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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-03
Re: I quit

Haha for you will label, judge, and call someone a derp or other names even though you have never met them in real life. You want to see me like this? How about I see you as someone who has:

Aided and abetted criminals with lying, cheating, and making outstanding claims to innocent Chinese people and giving pretend education which brings nothing of value whatsoever? That would make you an accomplice, along with Londongirl.

It's so easy to see me and other posters as coming from the same line of opinion because you lack the moral integrity to step back and think if we actually share the same background or have had the same experiences.

God help you if you helped make some chinese boss rich enough to date/rape underage (by your standards) girls of his own, in the present or in the future.


#2 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-03
Re: moral dilemma? - A Chinese Reaction?

I would agree with Clyde and LondonGirl that foreign teachers should avoid copulating with their students, or even worse consider it a perk or part&parcel of the job to do so. However, we don't want to start expecting that little liaisons won't ever occur or assume that the teacher is necessarily a sexual predator or the student a victim. We should not become rigid and unbending, suggesting that the wrath of God should always fall upon his or their heads, irrespective of what the motivations were. We do not want to turn this thing into a witch-hunt. Unexpected relationships can happen to all of us-we can shock ourselves. I believe Clyde and LG are 90% right but only 90%.

Also, it is absolutely none of our businesses if a 75 year old westerner marries a 22 year old Chinese girl. We should wish them luck, they will need it.

#3 Parent Magister - 2012-08-03
Re: moral dilemma? - A Chinese Reaction?

Granted it isn't a match for the specifications of this particular moral debate but I wasn't really looking to prove any specific point with this post. Perhaps over the weekend i'll post the query on a chinese forum and then we can see for sure what the reaction from Chinese is.

#4 Parent Clyde - 2012-08-02
Re: I quit

If you were to approach a Native Chinese girl under the fingers of some rich/powerful/influential local Chinese man and was made a mistress and you tried to persuade her to change her mind and get herself some self respect, how would you react if she said, "Guan Ni Pi Shi" (none of your f&^£ing business). Try to talk to the local Chinese about this issue and when they respond with "Mei Ban Fa", then what do you do? Sometimes being able to make bad free choices can seem painful to outsiders, but you cannot change the local people, period.

Your argument failed the "pedophile litmus test" because the same argument could be used to justify pedophilia. I've told you about this flaw in your logic already. It's like saying, "go tell the slave that doesn't want to be freed that he should be free and then what will you do when he tells you to F@^# off?"

Your argument presupposes a victim who is happy with the circumstances, thus automatically absolving the culprit of any responsibility.

Why don't you go tell someone student who nearly excepted being raped by a foreign teacher that she should NOT worry about her self-respect and dignity. Then ask yourself how you would feel when she says "cao ni ma!"?


#5 Parent Clyde - 2012-08-02
Re: moral dilemma? - A Chinese Reaction?

There’s been a bit of speculation about how Chinese would react to the scenario that was described by Romeo. Purely out of coincidence a Chinese friend of mine sent me a page on QQ (the Chinese social networking tool) containing 100 pictures that are said to represent modern day Chinese society. Here is link to the original file if anyone is interested.


As I was looking down this page what should I happen to see but an elderly Western gent and a young Chinese girl. The man in question is 71 years old and the woman is a 25year old post graduate student at Fudan. The couple have a child together. When I used baidu to find some more info the first page of results were all forums (Chinese language only). The below is a brief selection of comments left on the first page of the first site that came up on baidu. I've done my best to translate them accurately. This is the original site that contains many and more comments on the topic.


恶心.色老头 Disgusting, perverse old man

不知此女怎么想的 I don’t know what she’s thinking

如过那个老头有钱的话,我就知道那个女的是怎么想的了 If that old man has money, then I know precisely what that girl is thinking

看到她的长相我就没什么想法了,外国人品味果然不同 Just take a look at her appearance, foreigners don’t have the same taste in women

此女心知肚明~~其相令宇宙颤抖 We all know this girls purpose, her true purpose makes the universe shudder!

个人选择 It’s an individual's choice

我� 语。不发表评论 I’m speechless. Unable to comment.

唉 真单纯� 这说明这孩子不是他干出来的 是别人给干出来的 也就是戴帽子吧 Oh dear, As you thought (referring to an earlier post) the child isn’t his (the foreigner’s) it’s someone else’s. The man is wearing a (green) hat (Chinese idiom for your wife cheating on you)

也不一定是贪图钱财 有一种情结叫恋老 很正常 大家口味不一� �而已 我一个女同事只找中老年 只对年纪大的有性趣 It’s not certain that she’s only interested in the money. Some girls like older guys, it’s common, and everyone’s tastes are different. I have a colleague who only looks for old Chinese men, she’s only wants sex with them.

晕,这女的也不漂亮啊,腿太粗了,也不知道老外怎么想的 That girl isn’t beautiful, her legs are fat. I don’t know what that old guy is thinking

An interesting range of views and in many ways some of the comments mirror those that us laowai have made on this board. The fact that this should also be choosen as an image that represents modern China is also worth noting in regards some of the arguments and counter arguments that people have made in refrence to Chinese culture.

Actually, there's nothing there to support having sex with students. Most of it, actually all of it is a mixture of disgust and ridicule of both parties.

Further, if it stated that he was her teacher, there would be a lot more mean comments. If she were 21 instead of 25, I imagine there would be quite an outcry. Foreign males in China are already stigmatized by the adolescent behavior of far too many aging men.

#6 Parent Clyde - 2012-08-02
Re: moral dilemma?

You said, "She is not my student.."
So there is no moral dilemma. Outside America, it is okay to have considerably younger women, as long as they are of legal age.
So look upon this as a moral obligation. A duty. You owe it to that young woman to service her properly!

It doesn't matter as long as she's a student in the same university (and I've seen that in legal terms, because you can't be the gym teacher and then just go around f[edited]ing the English majors and then it's OK.). I can tell you from experience that any student I met in a Chinese university thought of me as their teacher whether I was or not. Some students I taught one lesson to, or just was introduced to by my students one time while passing. After that, I was their teacher. You have the same respect, power and influence whether they are in your class or the class next to you.

Nice try though.

#7 Parent Clyde - 2012-08-02
Re: moral dilemma?

I see we need a re-cap of the main points, which remain undisputed, as to why one should never have sex with students (despite what some older foreign “teachers” may say). If you missed it, this argument revolves around the question of, “Should a middle-aged foreign male teacher date a young university female student.”

1. It is against the “code of conduct” of the schools in question.

2. One would very likely lose one’s job for doing it in the West.

3. It is against the law in many places, and can lead to imprisonment even if the student is over 21 years old.

4. If is the sign of a very bad teacher to fraternize with students at a level where intimate relationships are possible to evolve. A teacher should be a professional, and be friendly, but not be the student’s friends. He certainly should not be their self-appointed sex instructors.

