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#1 Parent Magister - 2012-04-30
Re: Ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who is it that actually goes around measuring the size of men's genitals?

According to the figures that have gone into building the map on the link provided for China at least, it was some guy called Kensley who carried out the task in 1953. Who was this man? A freelance wandering penis measurer? I guess we'll never know ...............

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-04-30
Re: Ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it racist to state chinese are selfish, greedy, dishonest, and obsessed with stealing everything that does not belong to them? Of course not as this is also common knowledge. Is it racist to state that africans are very fast runners? Is it racist to state that australians own the olympic pool? Is it racist to state that indians love curry? Is it racist to state that germans have the highest consumption of beer per-capita?

You make some fair points-when is it racist to state the bleeding obvious?

The problem is the west, and esp. so the UK, has become so PC you can't even mention anything anymore.

Students that are too alert and confident in class, means a bad teacher according to ofsted. You just can't make it up, or work out what these PC ninnies want!!!

#3 Parent Charlie dont surf - 2012-04-29
Re: Ouch !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Racist? It never ceases to amaze me the amount of people out there who desperately need to be seen as a do-gooder. Always judging and applying labels based upon absolutely nothing at all.

In fact the truth is I do dislike the chinese, but not because they are chinese, but because of their [edited] lifestyles and [edited]. They just happen to be chinese. It is impossible for me to be racist as I do not accept the concept of race. Chinese is a nationality, not a race. People are people and there are no sub-divisions in the genus homo sapiens and therefore there is no such thing as race. Race is a concept created by who knows who, perhaps by the same people who feel the need to dream up the concept of god to try and explain and place blame for their own miserable lives. If we were to remove all territorial boundaries then there would be no such thing as "race" and your miserable judgments would be null and void. But lucky for you that we do have defined territorial boundaries. You can carry on being hypocritical by judging and labeling others who dare to state the obvious about a group of people who live inside those boundaries. You can carry on pointing the finger at others with the desire of diverting attention away from you own miserable existence.

I will love you or hate you wherever you come from.

Is it also racist to state that chinese have black hair? Of course not, its just an observation based upon fact. Is it racist to state that chinese people have poor personal hygiene? Of course not, its an observation based upon fact. Is it racist to state chinese are selfish, greedy, dishonest, and obsessed with stealing everything that does not belong to them? Of course not as this is also common knowledge. Is it racist to state that africans are very fast runners? Is it racist to state that australians own the olympic pool? Is it racist to state that indians love curry? Is it racist to state that germans have the highest consumption of beer per-capita?

60% of americans are overweight, is that racist???????? According to you it must be racist. Here I have stated a fact about a group of people that reside inside defined territorial boundaries. But I rack my brain trying to decipher how you reconcile that fact. After all I just pointed out a short coming of the americans and that is apparently racist. But which race I ask you?

I have great difficulty trying to understand how one can be branded a racist just because one points out somebody's short comings. Were you to point out that my short coming is having trouble understanding quantum mechanics then I suppose I could brand you a racist. Please help me with entanglement, please.

Here is another news story that perhaps you missed because you were too busy trying to be seen as the worlds number one do-gooder.

Warning, the below news item states that africans have the largest penis. According the legionaries perverted views of the world this would be considered racist.


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