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#1 Parent Deleted Out - 2012-04-19
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

--- On Thu, 4/19/12, A wrote:

From: A
Subject: Fw: A, recent pensioner, T******
To: B, gsigov.uk
Date: Thursday, April 19, 2012, 10:16 AM
Dear B,

*****.** GBP arrived by TT at my bank yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon. This morning I visited the bank on the offchance that my pension and lump sum had arrived, and was pleasantly surprised.

I expect that my March pension instalment will arrive early May, and my April instalment, early June. I'll be leaving here for IM early June, so I'll send you a cross borders form so that you can change my future payments, July onwards, to my BOC account in IM.

Best wishes,



#2 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-11
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

Wot no Z visa, and then subsequent RP?!

I was talking about retiring to China, San Mig. If one does that, they wouldn't allow you a Z visa.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

but I don't know if I could face the border runs or even having to return to England to get a visa every six months.

Wot no Z visa, and then subsequent RP?!

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

What alcohol percentage though?

Round here beer is 2 yuan per bottle, Harbin, can't be beaten imho!

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

Be aware that I am copying and pasting all your slanderous posts against me, just as you have been printing out mine, then I have that right to disrespect you also.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

Also, the probable reason why your own health has never fully recovered is that you continue to slurp that German beer. Drinking is bad for health and bad for society. By comparison smoking is a harmless activity.

More bs! Smoking is a harmless activity, let's see if he says that when he has to have heart surgery, or radiological treatment in China, grow up!!!!

And german beer, you gave it away, I know it is you now. Actually, being a northerner, I prefer a honest to goodness pint of bitter. But as it is expensive and scarce in China I make do. Besides drinking some Becks (and nowt wrong with that me essex boy!) last year, haven't had german beer in donkeys, to use your vernacular.

But then I thought you were living in the queers town? I knew you would miss China, lol.

#7 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

Yep, smoking does harm, but I like it. I use one of those condenser filter pipes to smoke with. It removes a lot of muck, but it's not a cancer preventer, so I'm told. I clean it every second or third day.

Just to say,I'm like you in the respect that teaching here bores me. I'd think twice about returning to Europe if I were you. If you want to chill out, a public job here in China gives you lots of spare time, and a reasonable salary, as you no doubt know. However, as you like!

Sorry, I didn't mean to lecture. But having lost family members to smoking related illnesses and seeing the painful way in which they died put me off it forever. Not even sure I want a cigar now and then anymore. But I guess we are all suiciding away slowly, day by day. I have seen some chinese guys using those filter pipes, so that is a good step for you I guess.

We could certainly have a few beers if we met up, my shout, I appreciate your advice about returning home, currently in a quandary about that, but an aging sick father and younger brother with a 2nd child who I haven't seen is swaying it for me. Like the Chinese, I put family first, and who wouldn't?

#8 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

Now, the beer is called prenium light. It's 8 degrees 'P', specific gravity. The label also says it Snow beer, premium light. You get 580 cc for your 3 Yuan. The bottle is green, ad with its label, is similar to the picture. A good drop of beer, I reckon.

Yes, that beer brings back happy memories of sitting on plastic stools, eating lamb and stuff on sticks and chatting to the locals while polishing off a few bottles. The only problem with the stuff could be is that a lot of it is fake, and there is a small risk of waking up dead the following morning. Don't lose any sleep though, one usually survives the China experience and the very very very delicious(it's really, 'really really really') food, with being mildly poisoned a few times.

I do miss China though. England is a pretty boring place and I no longer feel at home. Have you retired to China? I'm asking because I have a Chinese wife and I would come to live in China but I don't know if I could face the border runs or even having to return to England to get a visa every six months.

#9 Parent boxiangjiaopi - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

? Sorry to hear of your pension payment problems.

But as a man of advancing years, and with as you say pension payment problems, don't you think smoking cheap chinese polluted fags is not the most sensible of ideas, believe me I used to smoke, and I don't think my health has ever fully recovered.

Stay safe man.

No No, bad advice, dear boy, a carton of fags a day can help you work ,rest, and play, especially if you're getting long in the tooth. Also, the probable reason why your own health has never fully recovered is that you continue to slurp that German beer. Drinking is bad for health and bad for society. By comparison smoking is a harmless activity. I mean to say, you never read in the papers "Out of work plumber Joe Smith was sentenced to five years in prison today at Barnstaple County Court- he had been out all night smoking cigarettes-when he returned home in a nicotine fired rage, he beat up his wife and set fire to the house" Now, do you?

#10 Parent Deleted Out - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

? Sorry to hear of your pension payment problems.

Thanks for your response above.

But as a man of advancing years, and with as you say pension payment problems, don't you think smoking cheap chinese polluted fags is not the most sensible of ideas, believe me I used to smoke, and I don't think my health has ever fully recovered.

Back in the early 90's in China, most foreign teachers were earning 1,200 RMB/month. There were only three premium brands available at that time - Ashima at 11 Yuan a pack, now out of production. Hongtashan at 10 Yuan a pack, now 7 Yuan, and Hongmei,as mentioned.Yep, smoking does harm, but I like it. I use one of those condenser filter pipes to smoke with. It removes a lot of muck, but it's not a cancer preventer, so I'm told. I clean it every second or third day.