5. The two parties are not equal. One is older, a teacher, AND a foreigner.

6. The argument that anyone over 21 is automatically an adult, and thus it is impossible for a teacher to take advantage of a student over 21, is complete nonsense. This is not the same question as “the age of consent,” but rather about relations between people in an institutional setting where one has decidedly much greater power and influence than does the other.

7. It is probably psychologically and socially damaging to the student, in both the short and long term. Particularly with a greater age difference. Dating the older foreign male will likely estrange the student from her own peers and her family if they are aware of it. Further, it may cause her to have issues of disgust, revulsion, and self-loathing that she will carry for the rest of her life (sorry if that if offensive, but some of you may need a long hard look in the mirror). She may also be deprived of the opportunity to find MUCH more suitable partners among her own peers.

8. So far nobody who endorses having sex with students has been willing to say that he wouldn’t mind if he had a 21 year old daughter in university, and a middle-aged visiting foreign man became her “boyfriend”. This is probably because such men as would take advantage of students don’t think about what it would be like if the shoe were on the other foot. They only think about themselves.

9. While some may brag about dating students, it’s hardly the sign of a stud, unless, of course, your role model for sexual potency is Woody Allen.

10. You are not doing the students any favors by having sex with them. They can have sex without you, and you are nothing special at best. China is aware of sex. They can access all kinds of porn online, there are sex shops and brothels everywhere. There’s no great privilege in knowing a sub-standard teacher without a moral backbone. To the contrary, you are probably doing great harm to their reputation and future prospects, even if their English improves by proximity to you. If you really cared you could tutor them while keeping your hands off of them.

11. It is nothing to be proud of that one finds ones students sexually alluring. This is not a sign that you are still sexually potent (whatever troubles you might have with stamina or finishing). Everyone can see that young women are sexually alluring, including women. A teacher is supposed to be emotionally mature enough, and otherwise socially developed enough, with enough scope and experience, to not lust after students. If one is too week to perform the role of teacher without lusting after students, that one should resign from ones post before doing more damage. This is the same as if you can’t keep from pocketing money when you see it, you can’t be a cashier.

12. It is not love. You have nothing in common with that girl 20-30 years younger than you, who is also a new student in university. It’s lust/infatuation.

13. Finally, many male teachers (including myself) have had a number of opportunities we could have taken advantage of to have intimate relations with students. Don’t flatter yourself. Any ugly-ass dork can get action in the developing world. But, the more mature teachers resisted temptation (if they were tempted at all by students half their age), acted as professional teachers, and found sexual fulfillment elsewhere in appropriate places. There are the real men (really, Woody Allen isn’t help up as a sex god in the West, the way you guys try to make yourselves out to be following in his footsteps, except you don’t have talent)

[Note that I've seen "London Girl" in here absolutely shredding the local blow hards, out shining them not only with better arguments, but better English. They can only regurgitate things like "that's rubbish" or "my crocodiles are hungry" or "a 21 year old is an adult" or other mindless drivel. It's good to see a few other posters who have all of their wits about them, and aren't a disgrace to the ESL teaching profession. Even better to see one kicking ass.]

#8 Parent Magister - 2012-08-02
Re: moral dilemma? - A Chinese Reaction?

There’s been a bit of speculation about how Chinese would react to the scenario that was described by Romeo. Purely out of coincidence a Chinese friend of mine sent me a page on QQ (the Chinese social networking tool) containing 100 pictures that are said to represent modern day Chinese society. Here is link to the original file if anyone is interested.


As I was looking down this page what should I happen to see but an elderly Western gent and a young Chinese girl. The man in question is 71 years old and the woman is a 25year old post graduate student at Fudan. The couple have a child together. When I used baidu to find some more info the first page of results were all forums (Chinese language only). The below is a brief selection of comments left on the first page of the first site that came up on baidu. I've done my best to translate them accurately. This is the original site that contains many and more comments on the topic.


恶心.色老头 Disgusting, perverse old man

不知此女怎么想的 I don’t know what she’s thinking

如过那个老头有钱的话,我就知道那个女的是怎么想的了 If that old man has money, then I know precisely what that girl is thinking

看到她的长相我就没什么想法了,外国人品味果然不同 Just take a look at her appearance, foreigners don’t have the same taste in women

此女心知肚明~~其相令宇宙颤抖 We all know this girls purpose, her true purpose makes the universe shudder!

个人选择 It’s an individual's choice

我 语。不发表评论 I’m speechless. Unable to comment.

唉 真单纯 这说明这孩子不是他干出来的 是别人给干出来的 也就是戴帽子吧 Oh dear, As you thought (referring to an earlier post) the child isn’t his (the foreigner’s) it’s someone else’s. The man is wearing a (green) hat (Chinese idiom for your wife cheating on you)

也不一定是贪图钱财 有一种情结叫恋老 很正常 大家口味不一 而已 我一个女同事只找中老年 只对年纪大的有性趣 It’s not certain that she’s only interested in the money. Some girls like older guys, it’s common, and everyone’s tastes are different. I have a colleague who only looks for old Chinese men, she’s only wants sex with them.

晕,这女的也不漂亮啊,腿太粗了,也不知道老外怎么想的 That girl isn’t beautiful, her legs are fat. I don’t know what that old guy is thinking

An interesting range of views and in many ways some of the comments mirror those that us laowai have made on this board. The fact that this should also be choosen as an image that represents modern China is also worth noting in regards some of the arguments and counter arguments that people have made in refrence to Chinese culture.

#9 Parent Ted - 2012-08-02
Re: moral dilemma?

You said, "She is not my student.."
So there is no moral dilemma. Outside America, it is okay to have considerably younger women, as long as they are of legal age.
So look upon this as a moral obligation. A duty. You owe it to that young woman to service her properly!

#10 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-29
Re: I quit

To quote Evelyn Beautrice Hall,

"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it"
is something that is a good indicator from those who are tolerant of others' opinions to those who are not. Your confidence in stretching out the issue and attacking anyone who disagrees with you with the self comforting notion of "whipping asses" and merely WINNING puts anyone to assume you are being Narcissistic (halfway to Anti-Social Personality behavior), and you are probably speaking more out of ego than consciousness. You don't show you're any better than the possible "pervs" or "peadophiles" that you are "up against".

Don't forget, your first thread on this board regarding why people should think twice about working in China could also have been interpreted as an appeal for some sympathy towards the expat community in general. People have a wider range of experiences than you may anticipate and in my mind you jumped to conclusions way to quickly with some folks.

