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#1 Parent Magister - 2012-04-06
Re: ispeakuspeak

Sounds like culture shock to me.

A lot of people assume culture shock will happen when they first arrive in a country and in some cases to some extent it does. However, many people also suffer from it months if not years after arriving in a country. As you said when you first came to China you were expecting to see all these wonderful things and to some extent you probably did. People also condition themselves prior to arrival in a new country to expect some difficulties. Therefore, when these difficulties occur they treat it as just par for the course and nothing to get upset about.
Once you get through this honeymoon period you begin to expect that you'll be used to all the different, sometimes annoying little things that exist in Chinese culture (I'm sure we could all come up with long lists of these). However, it's unlikely that you will be able to do this to a full extent.
I still suffer from this problem periodically and it usually manifests itself as anger and frustration with those around me. I went back home for an extened period a couple of years ago and that helped. Equally as other have pointed out the culture in places like HK is different and usually more in line with Western expectations so that can provide a safe haven too. In general a good supportive working environment is important. I'm sure anyone who has worked here long enough will have been confronted with the shrug of the shoulders and "that's China" response to a problem you have - not really helpful is it!

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-05
Re: ispeakuspeak

And even some of these people think they are superior to foreigners for just being Chinese.

They will never be. I have just been woken by what can only be described as a god awful funeral dirge with loud fireworks, it is now 6.17 and I don't even have my first class until 11 am.

No, it will take a long time before manners here are the same as say HK and Macau, where in the latter jaywalking can earn you a fine. Combine that with fireworks on roads at 6 am in the morning, electric bike owners riding the things whereever they please, car owners thinking they have the right to park anywhere and oft times not even being able to park well, and there is still a long way to go.

#3 Parent juanisaac - 2012-04-05
Re: ispeakuspeak

I hate to admit this, but the longer I am here the more unimpressive China becomes. Before I came to China I thought of China as a magnificent place with incredible people- just the brainwashing of books. I learned otherwise, and the only thing that keeps me here are the few deep relationships I have with some people and some of my students.
Whether I have to choose between being Eastern and Western, glad I'm Western. At least I greet lowly doorman at the gate and thank my food server at the canting instead of treating them like garbage. And even some of these people think they are superior to foreigners for just being Chinese.
I've come to accept China for what it is- China. That keeps me sane.

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