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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-22
Re: Custer's Last Stand

That's why I avoid watching any English language TV programmes on Chinese TV stations. I needn't waste my time being told what someone else wants me to know. I agree completely with what you've posted.

I'd agree. I find CCTV as much a projection of soft power, as Russia today also is.

#2 Parent foxy - 2012-05-22
Re: Custer's Last Stand

The CCTV Dialogue anchorman wrote his comments on Weibo after admitting he was drunk. He was then challenged by C. Custer an American, who in the past had actually appeared on Dialogue (or as it’s known in expat circles, Monologue). I stopped watching this TV programme some time ago for the simple reason that it is not a level-playing field as they claim in their promotion.

A lot of Chinese TV interviews are rehearsed beforehand. This is to prevent nasty and unexpected disagreements occurring. That's why I avoid watching any English language TV programmes on Chinese TV stations. I needn't waste my time being told what someone else wants me to know. I agree completely with what you've posted.

As for the BBC, they goofed badly when the verdict was given in Redknapp's tax evasion trial, saying at first he had been found guilty. I wonder if the powers that be at the BBC did this in spite, instead of it being a goof!

I distrust all media! Hidden agendas and dirty tricks abound! So, I take them all with a large pinch of salt.

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