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-29
Re: I quit

Before you go, think about this question. If you were to approach a Native Chinese girl under the fingers of some rich/powerful/influential local Chinese man and was made a mistress and you tried to persuade her to change her mind and get herself some self respect, how would you react if she said, "Guan Ni Pi Shi" (none of your f&^£ing business). Try to talk to the local Chinese about this issue and when they respond with "Mei Ban Fa", then what do you do? Sometimes being able to make bad free choices can seem painful to outsiders, but you cannot change the local people, period.

#12 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma? IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

San Migs seems really confused!

Sex with students is a FELONY in some States in the US, including with students over 21 years old.

Well, that law is just outdated and ridiculous if you are asking for my opinion, you are going to get it!!

The age should be 16, not 21.

As I said it is an issue of employment law, therefore, not criminal law.

Those laws are relatively new San. They aren't "outdated and ridiculous" at all. They reflect attempts to make society more fair for everyone, and to give girls and young women a chance to grow up without being confronted by sexual harassment

If it is a "felony" and a charge of "sexual assault" that is a crime. You can be imprisoned for it. What the hell are you trying to say about it being "employment law"? We are not just talking about getting fired here, which you would most likely be for dating a student. How much worse could the punishment be than prison. In fact, in Texas, it can be up to 20 years in prison, even if the girl is over 21.

You say it should be 16 and not 21. Uh, not only have you just shot yourself in the foot by wanting access to ever younger women – now clearly under-aged girls – but, you've missed the main point once again. We are not talking about the "age of consent" here, we are talking about teacher/student relationships. It's different. Students are off-limits to teachers. How many times do I have to say this? The laws for "age of consent" and for teacher/student relationships are different. The teacher/student situation is like the doctor/patient situation. It's a question of one party having power and authority over the other, AND in the case of students there is usually a significant difference in age as well.

You may be against social progress, but, luckily for the rest of us you are the dinosaur of a bygone era, hopelessly behind the times, and clinging to vestiges of former patriarchy that allowed men to exploit and take advantage of women and girls.

#13 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

...and your personal attack of the poster makes you better than the people who you are attacking? How?

The underdog is always better when he kicks the bully's ass. Haven't you seen any Kung-fu movies or Westerns recently. Seriously, I'm attacking someone who has stated repeatedly that all Western women are sexually inferior, and all Chinese men are sexually inferior. I've read some posts where he has viciously attacked women with such accusations. I'm guessing his bullying has intimidated or drummed intelligent women off of this forum. He is inciting a teacher to have sex with a student. So, please, consider who the people are and what the nature of attack is.

The last thing we need in the ESL industry is for more male teachers to go out and f[edited] their students. We already are branded with that loser stereotype.

Besides, it's not about who is a more polite poster on the forum. It's about this issue, and the way teachers are behaving in the world. If this thread helps dissuade some teachers from succumbing to temptation, that's an awesome thing. Since others are using dirty tactics to encourage teachers to fuck students, and that is the language that has worked for them, than maybe that same language can shut them down and bring other readers back into reality, and to not do what they already know is morally repugnant.

Why haven't you questioned their tactics?

#14 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-29
I quit

Sorry guys (incredibly but predictably there appear to be women in this discussion, otherwise the old-boy posse would certainly have been annihilated) but I can't play with your deluded selves any longer. You can tell it was a lot of work to take on the whole lot of sexpats who think it's a good idea to fuck students (and the one who thinks the fuckable age should be lowered to 16). Not to gloat, but I pretty much whipped your asses. If you had much wisdom, you wouldn't be arguing for having sex with students to begin with. You might as well be arguing that the Holocaust never happened (significantly, I've actually lost a debate on that in the same way I will lose this one, by defeating all arguments, people being unwilling to concede, eventually leaving, and them claiming victory).

Part of the reason I kept up with the hopeless endeavor of trying to convince you guys that you shouldn't be sleeping with your students, when for some of you it's the biggest perk of living in China (Am I right? Am I right?), but I wanted to get the ideas out there and draw more attention to this thread.

Yes I had to repeat myself a lot, because not only do people not read what I wrote to others, but usually don't even read what I wrote to them, but just repeat the same shit about, "If she's 21 she's a consenting adult!" and ignore the whole issue of the teacher/student relationship.

If you guys have any intellectual integrity, you'll probably question your conclusions at some later time when your online-macho face isn't at stake. But, if not, than I really, really feel sorry for your students. They deserve so much better.


from me to you



#15 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma? IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

Sex with students is a FELONY in some States in the US, including with students over 21 years old.

Well, that law is just outdated and ridiculous if you are asking for my opinion, you are going to get it!!

The age should be 16, not 21.

As I said it is an issue of employment law, therefore, not criminal law.

#16 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma? IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

Thus your statement that "A 21 year old is a woman, not a girl, end of discussion!" was also a false conclusion to a losing argument. In some states it is a felony for a teacher to have sex with a 21 year old student at the campus where the teacher works.

Sorry, forgot this part Clyde.

It's not personal against you, but you only quoted the law and statistics for the United States. I am sure you will agree the USA does not equate with all of the west, yes?

#17 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-29
Re: Summation of the debate.

In any case, I have proven that having sex with one's university students is against the law and punishable by imprisonment in the States if the students are 17-18, and even if they are 21 or older in a few states. This is because of the teacher/student relationship, which is one of power.

Yes! But only for the states. Those laws don't apply in China nor other western countries, therefore, we are not bound by them, if you want to get into the debate about the moral issue, by all means my dear clyde, by all means....

#18 Parent Terry - 2012-07-29
Re: Summation of the debate.

It's such a pity you came up against this stumbling block so early. I feel it's deprived the forum of good debate for future topics. I agree, you're trying to argue against a howling mob, and it's pointless you going on. I suppose, I agreed with you about 80%, with some reservations which i would like to have debated properly with you and others; but it's not your fault that you've been shouted down.

#19 Parent Magister - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

Asking her parents means asking someone for whom the girl in question is precious. He would be scared shitless to face them, and I am just reminding him of that context of how her family would feel.

As i mentioned in a previous post I’m married to a local. Her father is very unhappy about the situation but for no more reason than he doesn't like foreigners and he doesn't like the fact that his daughter is doing something independently of him. I don't fear her father precisely because i know my wife and I love each other and this is far more important than any of the ridiculous accusations made against me which i know to have no substance and come from a place of complete ignorance on his part. Of course, it's not easy on my wife to have to hear the kind of things that her father comes up with (it’s hard to know whether to laugh or cry sometimes!) and i think it is good advice to consider the problems that might occur in a mixed race relationship including the reaction of the families. However, surely the most important thing is to be on sure ground in regards how you feel about each other. If the OP is serious about this relationship then that would be my genuine advice on the matter.

