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#1 Parent Mike B. - 2005-06-05
Some info about Mexico - ESL discussion

With regard to salary, expect to make about $120-160 pesos an hour for teaching in companies, working a couple hours in the morning and if you're lucky in the evening too. Travelling time is not paid, and can be up to an hour (or more) each way. A full-time job will probably pay around $6000 pesos a month, and you will need to supplement that with private classes. There are some jobs paying much more, but very few and far between.

Housing is expensive, and will almost certainly be at your own expense. Assuming you can read Spanish, look at the classifieds on El Universal, direction is www.aviso-oportuno.com if I remember correctly. For your own apartment it is a major hassle, you need a guarantor who owns property in the Greater Metropolitan Area. A rooming house or hotel is your best bet for when you arrive.

If you want to work legally you need an FM3 visa, you need a company prepared to do the paperwork, an apostilled degree from a university, and about $2000 pesos. Do this once you're in Mexico.

Actually finding a job will probably be the easiest of your questions, just look in newspapers once you're there and there are usually plenty of places looking for teachers (check out the El Universal job ads, especially Tues or Thursday). Don't bother trying to find a job over internet, there's no guarantee the job will still be available once you arrive, despite what you may have been promised.

ryan - 2005-06-01
mexico - ESL discussion

I'm thinking about going to Mexico City to find a job. Is it hard finding one there? What should I expect in regard to housing, salary, ect.?

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