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#1 Parent Dan Newts - 2012-05-10
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

Hi Mr Happy pants. I am very happy with the school where I am teaching. The method and curriculum are really forward thinking and fun, we are seeing great results, the majority of my fellow teachers are really good people and the pay and cost of living is amazing! I will be resigning my contract here for one more year and receiving a bonus and pay increase. I am very happy in my working life and my social life.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-05
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

Perhaps I do.

And if you taught in Songyuan I may know more than you think ace!

#3 Parent MR. Happy - 2012-04-05
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

You mean I'm from England? Thats hardly a massive secret. I would also be very surprised if you knew who I am. And why would it make any difference even if you did?

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-05
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

The champion of Changchun

Hahahaha, now I know WHO you are, and where you hail from. Game up, ace!

#5 Parent MR. Happy - 2012-04-04
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

So you do not require money? You work for free? And anyone who accepts money is an ego-driven narcissist? I think it is quite clear to everyone on this board that you havent got a leg to stand on anymore. Run out of bile?

Big love bro

The champion of Changchun

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-03
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

I am also rather in favour of making money

That much is evident from your ego-centric and narcissistic personality type. I would bet your are a yuppie GW aren't you?

Either way, not going to respond to you anymore, you can break your back working long hours at crappy English FAKE for all I care.

#7 Parent MR. Happy - 2012-04-03
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

Oh what a surprise, rushing to the defence [edited]. Yes all language schools have structual problems in that they are geared towards making money, I am also rather in favour of making money. Sometimes I was asked to do things I found to be unreasonable so I refused to do them. That is all it took. Some students didnt feel they were learning enough other students loved the place and miss being there. EF isnt a great place, there are better schools, but they didnt mistreat any teacher while I was there and they were open and honest about payment. Why is it so important that everyone shares your beliefs? Are you [edited]

#8 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-02
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

You sneer at those without degrees but make hideous grammatical errors. Just because you all agree to support each others snide remarks doesnt make them accurate.

Keep your trolly warty nose OUT!

#9 Parent MR. Happy - 2012-04-02
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

Errrrm, I'm not in China and how has this turned to a crticism of me rather than backing up your claims? You say the place is terrible but also admit you have no actual experience of it, how does that make sense? You sneer at those without degrees but make hideous grammatical errors. Just because you all agree to support each others snide remarks doesnt make them accurate.

#10 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-01
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

Look, how many times does this EF thread have to keep being repeated, like a bad, stuck record.

It IS a dodgy place to work for, they do hire oft-times FT's without even a degree, let alone any understanding of ethical behaviour, and you want me to take this crappy place seriously? You really are a GW of the highest order, who has sold out [edited] just to exist in China, truly [edited] and terrible!

#11 Parent MR. Happy - 2012-03-31
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

So basically you are hating because you want to hate and the case is closed because you say it is. What an open mind. I'm sure everyone will be convinced by your great arguments.

#12 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-27
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

Why all the mega-hate against a place you have never even seen?

Because we can, and because every man and his dog knows EF is a crap place of crappy education, and only the grovellers of grovelling weaseldom gravitate to it!!!!!!

Case Closed!!!!!

#13 Parent MR. Happy - 2012-03-26
Re: China: 4,500 USD from EF Changchun - a pack full of lies????

It seems to me that most of the regular posters on this site hate everybody and everything, I have yet to see them praise or even speak well of a single school. I have worked at this school and while Changchun is indeed a tedious, filthy sh*thole I still had a pretty good time due mostly to the great group of friends I had. I didnt get ripped off and while management frequently did things that annoyed the sh*t out of me I cant say I ever felt they were being purposefully malevolent. Why all the mega-hate against a place you have never even seen? [edited]

The Champion of Changchun

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