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#1 Parent drawler - 2012-07-06
Re: "Learning Mandarin, whatever it takes"

Keep posting, Ralph. Your perils of wisdom are enthralling, at least, to me! You're showing us by means of your posts, all the side effects of having partaken of a public education in America's Deep South. By the way, you might be fortunate enough to bump into Professor Turnoi there. He has just left China for a much better position in a southern state famous for its 'gator population! Chin up my man, irrespective of how others on here respond to your posts! Not all of the responses eill be positive!

#2 Parent Ralph - 2012-07-05
Re: "Learning Mandarin, whatever it takes"

your not understanding my point ,,,,, i ain't saying chinese should or will lose the caracters and go to all Pin Yin ,,, i was arguin the theretical basis ,,,,,, some body said you had to have caracters for "obvious linguistic reasons' ,,,,, but it really ain't that obvious because as the case of the Dungan of the former Soviet Socialist Republics shows ,,,,,,, sinetic languages can and have been written entirely in alphabetic forms ,,,,,,, the Dungan have even had signifacant newspapers and other periodacals ,,, ,, so any argument that chinese and hanzi are inextricably linked is specious ,,,,, thats all im sayin ...,,

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