I never said that, though, did I? That's why you are finding an inconsistency. You made up a position, attributed it to me, and then stated it was inconsistent with what I actually said. See the paragraph above about being facetious. Who ever said a 21 year old woman can't make any decision for herself

I disagree. All along you've used terms such as 'naive', 'innocent', 'sheltered', 'inexperienced', 'has no idea what she is getting into', 'too young' and 'not an adult' to describe the girl in question. You then claimed she should seek her parent’s permission later stating this was both a serious piece of advice while at the same time being facetious. It sounds to me like your trying to back track on your original claims. Whatever the case, i'm glad that you now agree that she is old enough to make her own decision as to whether to enter into a relationship with this man.

In regards the legal aspects that you have raised, i would actually go one further and say that you could find that a relationship between a teacher and their student could have legal ramifications even if there is no law against a teacher actually sleeping with a student who is over the age of consent (as in Ohio). If it could be shown that a teacher gave a student with whom they were having a relationship better marks while being unfair in some way with the marking of students they weren't in a relationship with then you might well find that those other students could bring a legal case against the teacher. Of course in this case the individual in question is not the girl’s teacher and therefore not responsible for grading her. Equally, we are not in Ohio so there seems very little chance of having to answer to the law in this specific situation.

Yes, I was joking, but also serious. Of course, the OP wouldn't tell his FAO. The reason is because he knows damned well that it's against the rules, and the FAO would be pissed and tell him so. One needs to acknowledge that one is going against the code of conduct of the university where he is employed. I worked at a UNI in China where a Chinese teacher was dating a student, and my FAO said he was a "very bad person". Point is that the OP would be petrified to face the FAO or the girl's parents.

Thank you for sharing your experience of your FAO’s reaction and i hope that the OP takes this on board before entering into the relationship. Going back to my original post on this thread i made it quite clear that the OP shouldn't rub any such relationship in the faces of the university management. For me that includes avoiding things like public displays of affection, bragging to other staff about their conquests and entering into multiple relationships with a string of young women at the university. All of these could well cause problems for the university and as you well know a school or university will quickly give you the chop if the problems you cause (not just in regards relationships with students) outweigh their perceived value of you. I also made it clear in my original post that if you find yourself in a position where the university is not happy with your performance (as you’ve previously stated such a judgment is often difficult to define in academic terms) then starting up relationships with students which is almost certainly a breach of the code of conduct would be a risky thing to do and could easily be used as a precursor to your dismissal.

However, you're wrong to think that all FAOs would take the same view as in the example you stated. I worked at a university where the year before I arrived a 60+ year old American male had been notorious for having a string of students spend the night in his apartment and he wasn’t fired. The FAO is person who actually told me this story. When I asked him why he wasn’t fired he said the powers that be didn’t care!

In my experience, both personal and from what i have observered of others, it is possible for FTs to carry on a relationship with a student or peer (granted the situation of an FT with an LT isn't quite the same but it is still often written into the code of conduct at schools that such relationships are forbidden) so long as they keep it quiet. Invariably people will discover the relationship but if it's 6, 8, 10 months down the line and in all that time during which the FAO and others were in the dark there was no problem with your work or relationships with others then they (FAOs etc.) tend to be far less worried that something will suddenly happen to cause embarrassment.

Is it a "speculation" or a "claim"?

Yes it is when you’re talking about the character of the individuals involved and their intentions. You’ve painted a picture of this man as being a sexual predator unable to get a girlfriend elsewhere because he is a charmless slob, whereas the girl represents an innocent, pure, naïve young thing that’s been caught in a web of lies and deceit. Of course it’s convenient for your argument to make such assumptions but you have no facts to back this up with. Furthermore, I notice that in another post ‘summation of the debate’ you’ve claimed that the posters who you have taken on (I assume that includes me) are all “middle-aged or older men” & described as “sexpats”. I would say I’m still a few years away from being classed as "middle aged" and I’ve never slept with any of my students but there again it suits your cause to be able to label people in this way.

It’s a shame that in that same post (summation of the debate) you have to claim that you’ve won the argument. As the poster Dragonized pointed out in an earlier post it seemed that you’d set out with the express intention of beating other individual posters. Surely the point was to give the OP some advice on his situation. I think if he has been reading this thread then he has a lot of food for thought, albeit that he might have to pick through a few of the less helpful and petty posts aimed at individuals as opposed to the topic at hand. Anyway I hope that you’ll remain posting on this board (I saw you had suggested on a different thread that you wouldn’t continue) because it’s not a bad thing to have alternative views to various situations. Having said that I feel that you are right to state that in the case of this thread it is fairly pointless to keep going around in circles and looking to land that knockout blow.

#20 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-29
Summation of the debate.

At this point I find myself single-handedly taking on a group of middle-aged or older men who have dominated this whole forum for years. They seem to agree that it is not only OK to have sex with one's university students (as long as they are over the legal age of 19, otherwise it's wrong), but one poster in particular, thinks all Chinese "women" over 20 should be having sex, and a middle-aged foreigner is the only person to teach them because he has sexual skills that no Chinese man possesses. This kind of drivel is extremely offensive, racist, and misogynistic, which is why I suspect few women survived the bullying they get here from a small coterie of sexpat men, who, customarily attack all Western women as "2nd rate" while they themselves are undoubtedly not better themselves, and probably a good deal worse looking.

In any case, I have proven that having sex with one's university students is against the law and punishable by imprisonment in the States if the students are 17-18, and even if they are 21 or older in a few states. This is because of the teacher/student relationship, which is one of power. The teacher has authority over the student, AND he or she is entrusted to teach the student, not take advantage of proximity to younger people in order to try to take advantage of them sexually. I'm sure you all know it's against the "code of conduct" for teachers to sleep with students are ANY place of learning where there is an instructor/student relationship.

Contrary to the assertions of some outspoken advocates of [edited] the youngest students that can be considered "women" by law in China, it is NOT a conservative position to want to look out for students and allow them to choose their sexual partners from among their peers, without the interference of teachers (notice that nobody here is complaining about adult students having sex with their peers), and especially without teachers breaking the code of conduct to try to have sex with the students themselves. On the contrary, this is a liberal policy intended to insure that students get a quality education and have the best chance of a prosperous future without being harmed along the way by thoughtless, careless, selfish and self-serving older adult teachers.

This is really a no-brainer, and any man who struts around bragging about sex with students is a disgrace to the profession of teaching. Further, such men, of which abound in Asia, have seriously tarnished the reputation of foreign teachers overseas, and probably also lost us respect and compromised the salaries we are given.

Aside from the fact that one could at very least lose one's job in the West for having sex with students, or go to prison, there are the professional reasons one should not do it, as follows:

    Students will lose respect for the teacher, because he has brought himself down to their level by positioning himself as a suitable sexual partner for them. Many will also recognize the moral lapse. The teacher is no longer a role model, but someone who is trying to be one of the students himself.

