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#1 Parent RhenoThai - 2005-05-31
I like SOME critics - ESL discussion

I like some critics, especially constructive ones. Their 'unsolicited opinions' show me they actually care enough to express their disagreement.....So, if you don't agree with me, that's cool. Please let me know. I don't mind, really.

What I DON'T like are the 'attack the person instead of his argument' types. They seem to be plentiful here, 'knowledgeable'(i.e. smart-asses), and awfully quick on the draw.

Good luck, Red.

Take it easy.


#2 Parent jinchafa - 2005-05-30
to Lulu - ESL discussion

Hey Lulu,
I wouldn't want to change you because I bet you're "cuter than a bug's ear."
Seriously though, it's refreshing to hear from a student on this forum. However, I can't agree with your opinion if you think we are all trying to change you. Many of us do take on the responsibility of trying to get our students to start thinking more critically about important issues, so at times it may seem as though we are trying to fit you into our mold. But don't let that force you into making generalizations. If you'll promise me that, I'll promise to do my best to avoid pushing my students too hard in my attempts to get them to "think outside the box."
Thanks for your input Lulu.

#3 Parent Mic - 2005-05-30
generalizing.... - ESL discussion

I agree with you 95%

There are always good and bad workers in any place of employment.

Since we are not government officials and we are not HR managers, what do you want us to do about it?

Maybe the government could use a very strict screening process before allowing foreign nationals to enter the country....

Write a letter to your Mayor and your country's Ambassadors.

#4 Parent Red - 2005-05-30
Dear English instructors - ESL discussion

No one loves a critic -- especially one whose opinion hasn't been solicited. Red

#5 Parent Tom - 2005-05-30

Foreign teachers are more concerned with the difference of how dirty our cities are,how wrong our religious belief are,how bad our food is,how boring our country is.Please think for a second that we probably feel the same way of the place you are coming from.

#6 Parent Paul - 2005-05-30
how can you be changed? - ESL discussion

Change you into what Lulu? How can someone else change you? You can only change yourself. >\-|

lulu - 2005-05-29
students to foreign english teachers - ESL discussion

stop trying to change us. :D

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