Return to Index › In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi
#1 Parent Charlie dont surf - 2012-05-21
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

This is the final time I will be posting on this website. Mt last post was heavily edited for no reason whatsoever. What I wrote was neither defamatory, inflammatory, derogatory, or racist, and no bad language was used. Comments not edited will now be taken out of context making me look bad.

Goodbye and good luck to all.

#2 Parent Alec - 2012-05-21
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

I am sorry for Arnie and other competent teachers who are not from these countries but that's the way it is, like it or not.

And I am NOT sorry for Chinese kids duped by Russians who say they are British, Ghanaians who say they're Canadians, and Cameroonians who say they're from British Cameroon. That's the way it is.

As for the Chinese recruiter/ English training centre owner living in Shijiazhuang, he said he can place Germans, Portuguese and Poles, but not Africans nor teachers from the Philippines, as foreign teachers of English! I know him very well. Unlike you me, he knows the EFL market in China very very well! It's not just about native and non-native speakers of English. As he said, that city's parents and kids won't accept BLACK teachers.

As for the visa regulations here, they're B/S! Eire doesn't even get a mention, neither does South Africa. China would be better to discard the list of the five English-speaking countries.

#3 Parent Charlie dont surf - 2012-05-21
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

I am fully aware of outsiders being treated differently in china, we have all experience it.

But not everything is about skin colour. As you clearly pointed out, Arnie is Kenyan. Now have a good look at the English teaching position advertised, not only in china but other countries. Most of them clearly state they want someone from Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Britain, or USA. I am sorry for Arnie and other competent teachers who are not from these countries but that's the way it is, like it or not.

I do not apply for positions as a French speaking lawyer in Sierra Leone because I am not qualified to do so. If I did apply, my application would be rejected, and NOT because of my skin colour.

One only needs to walk around GZ and you will see many black African busy at work. They have got a job and they are black and they are in china. Not everything is about skin colour.

#4 Parent Charlie dont surf - 2012-05-21
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

"Get on the track"

It seems you are off the rails. [edited]

I would not allow you to teach my children English.

Once again I will state, have a look at the job advertisements for English teachers, they want native speakers.

Question; If you want your children to learn chinese, will you seek out a chinese person or a Mexican?
Question; If you have desires to learn to cook fine Japanese cuisine, will you ask an Egyptian or a Japanese person?

You are not getting English teaching jobs in china because you are NOT a native speaker. It has nothing to do with the colour of your skin.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-21
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

In the future, it may be prudent if the op doesn't let himself get in a position where he only has 600rmb in cash to his name.

Having a bank account overseas or pre loaded travel card that can work at any atm in China, saving most or some of your salary away in rmb each month if not, can act as a buffer should things go south, as does a open return ticket home.

Granted, the OP may have been helping out family back home, but still....

#6 Parent monkey - 2012-05-20
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

[deleted by Moderator]

#7 Parent Alec - 2012-05-20
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

It's the Chinese who care about a man's skin color. Many of us FTs here in China know that! I'm astonished you don't!
I'm Alec, the guy who gave Arnie a list of recruiters that have found me jobs in the past. And they did the same for other foreigners I introduced to them. But none were black, neither am I btw!
Arnie is a Kenyan, amd that's the problem. So, he got no replies from my leads. One of the recruiters on the list also happens to be the director of a training school in Shjiazhuang. I introduced Arnie to him, and gave the young African a good recommendation re his spoken English.
The recruiter apologized to me for not helping Arnie, stating that black foreign teachers are unacceptable to the city's parents and their kids.
I can't spell it out any clearer for you than I've just done!

#8 Parent Amihan - 2012-05-20
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

Foreign teachers originated from the Philippines have a hard time getting jobs teaching in China too. It's our skin color and Asian looks that makes troubles for us. Also, the money offered us is less than what whites get paid for doing the same job. Any guy saying Chinese directors of schools don't discriminate against Africans is totally wrong. Get back on the track, man!

#9 Parent Charlie dont surf - 2012-05-20
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

Once again I will ask why do we need to know the colour of the skin of the person who gave arnie the list?
Its completely irrelevant information.
Why not state a tall man, a short man, a fat man, a man with green eyes, a left handed man? Why? because its totally irrelevant information.
We do not need to know a "white man" gave him a list. Who cares about the colour of the list mans skin?

Yesterday I sought directions from a woman, she had black hair.

