western teachers who are put in a position of management responsibilty act in this way. But more to the point: "Who made them manager's in the first place?"

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-23
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

Hi Julie thank you for posting this on the internet. People who get a bad experience may think that because it happens to so many people then maybe it's not worth talking about. But with every contribution that is given there will be only more attention given to these scams so we can all steer clear of a crappy working situation.

Hope you find something better, maybe just don't work in china.

#5 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-23
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

Hi all,
I am writing in response to "Rainbowhouse club. I too once held a position there, and I was shocked by how the management openly flaunted with the students, as well as bragging about their sexual conquests. I know one student left because of this. I was also shocked to be told that I was working illegally, but was told by the management, Don't worry we know the right people, if anyone asks you about your visa just tell them you work here voluntarily. I qustioned the management further about this and their response was take it or leave it! The so called Vice president (I think he made that title up) was extremely arrogant and would never be there when you needed to know anything. It seemed to me that young teachers were just used as a western face. To be honest, I felt very embarrassed working there and I wasn't the only one.

I eventually left, but when I received my salary it was way short of the mark. When i questioned the management that my salary was short, I was told: So take us to court, you have no contract to prove you were here! I was very upset. My experinces in China have been great, but this so called school left a bad taste. I would not recommend this third rate club to anyone,
This working illegally is not peculiar to China; we have countless thousands in the UK working illegally. I'm bound to say that my happiest couple of years in China was working illegally.

If the Chinese management are sexually harassing their students, well, it's a Chinese matter, and it's best to keep out of Chinese business. Short of rape and the like, I mean. Personally I have always steered clear of student on toast but I'm an FT, and that's a different matter.

Well, the Chinese like to fiddle you out of a bit of pay, it's just their way. Maybe you belly-ached too much and upset them?

#6 Parent Julie - 2012-08-23
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

Hi all,

I am writing in response to "Rainbowhouse club. I too once held a position there, and I was shocked by how the management openly flaunted with the students, as well as bragging about their sexual conquests. I know one student left because of this. I was also shocked to be told that I was working illegally, but was told by the management, Don't worry we know the right people, if anyone asks you about your visa just tell them you work here voluntarily. I qustioned the management further about this and their response was take it or leave it! The so called Vice president (I think he made that title up) was extremely arrogant and would never be there when you needed to know anything. It seemed to me that young teachers were just used as a western face. To be honest, I felt very embarrassed working there and I wasn't the only one.

I eventually left, but when I received my salary it was way short of the mark. When i questioned the management that my salary was short, I was told: So take us to court, you have no contract to prove you were here! I was very upset. My experinces in China have been great, but this so called school left a bad taste. I would not recommend this third rate club to anyone,

tefl teacher - 2012-03-19
rainbowhouse club Beijing

To all teachers who apply here for a job at RAINBOWHOUSE CLUB BEIJING be very careful. The salary for starters is pathetic, but they will tell you that you get bonuses to make them higher. They give you a contract to sign, which is all in Chinese, and to be honest it's not worth the paper it is written on. The salaries were always short of the mark, and when questioned why you were just fobbed off with pathetic excuses. The vice president is a geeky, lanky tensed up kind of guy, who really has no idea how to talk to people and his teaching abilities are at best average. This guy promises you high salaries, in reality you are working long hours for peanuts, while he is sitting pretty doing nothing. RAINBOW HOUSE CLUB promise you lots of things, but in return they just fire you when there are no classes to teach and give no explanation because they say you have no rights. They also ask you to bring in receipts saying that you will not have to pay tax; again this is a scam. It is not even a school as they call it an English club; this again tells you something isn’t right when they profess to teach tefl methods. It works out that they are paying you about 70rmb an hour. They also ask you to do lessons for which they do not pay you; such as English corners and assessing students. They tell you that you get commission if a student signs up, but again this is just a scam and no written evidence is given to you, if the students signs. They also deduct 500 rmb if you are one minute late for a lesson, even if you contact them first. Some teachers at this so called school, actually owed the school money when they were late on occasions. Again, they are just ripping teachers off. They basically prey on fresh to China young teachers who have never taught before in China. Please be very wary of this company. They work on a shoe sting budget, and do not care about teachers social concerns.

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