    Students will become suspicious and distrustful of the teacher, not knowing if their grades reflect his assessment of them physically/sexually, whether or not they are flirting enough… They will suspect the girl who is having sex with the teacher may be getting a better grade than she deserves. Obviously, any idea of a fair education is out the window.

Of course, none of this matters to the middle-aged sexpat who goes online strutting his sexual conquests and attacking those who would condemn his actions as mere advantage taking. He will sideline that fact that nobody is arguing against sex, or against having sex with people who are younger that are NOT his students. He will do anything but address the actual teacher/student factor.

Lastly, for anyone who is thinking of having sex with his students, there is a clear cut answer to your moral quandry = Don't do it! Go find yourself a girlfriend outside of your school. This is the same as the doctor/patient code, or the psychologist/patient code.

I can't waste any more time with the small posse of sexpats who continually attack and insult Western women, while spewing racist rhetoric about Chinese women. If this were a debate, I won it a long, long time ago. But isn't. This is a forum, the majority rules, and the last person to post is always right. Thus I cannot possibly win this argument as some posters have been on here for at least 3-4 years, and will continue to repeat already defeated ludicrous arguments.

I know I won this argument. It was a piece of cake. You can't defend [edited] your students. [edited]


[If I'm not here to shoot down the sexpat drivel, it's because I already have, and I'm not just going to do it over and over]

#21 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

Hi Magister. Thank you for writing what appears to be an intelligent post, because then at least I can respond with logical argument and not have to fight fire with fire by shelling out insults. Nevertheless, all of you are fighting out of a losing corner, because you can't justify having sex with 21 year old students where you work. You might as well be trying to debate the right to stone women to death for wearing shorts. In the year 2012, middle aged men just can't take advantage of their teaching positions to prey on students sexually anymore. That's a remnant of a bygone patriarchal era. But let me dismantle your arguments for you.

Is that serious advice or are you just being facetious?


I can't see how getting permission from mum and dad would help this situation.

Here I was being facetious. I was just pointing out that the "teacher" in question would probably be quaking in his boots if he had to face the parents. When you are asking some sexpats if it's OK to "bang" (to use your friend Silverboy's word) a student, there's no fear involved. Asking her parents means asking someone for whom the girl in question is precious. He would be scared shitless to face them, and I am just reminding him of that context of how her family would feel.

I'd agree that many of the comments made about both Chinese and western women are derogatory and unnecessary. However, your unwillingness to accept that a 21 year old woman can make any judgement or decision for herself and instead should allow her parents to make her decisions for her is just another form of chauvinism, albeit that you have decided to take the moral high ground with your argument.

I never said that, though, did I? That's why you are finding an inconsistency. You made up a position, attributed it to me, and then stated it was inconsistent with what I actually said. See the paragraph above about being facetious. Who ever said a 21 year old woman can't make any decision for herself? She can. But the reason universities by and large unanimously forbid teachers to have sex with their students, and why it is a felony in some of the States, is because of the difference in power because the teacher is an authority with power over students.

As for the FAO, you must be joking! Your first contribution to this site was to write a scathing attack on such people and their power plays. Now you're suggesting a teacher should seek out such individuals and ask them advice regarding their love life!

Yes, I was joking, but also serious. Of course, the OP wouldn't tell his FAO. The reason is because he knows damned well that it's against the rules, and the FAO would be pissed and tell him so. One needs to acknowledge that one is going against the code of conduct of the university where he is employed. I worked at a UNI in China where a Chinese teacher was dating a student, and my FAO said he was a "very bad person". Point is that the OP would be petrified to face the FAO or the girl's parents.

Once again you speculated as to the intentions of both parties when you claimed that the relationship is "doomed". You know nothing about these two people or what they want from the relationship, how can you make such a brash claim?

Is it a "speculation" or a "claim"? Of course it's doomed. As I've mentioned, it's a "felony" in more than one State in America. Look, I was propositioned by a student my first week teaching. I told her my policy of not dating students, and word got out and I was never propositioned again. Point is, ANY and EVERY male teacher will have opportunities to sleep with students. Instead of swaggering online about taking advantage of that, saying it's some mystical magical romance, or strutting about liberating her sexually, the man should keep his pants on, keep his wits about himself, act like a professional, and seek romance and sexual fulfillment elsewhere. If he isn't an ugly pile of shit that can't meet someone outside of students he has power of (and they don't have to be his own students to fall into that category), than he can use sex workers.

#22 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

Sure, if short term relationships are what you're looking for then maybe it would work for you. But knowing mandarin opens up a whole new world of politicking, interpersonal conflicts, and general dissonance on many issues within your own mind from interacting with the local culture. Do not forget you are putting yourself at risk for a who new world of problems that you don't have too much experience necessarily dealing with.

#23 Parent Magister - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

Is that serious advice or are you just being facetious?

I can't see how getting permission from mum and dad would help this situation. You've argued that the teacher is in a position of responsibility and power and that using that position to influence a relationship is wrong. Now you're substituting the teacher for the parents. Can you be sure that they are looking out for the emotional well being of their daughter? It's all too common for young Chinese men and women to be forced into relationships that they don't want. Is this use of power and coercion to influence a young mind acceptable because it comes from the parents?

You've claimed in other posts that you are able to get Chinese students to express themselves, form logical arguments, etc. Why now are you so keen for them to run back to their parents to get permission for starting a relationship? By all means she should seek advice from family and friends on the situation so that she can make an informed decision but as a 21 year old you shouldn't have to get permission from your parents.

In another post you to labelled others as chauvinists. I'd agree that many of the comments made about both Chinese and western women are derogatory and unnecessary. However, your unwillingness to accept that a 21 year old woman can make any judgement or decision for herself and instead should allow her parents to make her decisions for her is just another form of chauvinism, albeit that you have decided to take the moral high ground with your argument.

As for the FAO, you must be joking! Your first contribution to this site was to write a scathing attack on such people and their power plays. Now you're suggesting a teacher should seek out such individuals and ask them advice regarding their love life!

Once again you speculated as to the intentions of both parties when you claimed that the relationship is "doomed". You know nothing about these two people or what they want from the relationship, how can you make such a brash claim? The relationship may well finish but then the same can be said of the vast majority of relationships forged by anybody of any age and nationality. You yourself have claimed that you had the chance to marry but didn't take it because you value the freedom of a single life. Yet you have also stated that you've had relationships with Chinese women. Can you be sure that like you they knew that this relationship would never build into a lasting commitment? Are you sure that you haven't left individuals hurt or reputations ruined by your unwillingness to commit? What's the magic formula that you have for knowing exactly what an individual wants in any given situation or are you just a hypocrite?

