Return to Index › Interlink programs KSA and the US
ESL Administrator - 2012-04-01
Interlink programs KSA and the US

It is necessary to address the providing of teaching/training ESL without any type of 1. teaching 2. curriculum 3 exit competencies 4 exit assessments.
In the TVTC programs, the Saudi Arabian government has wasted 50 million dollars under a new pedagogical method under INTERLINK called corroborative learning. Frankly put, the training provider has failed to provide us with textbooks, a curriculum, assessments, and has not responded to queries from any part of the program. Teachers and professionals: what is your take?
Feel free to weigh in, and post on other media as well because it could be that no degree will be required for next year's professionals who lead the so called teachimg, which basicallynco9nsistes of a group meeting for the alotted time and doing nothing but stuttering thru the period.
The company's program has been discontinued in 36 locations in the US due to its theory.
What is your opinion?
AAHallam PhD
ahad shahbaz

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