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#1 Parent D-Dan - 2012-05-14
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney


#2 Parent D-Dan - 2012-05-12
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

Charlie don't surf, well there are so many Nazi countries for an out of touch left-wing muppet like yourself to choose from. I mean, anyone who doesn't slip into your homogenized take on political correctness must of course be a far right supporter. Now go and pop your narrow head back under your left-wing.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-11
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

I read one of the comments from the link posted at the very bottom (the few that were posted by the Foreigners in a different page format) which made sense. Basically the person had said that if the local Chinese cannot be trusted to take part in helping people who are in need, why would we trust this incidence as a real case of "brave Chinese fighting for justice" ????

If you look closely in the video this takes place probably somewhere around the outskirts of the city. The fact that somehow, coincidentally the cameraman was able to "catch" the "bad foreigner" just before the "rape" happened and was able to film the whole "justifiable act" incident from start to finish will obviously show you that this situation cannot be taken at face value. Why would a foreign guy WALKING ALONE ALL BY HIMSELF in a strange country be stupid enough to just nab any woman and attempt to rape her in a non-secluded area?? There also just happened to be a couple of "brave local men" there to take him out and taser him. As if everyone carries tasers because you always need that to catch the foreign rapists who are always walking around, right???

Worst case scenario is that the Foreign Man was purposefully set up by the lone Chinese woman and the Chinese men. He might have been robbed, not to mention purposefully assaulted, beaten, suffered cruel and unusual punishment, and humiliated. This type of case might cause permanent mental and emotional scarring such as Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome and Clinical Depression to name two. Someone might have had a very big vendetta against him to do something so unbelievably wicked and cruel, this is an easily know revenge tactic of embarrassing someone. These are the types of people that the Modern Chinese Education System raises, certainly no Einsteins.

As for the Chinese who are going all gung ho on the foreign guy shown in the video, I wouldn't worry about them being able to do anything, although they certainly deserve to have every wrong word ever know thrown at them. Obviously videos like this have a very large market in China because of the types of people that this society has raised who cannot find a way to live a normal, sane life. Not being taught proper respect, compassion, consideration, empathy, and doing things for the good of others instead of just yourself. Those to wrote the vindictive comments made fools out of nobody but themselves, and for them to honestly feel this way I don't know whether I should feel sorry for them or whether I should just say they are a disgrace to man. The sick, nihilistic, degenerating attitude of the posters who mocked the foreign guy is something that every newbie who wants to come to China and work needs to look at and think about.

We see the gradual collapse of whole societies with cases like this. The only real way for countries to have had such a long history sometimes is to nurture mindsets which do not fully commit to neither good nor presupposed evil. Of course this type of socio-economic-cultural related issue is debatable on what constitutes history and nationality but sometimes societies don't go haywire because most of the individuals who live in them are in fact not only evil, but have a predisposition to put behavioral priorities on doing the evil. Now if most of society is like this we feel the general tension that always floats around. This can be defined as a sort of "standoff" between the minds of each and every individual. Good is only invested in the hope for a "someday" but isn't committed to the concrete future either because of prejudged, negative conceptions about what everybody around each person is like. Doing good for everyone around you and thinking of actual solutions towards real life problems that form from diseases of the mind (prejudice, greed, selfishness, racism to name a few) is celebrated as a possible "thing" that may occur in a fantasy world where "everyone is good" whereas in real life you can't trust anyone, so you have a right to be selfish regarding the world. This selfishness is so strong that it literally affects the mental clarity of individuals, for example they cannot carry the idea of good out of their mouth without presupposing some perceived fault with the people around them. This happens even when they interact with friends and family.

The sad, uncivilized idiocy we see going on is something that can happen everywhere, but people elsewhere do make efforts on stopping this from happening. If a society cannot consistently prevent amoral people from acting out their wicked fantasies on someone in real life then it's obvious that society is ruled, controlled, and run by individuals who are interested in nourishing the good nature of the masses. People turn into monkeys emotionally, in that case.

I hope the perpetrators of this event are punished to the fullest extent of the law. I don't care about sounding biased but if the Foreign Man was really framed he deserves to receive a record breaking amound in punitive damages known in China from not just the people who violated his rights but also from the local government. If not enough action is taken this will happen again and again and again. The most important thing to keep in mind I think is that this form of abuse can really pass on from one person to another quickly. We already see foreigners who go to China and other countries pick up some bad habits and take those habits home with them. Naive people may see this as spreading culture, the bad people take advantage and add their own bad habits and believe they don't have to be good because they already learned what "culture" is (really anti-culture). We do not need developing countries bringing down the civility of their developed brethrens. If we can't change the "culture", we should probably leave them from ever knowing about the good willed nature of what wherever we are from is about. If we don't, we risk being attacked (some might even call it retaliation) and losing the innocence that we carry in our values, wherever they may be from.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-11
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

D-Dan sounds like he picked up some Chinglish during his time here in China. He also seems well versed in the 50 cent brigade talk. I checked out renren (the chinese facebook) and I saw that this was being passed around in a rather quick fashion. To the ones who are in control and obviously have an agenda, this is just another day at the sacrifice alter to appease the angry masses. Only this time a foreigner is being sacrificed.