#24 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

Let's just keep things simple, of course we can explore the endless possiblities which both of us haven done, but it's not like the others really give a shyte. I reckon we might be the only ones reading each other's posts XD. I was reading a book recently on sociopaths and there was an interesting logic on the mistaken assumptions we all make of people with this anti-social personality disorder. In the book the reasearcher stated that normal people who deduce what anti-social is usually believe that it is tied in with folks who are lacking in social skills and alienate others easily and therefore are loners. But the truth is nothing is further from the truth with these types of individuals as they are always smart enough to manipulate others into thinking highly of them and mostly are successful at getting the social circle around them to view them in high regards. They even trick their victims to believing what they say despite making their victims suffer blatantly with the aformentioned victim feeling the damage to their personal and professional lives. In other words they are master manipulators at reading and misdirecting the emotions of others.

The way you have reacted to the Romeo poster was taking on a stance of assuming this individual as possibly possessing personality problems and wouldn't be someone whom you would want to associate with. My point is this poster made his intentions blatantly obvious on a public forum, so there is no hidden agenda. What we don't want to do is scare off people who are genuinely in a midlife crisis and who may need Professional help but cannot afford it. It's come down to googling your personal problems and hoping on a prayer that you may be able to find a forum or a website with useful information on how to deal with some of your problems.

On a more personal note, it seems that Western intellectuals and researchers still are stuck in the mindset of taking assumptions that certain cultures such as China, Taiwan, and other Eastern Asian countries have a lower rate of psychological disorders amongst the population. Nothing could be further from the truth in my mind. I have personally interacted and dealt with many Chinese individuals with Narcissistic or Anti-Social personalities and there was at least one that had me gaslighted (fooled) for a couple of years. I don't want to see others jumping to conclusions just because the people whom they interact with in China are not knowledgeable on certain issues. There are enough horror stories of the western/eastern marriage or business partnership that ended up on the wrong end of reciprocity for the westerner.

#25 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma? IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

Sex with students is a FELONY in some States in the US, including with students over 21 years old.

San Migs wrote:

Is it legal in your country for a teacher to have a sexual relationship with a student?

This would probably fall under employment law, and not really criminal law, so unless you can prove the laws for countries like Australia, the UK and the USA and so on, I would say it is probably perfectly legal. The teacher losing his job does not mean the relationship has to end. A 21 year old is a woman, not a girl, end of discussion!

Well you are flat out wrong. It IS illegal in many states in America. It varies from State to state, and there are differences about what ages are "felonies," some putting it at 17-18 (Texas), in which case it is considered "sexual assault," and others have no stipulation about age: North Carolina, Ohio, and Connecticut:

In North Carolina and Ohio, as in Connecticut, these provisions apply even if the student is 18 or older.

For example, here is the law in Ohio:

Under Ohio Rev. Code Sec. 2907.03, it is sexual battery for one person to have sexual contact with another if:

1. the offender is a teacher, administrator, coach, or other person in authority employed by or serving in a school subject to state board of education standards, the other person is enrolled in or attends that school, and the offender is not enrolled in and does not attend that school;

Er, um, the penalty, in Ohio, for example, is as follows:

"Sexual battery is a third degree felony and offenders are subject to imprisonment for one to five years, a fine of up to $5,000, or both."

Interestingly there are a lot of provisions in various states where the greater the age difference, such as "more than 4 years" or

So, my friend, your statement that teachers having sex with university students is perfectly legal in the West has now been shattered. It is much closer to "perfectly illegal" isn't it? http://www.cga.ct.gov/2007/rpt/2007-R-0710.htm

Thus your statement that "A 21 year old is a woman, not a girl, end of discussion!" was also a false conclusion to a losing argument. In some states it is a felony for a teacher to have sex with a 21 year old student at the campus where the teacher works.

So, I will say, "Students are off limits", and to quote you, "End of discussion"

Game, set, match = you are an asshole if you sleep with your students.

I hope you guys can quite wasting my time trying to justify defiling students!

#26 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

Well said Cupid, I could not agree more with you! Western women are indeed second rate/second class.

Why stay in the crappy West with it's trashy women when you can be in Asia and snag a 22 year Chinese or Thai babe!

The best thing of all, even if you are poor and ugly you can still latch on to some PYT!
If her family is wealthy, even better!

Yep, Aussies ,Yanks, Brits, you can keep your also-ran local women, who needs em or wants em?

Go to Asia, get a rose. Stay in the West and get the weeds/leftovers

Yes, poor and ugly losers, come one come all, you can sexually liberate Chinese students and Thai prostitutes. That is the great thing about economic disparity! Thank God for poverty, or us fat-ass, slobs wouldn't be able to get it from even the second rate fat bitches in the West. But, he he, even us third-rate leftover slobs can get lucky if we take advantage of poverty. WE ARE GODS!

#27 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

Is it legal in your country for a teacher to have a sexual relationship with a student?

This would probably fall under employment law, and not really criminal law, so unless you can prove the laws for countries like Australia, the UK and the USA and so on, I would say it is probably perfectly legal. The teacher losing his job does not mean the relationship has to end. A 21 year old is a woman, not a girl, end of discussion!

#28 Parent Magister - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

As someone who ……

Thanks for sharing your insight. I’m not about to claim your personal experience of working at 1 university in China is wrong because it is of course your experience but please don’t make blanket statements like “nobody I’ve ever met” thinks …….. and then expect this to be taken to prove a point. I’ve worked for longer in China and at more institutions than yourself and my experience of the situation and view on it is different and i'd be happy to share actual experiences as opposed to the conjecture of others to back that up.

But you have no evidence for your assertion

Nor do you for many of the statements that you made in your post. Let’s face it, we are both just speculating about the relationship and the intentions of both parties. However, it is a fact that the OP is not this girl’s teacher. Therefore he can't be accused of somehow using that position to coerce her into doing something she might not wish to do. There is the danger that immoral behavior such as cheating, intimidating, lying, etc. exist within any relationship between people of any nationality and age but that’s the risk you take when entering into one. Should an individual act in these ways then they can be deemed to have been immoral but the situation as it stands (two people liking each other and express themselves accordingly) is not immoral. This was the point I was making with the Kraus quote (I wasn’t suggesting you were Christian!). It seems ridiculous to think of yourself (or another individual) of having performed an immoral act before you’ve actually done it. You’re right, maybe this is the first in a long line of students who will be bonked and then disregarded despite their feelings or it could be a genuine attempt at a relationship, either way you can’t judge a person as being immoral until they've actually performed that immoral act. In my opinion when two humans like each other and express that feeling physically there is no moral question to be answered. In fact, existence of a reciprocal feeling between two individuals seems to fit nicely with the ‘golden rule’ you stated in your previous post (do onto others …..).

