Return to Index › Calif. teacher resigns after leaving family for student
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-07
Re: Calif. teacher resigns after leaving family for student

California Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen, R-Modesto, crafted legislation to strip teachers of retirement benefits if they have romantic relationships with students.

That is somewhat draconian to me. Is this assemblywoman a Republican,perchance?

#2 Parent jp - 2012-04-07
Re: Calif. teacher resigns after leaving family for student

After Hooker moved in with Powers, California Assemblywoman Kristin Olsen, R-Modesto, crafted legislation to strip teachers of retirement benefits if they have romantic relationships with students.

"My point is, whether you're 18, 17 or 14, the fact remains that a teacher is in a position of authority and influence over that student, and therefore, it is highly inappropriate," Olsen said.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-25
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

Sure, talk it up all you like.

It's still ok for older western men to date younger chinese girls, even touch them in public.

#4 Parent lee - 2012-03-24
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

“California sunlight - sweet Calcutta rain - Honolulu starbright - the song remains the same.”

“There's that feeling I get when I look to the west, and my spirit is crying for leaving”

Led Zeppelin quotes

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-24
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

Just curious as to the confucian gangsters gambit, that's all.

A gambit from merriam webster, a move or ploy or strategem. Be very wary, all is not what it seems in this thread recently.

#6 Parent Magister - 2012-03-24
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

I'd have thought that given the initial post then 'another brick in the wall' might have been more appropriate

teachers leave them kids alone


#7 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-23
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

Nice song, but comfortably numb is one of my favourites.

#8 Parent lee - 2012-03-23
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

Us, and them
And after all were only ordinary men.

Pink Floyd

#9 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-22
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

GW claptrap...how old are you anyway?

#10 Parent lee - 2012-03-22
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

Really, it's been my experience through life that the ones who say racist first are the real racists !...serious ...say what you want. I think I'm right.

#11 Parent linmania - 2012-03-12
Maybe one of these days Chinese will be #1 and get away calling ppl whatever they want..but not yet..

Shao1 deng3 (please wait)

#12 Parent Stanley - 2012-03-05
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

It is racist if Chinese people refer to laowai as "aliens". It is different to discussing wai xing ren ( beings from another world )

#13 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-03
Re: Alien Laowai Geengo Foreigner Stranger Dude Wai guo ren

What do you think I mean sherlock?

When it is being whispered secretly as though you don't understand what is being said, do you think that is polite?

#14 Parent tintin - 2012-03-03
Alien Laowai Geengo Foreigner Stranger Dude Wai guo ren

What do you mean? it's the intent behind the usage?

#15 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-03
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

Do you consider the word "Alien" racist?

Yes, depending on the context of it's usage.

Alien, refers to a species not from our planet earth, so therefore being called an alien or told to wait in a line for aliens, can be construed by some, and is construed by me personally, to be racist.

But dress it up and talk it up all you like, I am pretty sure you are a GW excuse maker!!!

#16 Parent tintin - 2012-03-02
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

Do you consider the word "Alien" racist?

#17 Parent San Migs - 2012-03-02
Re: 老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick

3 years old, not even going to bother,esp as you used a racist term.

wai guo peng you, xie xie.

#18 Parent Li-ming - 2012-03-02
老外 (laowai) hitting on young chinese chick
#19 Parent Marc - 2012-03-02
Re: Calif. teacher resigns after leaving family for student


Hi there! Any comments? - 2012-03-02
Calif. teacher resigns after leaving family for student

msnbc.com staff

Modesto police are investigating if there’s a criminal case against a former high school teacher who resigned his job to move into an apartment with an 18-year-old girl he met while teaching.

James Hooker, 41, was placed on administrative leave Feb. 3 by Modesto City Schools and resigned less than three weeks later, according to a report at the Modesto Bee.

The newspaper reports that the man, who had taught business and computer classes, left his wife and children, to move in with Jordan Powers, an Enochs High School senior whom he met when she was a freshman at the school.

"In making our choice, we've hurt a lot of people," Hooker told the Bee. "We keep asking ourselves, 'Do we make everyone else happy or do we follow our hearts?' "

Tammie Powers, the student’s mother, told the Bee she believes Hooker pursued her daughter, and cited recent problems with her daughter’s grades and health. Her daughter had panic attacks.

"I believe it was the stress of the lie," Tammie Powers told the newspaper.

Read the original story on The Modesto Bee http://www.modbee.com/2012/02/28/2090490/enochs-high-teacher-resigns-after.html

Modesto police are trying to determine if there was inappropriate contact between the teacher and the student before she turned 18 in the fall, the Bee reported.

The community of Modesto has largely reacted with shock and disapproval, the newspaper said.


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