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-11
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

He probably came here in the first place because he found it too hard to think and be considerate to others from wherever he came from. It's easier to just watch and believe. Under that big act of ballyhoo and vindictiveness is a sheep, nothing more.

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-11
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

I agree the video is plain WEIRD.

Bits missing, the guy looking knocked out but no blood...it is just strange.

#7 Parent Charlie dont surf - 2012-05-11
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney


I am not sure which nazi country you come from but those of us from the civilized world (not including china) have a presumption of innocence until a court determines otherwise. Here you have accused a man, found him guilty, slandered him, and past sentence upon him, all based upon a grainy video that proves nothing.

#8 Parent D-Dan - 2012-05-10
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

What a total chav bastard!! I hope he suffered for this! He thinks he can do whatever he wants in another persons country. This guy is an English Chav, you can tell by the way he is dress. For though of you that don't know, a Chav is white trash, an English hillbilly. I am glad he got the beating he deserved. In the UK we have gangs of Pakistani men grooming and sexually molesting young English girls. They get a slap on the wrist and a few years in a cushy UK prison. They need smashing to piece! Anyone who does his needs breaking in two!

#9 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-10
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney


Hey also this recent one, seems to be causing a lot of uproar seems like the guy is a Brit.

If he really did rape her, bad stuff, but I wonder if it is a pimp and hooker scam, tbh....nothing surprises me anymore!!


#10 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-10
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

We really have to come to the conclusion if we are to be honest that so far in our times working and living in China, nobody has ever, ever found ANY real evidence that there has been in existence 5,000 years of culture and civilization in China. No honest scholar can claim that what happened 5 milleniums ago has been passed down to the present day. Will we find some evidence someday? Maybe. People who go against this will point to tea and the written Chinese language as proof of an old civilization and culture. However when people die from this world they take their values, ideas, and attitudes with them. Culture is only as poignant as the people who carry them. If most people in a society only wants money for a living, then we can safely say that the so called traditions no longer exist.

As for that poor guy who was beaten up by thieves. We can look at this case in very simplified terms on the state of modern China: We cannot possibly trust a population that is treated like slaves to produce upstanding, moral individuals who comprise a majority of the population. That is why ridiculous incidences like thieves running around in a modern shopping mall doing whatever they want happens in the first place. What's more important to know is that the general population sees itself as slaves to the rulers, so they cannot possibly have developed the capacity of knowing and using their own self-conscious and act out in the name of doing good. As far as I can tell, 2 things might happen. One is there will be enough young people who grow up and actively take action in making their country a more civilized place, another possibility (and one that isn't as far fetched as people might think) is that in time the country's societal problems become too vast and widespread, creating a problem for control by the current authority. When that happens some seriously bad sh&$ will come.

#11 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-09
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

Drags, that was an interesting post.

What is your take on this:


Personally, I find some of the comments calling him a meddler, and saying he deserved it, absolutely disgusting.

Interesting to note, the bystanders only offered to help AFTER he got beaten up. Mei banfa, 5,000 years of glorious civilization....

#12 Parent Dragonized - 2012-05-09
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

In such a big country with a huge population, you will get a lot of people who won't come across as decent or honest. So many people in China want to get out due to losing faith in their own and wanting a better living environment. These things do happen for a reason. You will find many Chinese who have the "survivor" mentality that they must attack others or else they will be attacked. In that case you'd best be on your way and find yourself better folks. It's not easy to find a good girl, it's not even easy to find a good friend. Whatever you do, tread carefully and ask plenty of questions.

#13 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-08
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

and they tell stories of the women being rude, money grabbing snobs.

It is very true. Unfortunately, new money here, is not the same as those with new money in the west.

Richer chinese can be very arrogant and ill mannered, and I just do not tolerate them.

#14 Parent D-Dan - 2012-05-08
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

Is this true? I have met a few teachers who have taught in China and they tell stories of the women being rude, money grabbing snobs.
What are the Chinese really like? Are they as bad as some make them out to be?

#15 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-06
Re: re: chinese students attacked in sydney

I criticise Chinese people who provoke me for no reason, and also lazy, fussy and stupid Chinese women who have an entitlement mentality.

Well said. What these rude ignorant people don't realise is, it just makes foreigners more racist. I have become more proud of being Anglo-Saxon since coming here, because of racism on their part.

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