Towards the end of your argument you seem to write much more about your own personal preference for finding a girlfriend than making any statement about morality. If you don’t deem the women at universities to be ‘real’, old enough or attractive enough then that’s up to you but it is not immoral for an individual to disagree with your preferences. I myself am married to a Chinese women (not a student you’ll be pleased to hear) but someone who is 3 years younger than me, undoubtedly not as worldly as me and a former colleague of mine. Do you think I acted immorally in this situation? Is she not a ‘real’ woman or is our marriage or our son any less ‘real’ because I didn’t go outside college grounds to find her? You tell me. You seem to have a pretty good view from that horse you rode in on!

It seems to me that whether a situation is morally right or wrong depends on one’s own values or the values to which you judge a situation against. For me it is not immoral for 2 adults (you can attack my semantics but they are both legally adults and what is the law if it doesn't in some way represent a society's moral values?) to like each other (or for that matter lust after one another) and to act upon and express those feelings. I have no qualms about you having a different moral view from me but again remember your own ‘golden rule’ and realize that the door swings both ways. One day you might find someone disagrees with an aspect of your life on moral grounds that you don’t share.

#29 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

There is a couple of disturbing things about what you have written. Firstly and most disturbing is that you are seeking advice about this issue. You claim to be 44 yo and you do not understand how wrong this is?
Is it legal in your country for a teacher to have a sexual relationship with a student?
Do you want your 21yo old daughter having a sexual relationship with a 44 yo foreign teacher?
Perhaps you are one of those typical fat unattractive immature losers that is incapable of being involved in a real relationship with someone your own age from your own country, therefore you go to asia for "easy pickings".
You will get caught out, as you can be sure if you are seen with this girl the other students WILL rat on you because they are all seeking brownie points from their head teacher. Any excuse to rat on a foreigner and they pounce on it.

Maybe you should consider how you will explain this issue to your family and friends after you are deported. You certainly will not get another job in china after you get caught out.

Grow up and get a life.

And I thought I was being harsh! Anyway, Iconkiller brings up a good point. This will spread like wildfire among students, create jealousy, resentment, suspicious, and in general students will lose respect for that teacher. I had the general respect of all my students because they all new I didn't date students, and that I was FAIR and cared about them individually. They new they could trust me.

#30 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

Happy Birthday Terry! That's all I gotta' say. You seem like a good guy and I wish you the best. I also believe that you positive attitude will do a lot to counter some of the negativity I spoke of before. You can see from some other recent posts one of the reasons that leaders and other Chinese staff will resent foreign male teachers. Anyway, wish you the best in China.

#31 Parent Maxi - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

Well said Cupid, I could not agree more with you! Western women are indeed second rate/second class.

Why stay in the crappy West with it's trashy women when you can be in Asia and snag a 22 year Chinese or Thai babe! The best thing of all, even if you are poor and ugly you can still latch on to some PYT! If her family is wealthy, even better!

Yep, Aussies ,Yanks, Brits, you can keep your also-ran local women, who needs em or wants em?

Go to Asia, get a rose. Stay in the West and get the weeds/leftovers!

#32 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

Wow, Dragonized, your response is encyclopedic in nature! I need a cup of tea just to deal with it. It must be one of the most thoughtful responses I've ever seen online, and feeling particularly guilty that I wasted so much of your time in provoking you into writing it, I feel I've got to reciprocate by doing it justice in reading it and responding in kind. Here it goes.

on the surface the Chinese students can APPEAR to be more naive simply out of the fact that their maturity level is not equal to their western counterparts.

It sounds like you are acknowledging that they are less mature. You'd have to agree that they are also more sheltered, I'd think, because they live on campus in crowded dormitories with no privacy. None of my students had a car, and maybe only a few even had a motorbike. Just compare that to a Western student having a car and either his/her own apartment or a dorm with just a couple people and less restrictions. Chinese students are much more controlled and have curfews and often have to get up en-mass at a certain hour and do exercises. A Western university student has far, far more freedom. They aren't getting drunk as often. They aren't smoking pot. They aren't doing LSD. They are snug in their little tiny dorm beds, like sardines, just like if they were in High School. Also, many of them come from the countryside and don't have computers. Most my students didn't even have a computer. Most of them had never had a boyfriend, and if they did it was just someone they texted on the phone.

However, the fact is the students in China will appeal to flattery to the western teachers and appear to be more naive and vulnerable when in fact they may be merely manipulating you about them being that way.

I hear what you are saying, but, I'm a fairly seasoned Oral English teacher who knows how to get students talking and put them at their ease. I'd taught children before moving on to the university, and getting students to express themselves was no problem. As for manipulating me, there was really no reason to try to do it. They were graded based on their participation level in class and general fluency. There was no room to manipulate. Back to maturity. Many of the freshmen were "fresh" from their hometowns, wearing clothing with giant Hello Kitty's or other cartoon characters on them, and there could be no comparison between them and freshmen in the West.

I remember reading a banned Chinese book which quoted a mixed White-Asian American Female reporter by the name of Sheryl WuDunn and quoted her along the lines of saying how being in China with a Chinese face allowed her access to the real China.

This is probably true, but it doesn't mean that students are less sheltered or naive than they might appear. OK, let's just say how sheltered and naive they appear. Completely! Actually, my freshmen students looked about as mature as Junior High students in America. So to say they are less innocent than they appear still keeps them remarkably innocent. I'm not saying they are all virgins (and I suspect there are those who are not because of family members…): one doesn't have to be a virgin to be innocent or naive.

Chinese students will generally not be as well mannered, have strong logical thought, and trust themselves and their own intuition when they are in a college environment as their western counterparts as well due to the cultural upbringing of keeping your opinions to yourself, but that doesn't mean they don't hold those opinions

Maybe I flatter myself too much, but, it seemed a fair amount of my students were fairly comfortable expressing their opinions. Well, I made them do it in debates enough times. But I completely agree that they are NOT encouraged to do that in general academia. Actually, it seems they are encouraged to memorize and regurgitate. A problem there is the hierarchy, because you can't question the teacher's opinion or conclusion without questioning his/her authority, and his/her authority is not to be questioned. On the other hand, if you are a foreign teacher who welcomes them to think for themselves and express their opinions of various topics, they are more likely to do so.

I cannot believe for a moment that logically there can be any GENUINE naivety with a group of people who are willing to forgo common sense and manipulate even themselves to the point where they forget how to form an honest, trusting relationship.

