Return to Index › Crazy teacher trap KSA
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-11
Re: Crazy teacher trap KSA

I know where you're coming from. I worked there for a brief time myself and I cannot say that the people who worked there (the expat teachers I am talking about) had the highest of morals or character. I don't really think that working in KSA will give you an optimistic outlook on life. For me, going there actually made me think about some of the bad stuff I went through when I was working in China more optimistically! This is never a good thing when your sense of good/bad starts getting distorted beyond recognition :(. A warning for many people looking to go there would be that many of the characters who worked in China and Korea have now hightailed their way over to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

I hope you will soon be moving on to better places.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-11
Re: Crazy teacher trap KSA

Ralph...gimme a freaking break

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-11
Re: Crazy teacher trap KSA

While working in Oman, I met a few ex saudi veterans and some who weren't veterans. The ones who had been there for years had a kind of steely glaze to their eyes and were alcoholic or borderline. The ones who had been there for less weren't as bad, but weren't exactly ok either.

I think living there is pretty bad for mental health, and it attracts the plain greedy and misfits from everywhere else.

#4 Parent Ralph - 2012-07-11
Re: Crazy teacher trap KSA

a lot of the time ,, if everyone around you seems odd all the time, you got to consider ,, 'odd' is a numbers game ,,, however the mejority of people is ,is tecnicaly considered 'normal" ,,, therefor if your out of step ,,,, consider your self to be odd ,, you caint change others only your self buddy ,

Interested - 2012-07-11
Crazy teacher trap KSA

Why oh why does the KSA attract some of the craziest, most socially retarded people the free world has to offer? The country is full to bursting with complete weirdos! Can anyone suggest a country that has decent pay and no oddballs? I for one am sick and tired of having to put up with these cretins!

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