#10 Parent The Observer - 2012-05-20
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

But the agent who enticed me here had no job for me, though she gave me a free room and free use of the company's office equipment to help me search for a job.

I wonder if you were offered a job by that agent before you underwent your long, and subsequently fruitless, train journey from Guangdong to Yuncheng. I suspect the vacancy was urgent, and was offered to you orally. As old China hands know from bitter experience, oral job offers like that one can fall through, as indeed verbal promises can!
But what would undoubtedly be very useful would be the name of the Yuncheng agent who enticed you to Yuncheng. Then we can give her a wide berth. Can't see it being EV, but I did hear there's a Chinese woman aka Jane? with an office across from the main bus station whose speciality is supplying elementary schools with foreign teachers. Her boss is a Chinese 'businessman'. It is said that quite recently two of your fellow countrymen used her office keys to remove and reset computer office equipment to try to recoup some of the salary they'd been duped out of by her. After that, they took off hastily, but weren't reported to the police, probably because they were employed on illegal visas. That is not to say that there aren't other foreign teachers in Yuncheng and its associated counties working illegally too! The thing about those geographical areas is the Yuncheng PSB won't investigate such matters, and the local police won't either, especially not them. You can be sure that this situation has been 'arranged' by the local Chinese agents before they recruit foreign teachers wih the wrong visas. Enough said, methinks. You can use your imagination to give you the reasons! I guess that Yuncheng has hordes of Poles/ Russians and Africans teaching with F visas, I've met quite a few here. But it must be obvious to the authorities here that there isn't anywhere near the local diversity of factories and production to warrant so many F visa holders being here! A bit of a joke really, but joking apart, wherever you go to in China, ensure you have enough cash to exit the country at very short notice, should that ever become necessary. Security of employment can be a major issue for those who aren't passport holders of a 'big five' country! For those who don't know which ones they are, the list comprises the USA, the UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand. If you're not from one of them, it can be hard to get a Z visa, seemingly.
Yes, the multitalented and versatile Mr Rivers is back. He's very good at matching a given foreigner with a suitable workplace and a t/a who won't make a teacher's life a misery. In his absence there were more problems of that kind, so he was tempted back by the good doctor, though it would surely have cost him more money to have done so!

#11 Parent Celestine - 2012-05-20
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

Why do we need to know that "a white man" gave you a list? How is it relevant?

You clearly aren't a discerning reader. Arnie had stated the 'white man' who gave him the list had mentioned that the recruiters on it had found work for him. But the same recruiters couldn't even be bothered to reply to Arnie's e-mails!
In fact, it's not the recruiters who are the racists per se, it's the schools they recruit for. And I'd say it all boils down to the Chinese parents and/or their offspring connected with those schools. The root of the problem lies with them.
And don't try to suggest the Chinese aren't discriminatory re black people. Anyone who's been in China for a few months or longer knows this very well. You're either blinkered, or someone who chooses not to face the truth.

#12 Parent Charlie dont surf - 2012-05-20
Re: In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

You state that the recruiters are "racist arseholes" yet at the same time you feel the need to inform us on the colour of the skin of the person who gave you a list of recruiters.
Why do we need to know that "a white man" gave you a list? How is it relevant? Would the list be different if his skin was green, orange, purple or blue?

Arnie - 2012-05-20
In and out of a jam in Yuncheng of Shanxi

I'm African, and in China. I needed a teaching job fast, to get enough cash to renew my visa before it will expire. I'm in Shanxi, not a bad province as regards pollution, and the local people are friendly. I trained to here from Guangdong, where I was only getting 5 classes a week from my agent, Gloria. But the agent who enticed me here had no job for me, though she gave me a free room and free use of the company's office equipment to help me search for a job. As for cash, I'd only about 600 yuan left, and wase eating just rice every day.
A white guy I had run into gave me a list of recruiters he had used to get work. But not one responded - I guess the fact that I'm Kenyan put them off! Racist assholes. Anyways, I managed to get a job via a local agent, a Mr Rivers, a Chinese guy with excellent English. He is my savior, the headmaster of Yuncheng IELTS School, and my great thanks to Alec too for suggesting him to me.
I shall be county-bound by bus in a few hours from now with my t/a, a pleasant Chinese girl who also works for Mr Rivers. It looks like I'm out of a jam. Bye bye Yuncheng, hello county. Jail in China followed by deportation is no longer looming. And, thank the Lord I've got a decent teaching job!

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