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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-25
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

Thanks foxy!

Thinking of staying, but just certainly not at this present school, not for love nor money!

Cheers again,

#2 Parent foxy - 2012-05-25
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

I have a friend I can stay with here, and will just leave after I get my airfare and final pay come the middle of next month.

As China needs professional foreign teachers like you, I hope you won't let the negative aspects of your employment at your present school sour you. I think you just drew the short straw that time. Stay awhile longer and do another gig lasting for the next academic year.
And thanks for posting about your recent experiences with that devious FAO. Sometimes what an FAO does defies all logic. Useful stuff for newbies indeed.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-25
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

Hey guys,

Thanks for all the support.

The more I have dwelled on and thought about this, as my FAO is internet connected, I am pretty sure it is related to this:


Perhaps with some peasant/cultural revolution mentality thrown in, so be wary, now is the time to avoid bars and clubs. I won't be back after this, 7 something years, and we are still the lao wai, or or outsider, and it has gotten ever worse, post olympics, post shanghai expo.

Cheers all

#4 Parent Magister - 2012-05-25
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

I've never been in quite such a situation but when finishing off a contract at one school (also about a month before leaving), i was asked into my bosses office and given a long lecture on professionalism which included a part about how the true test of an individual's professionalism is when they are about to leave the company. It didn't take a genius to read in between the lines i.e. don't slack off now that you're in sight of the finish line. I was however a little annoyed at the suggestion as i'd done nothing to indicate that i would do any such thing.

C'est le vie. There certainly are some strange people out there.

Perhaps your FAO will miss you and just wants a bit of quality time, lol!

#5 Parent Kanadian - 2012-05-25
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

Here's a kicker for FAO shits.. If you contract says it expires July 5 or 10 or like mine July 15th, legally they must pay you until that day.. So look carefully we did :)

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-25
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

What other reason for wanting to observe this many classes 1 month before your contract ends could they have? Most likely they are looking for some pretence to fire you before the contract finishes and therefore negate the need to pay various bonuses. Equally they could just be trying to wind you up to the extent that you behave in a way that again they can use to fire you.

Thanks magister,this is my exact concern. However, after my stern email I received a email off him apologizing....he is a very strange one, and a very hard fellow to read.

My guess is he just wants to tighten the screws on me a bit before I leave, but I can play his game, he can observe me once next week, but I have made it perfectly clear I want no further meddling or silly emails again after that. I have a friend I can stay with here, and will just leave after I get my airfare and final pay come the middle of next month.

Thanks again

#7 Parent Magister - 2012-05-25
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

I agree. What other reason for wanting to observe this many classes 1 month before your contract ends could they have? Most likely they are looking for some pretence to fire you before the contract finishes and therefore negate the need to pay various bonuses. Equally they could just be trying to wind you up to the extent that you behave in a way that again they can use to fire you.

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