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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-28
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

Far too often, teacher evaluation is nothing more than an excuse to find reasons for dismissal or non-payment of contractual benefits


#2 Parent cunning liinguist - 2012-05-28
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

There is nothing wrong with observing a class and providing a measure of a teacher's effectiveness. I've written about this many times before on the Forum, citing my own experiences. What is at issue in all teacher evaluation is who is doing the evaluation and how is it done.

At the risk of repeating myself, I don't see any problem with evaluation of teaching provided it is cohesive, inclusive and undertaken by people who know enough about the process and are not afraid to confront poor practice - but from the perspective of appropriate methodology. Far too often, teacher evaluation is nothing more than an excuse to find reasons for dismissal or non-payment of contractual benefits.

The SAFEA contract for FTs, for all its flaws, is quite clear on evaluation and probationay periods.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-05-27
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

Not unreasonable, been observed by 3 people at once during my time teaching in the gulf. But there it was carried out with professionalism and courtesy, not requested rudely with a late night email on thursday and not specifying a DAY or TIME.

Cut and dice it all you like, but the chinese way is very rude and inpolite......

#4 Parent JC - 2012-05-27
Re: re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

Why is it unreasonable for someone to observe your teaching. This has happened to me many times in my years of teaching and it is normal for me. Many people have wanted to observe me, and take it as an honor. When I was younger, I felt more pressure, but am very confident and open to this now.

San Migs - 2012-05-24
re: last month blues and an FAO who just won't QUIT!~

Howdy all,

With a month left, due to finishing at the end of June, imagine my amazement and surprise at hearing my FAO wants to observe one of my classes per week until the end of the semester, without the dignity of notifying me as to which class.

I have responded with a stern email in kind, that I find his behaviour distasteful, unacceptable and unprofessional and I do not care for it, not one dot.

At this stage, I do not expect they would fire me, but who knows, meanwhile, I will play his game until he gets on someone elses back.

When I have left this current "school" I will write a no holds barred name and shame review, so all prospective FT's will know what they let themselves in for, should they opt to choose this place to teach english. The FAO will certainly get a mention!


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