Just to say,I'm like you in the respect that teaching here bores me. I'd think twice about returning to Europe if I were you. If you want to chill out, a public job here in China gives you lots of spare time, and a reasonable salary, as you no doubt know. However, as you like!

#11 Parent Deleted Out - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

Thanks for your best wishes regarding my pension payment problems.
Now, the beer is called prenium light. It's 8 degrees 'P', specific gravity. The label also says it Snow beer, premium light. You get 580 cc for your 3 Yuan. The bottle is green, ad with its label, is similar to the picture. A good drop of beer, I reckon.

#12 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

That's despite my drinking 4 big bottles of the better quality (3 Yuan beer)/day plus smoking 1.5 packs of Hongmei fags @ 4 Yuan/pack. Said brand cost 6 Yuan in 1994! Back teaching today after 8 days off, due to the Tomb-Sweeping Festival and mid-term exams. But will have to pay a monthly mortgage instalment of 650 Yuan on the 20th.
will check this Friday if my pension has been transferred, if not, I'll be obliged to make more trouble.

? Sorry to hear of your pension payment problems.

But as a man of advancing years, and with as you say pension payment problems, don't you think smoking cheap chinese polluted fags is not the most sensible of ideas, believe me I used to smoke, and I don't think my health has ever fully recovered.

Stay safe man.

#13 Parent Andrew - 2012-04-10
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

I'm on the 2 Yuan 'Wolf' brand from Hansa Brewery at present. Okay, but a bit short of alcohol and taste.
The better quality 3 Yuan beer! I wish to know more about it, such as the brand! Pray tell.
Oh, and please keep us updated on your pension problems. It's a mess and a half that needs to be sorted fast.

#14 Parent Deleted Out - 2012-04-09
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

Today is payday, and my wife tells me she still has 500 Yuan + left. That's despite my drinking 4 big bottles of the better quality (3 Yuan beer)/day plus smoking 1.5 packs of Hongmei fags @ 4 Yuan/pack. Said brand cost 6 Yuan in 1994! Back teaching today after 8 days off, due to the Tomb-Sweeping Festival and mid-term exams. But will have to pay a monthly mortgage instalment of 650 Yuan on the 20th.
will check this Friday if my pension has been transferred, if not, I'll be obliged to make more trouble.

#15 Parent Deleted Out - 2012-03-27
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

I began my teaching here this semester for the company in the middle of February. So, my salary for February was calculated on the number of days from the start of my classes until the 29th. That was paid to me on the 10th of March. I paid a monthly mortgage payment of 650 RMB to the bank on the 20th of February, for an apartment in a provincial capital that I had purchased, and have paid the March instalment on the 20th of this month. The company deducts 500 RMB/month, or part month, from my salary in case of breakages or damage to my rent-free apartment by my wife and me. This is the negative result of a Welsh hothead wrecking his pad because the company discovered that his 'degree' was from a fictitious Welsh university with one of those long unpronouncable Welsh names, so reduced his salary accordingly! I believe two Africans also caused serious damage like that in the past. The company owes me 3,500 Yuan in 'breakage money' at this time plus 1,000 Yuan travel allowance for this term plus 6,000 Yuan air fare allowance for the whole two semesters, which I won't be spending on air tickets!
I DO have several thousand GBP in a bank account. My bank book is with me, but if I change some of it to RMB here, I'll lose out, because said bank account is with a branch of that bank in another Chinese city, which means I'll be penalised!
If I had my lump sum and pension payments, I wouldn't have to ask for money in advance! I guess my Chinese director will look down on public pension agencies in Blighty at this time. Beer, or liquid bread, as the Chinese call it, is still no problem, at 2 Yuan/ large bottle. Cheers, mate! Anyways, I hope it all adds up in your eyes now.

#16 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-26
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

I need a loan of 1.000 RMB for food and living expenses until the !0th of April

This does not add up.

A girl I know lives off 2,000 rmb by cooking at home and taking the bus. If an FT is getting a minimum of 4,500 a month at least, I fail to see how they can need to be tided over until payday, aside from an emergency.

Then I once had a 56 year old who was homeless in aus, but got married in China, ask to borrow 500 rmb from me, because he was broke. Choices, priorities, a wife or.....?

#17 Parent Deleted Out - 2012-03-26
Re: Serious Pension Payment Problems

-------- Forwarding messages --------
From: A
Date: 2012-03-26 17:12:54
To: Mr R and S
Subject: Fw:Fw: Urgent,From A, recent pensioner, T******

Dear Mr R and S,

I need a loan of 1.000 RMB for food and living expenses until the !0th of April, when I'll receive my teaching salary for March. Please ask the accountant to transfer the money to my account before the end of this week. I'm very sorry about having to ask for money, but I have no choice as incredibly I haven't received any of my pension payments from Blighty yet! You can read the e-mails I've sent to Blighty to try to get the ball rolling! Fact is, right now I don't know if I'll get money from there before my next payday. At that time you can reduce my salary by 1,000 Yuan to clear the loan.

Another thing is that I intend to retire at the end of my present contract, as my wife has asked me to do so. So, I thought I'd tell you this piece of news now - to give you plenty of time to arrange a replacement for me here in * county for next semester.

Yours sincerely,


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