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#1 Parent foxy - 2012-05-23
Re: Custer's Last Stand, and The Media

It would be difficult to find a media source that didn't have some form of agenda. Whether that agenda is set by the owners or is in response to the public clamour for exposes, bias confirmation and celebrity gossip, may just be a reflection of the times we live in.

Ye, indeed. These days are nothing like the good old days. Spin doctors never existed in numbers years ago.

BBC World Service: a shocker from maybe 6 years ago.
The BBC used to have a foreign correspondent with the unlikely name of Rupert Winfield Hayes based in Beijing. In one of his reports, he drew attention to the fact that Chinese TV viewers had Hobson's choice, as it were, between 7:00 and 7:30 every evening. That time slot is for the national news, evening edition, carried by every channel here in China, central and provincial, according to Rupert and the BBC.
Absolute rubbish! I was in a provincial capital of China when this falsehood was broadcast on short wave on the BBC. Where I was, one could tune into non-news programmes on CCTV8 and other local channels every evening between 7:00 and 7:30 local time. In Beijing, TV viewers would have had even more alternatives!
I believe Rupert is now in Russia. Whatever he reports from there must surely be inaccurate too. So much for the BBC's world-wide reputation as an accurate and unbiassed news provider!
By the way, the name of the current BBC World Service correspondent based in Beijing is 'Damian Grammaticus'. I hope he's more accurate in what he reports re China than Rupert was!

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