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#1 Parent foxy - 2012-06-01
Re: Identity checks?

They will lock the stable door after the horse has bolted. Too little and too late, as it were! Over at least the past decade, foreigners already here have become street-wise. I've heard of a Ghanaian who married a Chinese girl to ensure he can stay in China visa-wise. Not for love!
They've been slow on the uptake, and will now have to suffer the consequences.
But I wouldn't feel sorry for them. They don't deserve our sympathy. For one thing they're racist!
They still don't realize that the illegal aliens here are mainly here because they've been offered jobs by shady Chinese. Stop the Chinese side offering jobs that permit foreigners to work on wrong visas, and the problem will be largely solved. It could be stopped easily by fining the shady Chinese employers, agents and recruiters tens of thousands of Yuan. Talk about thick! Oh dear! They've a long way to go mentally to match their Western counterparts!

#2 Parent Contributor - 2012-05-31
Re: Identity checks?

Found it!


Article 25 of “The Law of the People's Republic of China on Control of the Entry and Exit of Alien”, which was passed in December 1986 (hence, your interesting 26 years) - “Aliens who reside or stay in China and are 16 years of age or older must carry their residence permits or passports on them for examination by the police of foreign affairs when the occasion requires.”

As for the reference, “residence permits or passports”, up to 2005, ‘Foreigner Residence Permits’ were not placed in passports; they were a greenish-blue booklet.

I also discovered that, in 1985, China’s lawmakers passed the ‘Identity Card Bill’ which required all citizens over the age of 16 apply for identification cards. And in June 2003, China’s lawmakers amended the ‘Resident Identity Bill’ to the effect that Chinese citizens aged 16 and above must carry identification in public at all times.

Whilst the ‘Resident Identity Bill’ does not refer to foreigners, it would seem that foreigners' burden of carrying I.D. at all times is no more onerous than applies to Chinese nationals.

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