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#1 Parent Magister - 2012-05-17
Re: Eponymous laws

There's one example of name changing for schools that was posted recently


I'm aware of several other cases where it has happened (they may or may not have been posted on this board), including at another EF.

I have no idea whether any of these schools have posted job ads on this board under one or multiple names. What i can say for sure, is that i know for a fact that in the past schools have lured both teachers and students into their businesses under a false front. Fortunately, one of those schools i alluded to above has since closed down.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-17
Re: Eponymous laws

I never EXPLICITY stated there was, phew....

What I mean is certain schools change their names, and IP logging could prevent that....and the trolls!

#3 Parent ADMIN! Admin - 2012-05-16
Re: Eponymous laws

If there are fake job ads on our site, we want to/must know.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-16
Re: Eponymous laws

Sigh. This is exactly what I am on about.

Look, there have been fake job ads in the past, even Turnoi will agree with me, so you now want me to dig out some?How about the current GDOU debacle?

The fact is logging IPs, is NOT disclosing them. End of case.


#5 Parent The Owl - 2012-05-16
Re: Eponymous laws

It would also help stop fake job ads and scammers

Please provide link to example of fake job ad, and scammer on this site. Thank you.
#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-16
Re: Eponymous laws

Not talking about disclosing IP addresses, merely banning users who consistently troll under different sobriquets.

It would also help stop fake job ads and scammers.

#7 Parent The Owl - 2012-05-16
Re: Eponymous laws

Some arguments against disclosing the IP address include:

1- Privacy is important. Not all posters want to show in what city and country they are located, for whatever reason.

2- Some teachers face serious threats when they choose to post against a school: Threat a) to be fired, b) to be immediately thrown out of their apartment without any pay/reimbursement of expenses, c) to lose their possessions left in the apartment d) to be placed on a blacklist and denied the necessary documentation, e) to be deported and barred from the country for ever, f) to be sued (in Korea, I am being told repeatedly, it is illegal to post against a school even if the alleged facts are true), g) PHYSICAL threats to themselves and their families including threat to be arrested (like when a school has a friendly cop in their network) and even death threats. Some schools even have possession of the teacher's passport. The IP address could/would show that the teacher is using the computer network of the school, or is still in the same city, and could be used in court (Korea) to show the identity of the poster. Moderators who receive distressed emails from teachers who are afraid for their life and beg - beg - to have their post removed, know this situation all too well.

If you post a Thai recipe, it's ok to show your IP address. If you expose a school regarding topics that include child molesters, identity theft, rape, embezzlement, other serious illegal activities, even lesser ones like the DOS having a fake diploma, it's not ok to show your IP address.

The price to pay is to have the occasional woodpecker troll also post as a maria. It's a small price.

"Choose whatever you want, said God. And pay the price." (old proverb)

#8 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-16
Re: Eponymous laws

Maybe to log IP's is a good idea. It will help to identify school lackeys and other GW types more easily

Definitely. Certain UK forums are even able to block whole countries.

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