Return to Index › CELTA cert-worth it or not?
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-12
Re: CELTA cert-worth it or not?

thanks for your response, magister.

As the course fees are 1,550 EUROS it is something to consider.

San Migs

#2 Parent Magister - 2012-07-11
Re: CELTA cert-worth it or not?

Given that you have a significant classroom experience and a TEFL already it probably isn't worth it.

I think the CELTA is a good initial qualification for people looking at working in ESL for a 3+years (it does represent a large investment).

#3 Parent Ralph - 2012-07-11
Re: CELTA cert-worth it or not?

they aint really no need in cetel as far as i can tell --- looks like something theyve cooked up to scam money off people wantin to live thew oversees dream ---- i recomend you stay in school and learn your best then come out to china and give it a try ,,,,,, majority of schools just want some body who looks presentable and acts right ,,

San Migs - 2012-07-10
CELTA cert-worth it or not?

Hey all,

I am now back in Spain and looking at CELTA courses here, but given the high fees and workload, and the fact I would prefer to teach at a public uni in China, I ahve to ask is it worth it? Thoughts?


Cheers and beers,

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