This is an interesting conclusion. I have to say my students seemed to genuinely form lasting, close relationships with each other. they hold each others hands in class. I'd see them everywhere together. Actually, it seemed because of their living in close quarters that they developed very strong bonds. What you are talking about, them having to be brainwashed (so to speak), and even self-monitor, self-censor, doesn't mean to me that they would not be naive or innocent. They hate all that stuff, which is why they tend to automatically like foreign teachers. I never had a problem of students not liking me. Having to abide bu cultural codes creates a kind of shackle, but this is designed to keep the populace naive. So, I can't agree with what you were saying. I got the opposite. I saw naive students forming lasting relationships.

Chinese soap operas on TV in China with how husbands and wives interact with one another, the lack of an ability to keep an honest and decent conscious saps even the most basic intimacy from the closest relationships.
Well, yeah, but we can't judge by Soap Operas. I knew some couples in China, and they could be very loving towards each other. But I do agree with you that in general, in Chinese culture, there in a cynicism and a constant need to jockey for social positioning, which is all a reflection of the condemnable hierarchy and the corruption endemic to it.

I agree with the idea that it is inappropriate to have a relationship with a student who is 21 and you are twice her age. You did however forget to mention that it should be inappropriate in ANY country, developed or undeveloped.

I thought that was implicit. It IS punishable in California, as I just read. Yes, of course, one shouldn't sleep with one's students anywhere, as a general matter of trust. People are only getting away with that in developing countries these days.

n your argument you merely attacked the individual who wanted the relationship with the student. What you didn't mention was justifying the higher moral standard that the teacher was supposed to bring.

You just hit the nail on the head. The teacher isn't just an instructor in a particular subject, but also a role model. I believed this strongly when I was a teacher. (I'm currently on holiday so some of it is mercifully slipping my mind, but I'll be back teaching very soon, just not in China.) And that is precisely one of the reasons to treat students as students, not as potential lovers or conquests. One should be showing them the value of integrity, and that corruption is NOT the best way to be in the world. Going out drinking with them and trying to be the cool kid on the block (while in one's middle age), and then thinking, "hey, I think I can get in this girl's knickers" is just a show of weakness and immaturity.

Your continued focus with seemingly attacking the character of the original poster won't make him think his actions are less appropriate, it would bring shame at the most which can backfire if he is in a weaker emotional state and will only drive him to go deeper into his pursuit with the relationship.

Yeah, but if he found himself seeking solace in a 21 year old because of something a stranger wrote on a forum, I think he'd realize he needed to reel himself back in and grow a spine. You are right that I've been heavy handed. It's because I've read a lot of the recent posts, and there's a lot of overtly chauvinistic posturing on this forum, and I predicted (rightly, it turns out), that such elements would encourage the OP. So I needed to use strong words and examples both because of who I was addressing, and because of the other vocal members in the forum.

Nobody ever said it was okay to date under-age students, the original poster certainly didn't. Your merely adding fuel to the fire for your own argument by putting others down with exaggeration.

That's not my intent. My intent is to get them to get out of the mere semantics of "they are both adults" to look at who the people really are, to acknowledge that one day (say before and after a birthday) could be the rhetorical different between absolutely wrong and doing the girl a favor by liberating her from Chinese sexual oppression. I want people to stop trying to hide behind words, like "adult" and look more directly at the real situation, at people, and circumstances. I am trying to get them to see all the grey area between completely wrong and doing a favor. In fact the situation is in the grey, dark grey.

But the fact is we don't control the behavior of others, we may only guide them. If you express your right ideas in the wrong manner, it may actually be used against you in the worst way and that is to ignore outright.

True. And perhaps one has to gamble with which tactic one uses with which audience. I still think being very clear that it is wrong and pathetic is the right antidote to the kind of retarded advice he will generally get here, that it is noble and altruistic. Often these men know they are weak. I had a friend who surprised me by admitting it. At one point he slipped out that he liked 18 year olds. Basically, he liked the youngest legal age, which means younger than that but the law keeps him at saying 18. Well, on another occasion he admitted that the women back home wouldn't even look at him. At least he was honest with himself.

Your reasons sound just and absolutely right on the surface (again) but you don't give a resolution or suggestions to the foreign guy on how he can find a woman out of the immediate vicinity where he works at.

My intent there is to deflate any claim they are making of being a stud. Obviously they aren't. They can't meet a real woman so date students. Fist off, whether or not they can meet a real woman, they STILL need to keep their hands off of students. But, if as some posters claim, they are God's gift to Chinese women, they should probably have a harem following them everywhere they go. As for meeting Chinese women, well, they are pretty much the receptionists everywhere, most the bank tellers, the waiters, you name it. They are put up front in the service industry. So, wherever you go you will meet Chinese women. I can recall a beautiful bank teller giving me her phone number and telling me that if I need any help I can call her. (I didn't, because she was too young for me). Actually, one gets that offer quite a lot, of calling them if you need any help. You will also find lots of women who will tell you they want to practice English. I've had beautiful women sit down with me when I was minding my own business sitting in KFC. Friends will introduce one to other people. I've been set up in China. Also, meeting Chinese English teachers can also be helpful. And while I didn't want to associate much with my peers at the university, because they often would be questioned by "leaders" afterwards, and I was trying to avoid any extra-curricular obligations, if one makes friends with some teachers and is genuine, that could lead to meeting really a lot of local people. But, in the end, does the poster want a real relationship with an independent woman, or just sex with a glorified kid? Y'know, sure, they are technically adults, but at that age, not only are they half the age of most middle-aged Lao Wai in China, they're half the weight! Some of them still have rosy cheeks and what looks like baby fat. They look like kids to me until they are seniors. Seriously. Freshmen are like babies to me.

your pre-occupation with seemingly winning the argument against the Magister poster would only turn off the original poster from considering your words.

I don't know which way that would go. But I do think this ring of guys boasting about sexual conquest in China needs to have some major chunks taken out of it, and simple logic can do that. In part you are reacting to my attempts to fight fire with fire, and beat them at their own game, which is posturing and strutting. If whoever yells loudest wins, and I can yell loudest, might as well do it, and then sit people down and have a proper discussion now that they will listen.

I don't think you think highly of the poster who started this thread, which means you already passed judgement against someone whom you haven't met either.

I think he needs a swift kick up the ass before he fucks up anymore. I would hate to have some middle-aged dude trying to fuck my students. And I know them well enough to know absolutely, that such meddling in their lives from some foreign prick is NOT going to liberate them or help them. It's going to tarnish them.

But I believe carrying a little empathy and realizing expats are in a lonely place with a need for company can give you a better chance at giving more ideas since you would be operating from a more open mind.

Yes, but if one is in a bar and there are 3-4 other guys giving high-fives, and that's what the OP is looking for (some justification for something he knows is weak and wrong), than empathy might not be the right tactic. I mentioned somewhere that when I was a grad student the dean of my department gave us a talk about dating undergraduates we'd be instructing. She was very clear. She said, "Don't do it. It's that simple." Then she gave us all the reasons why. Among them was compromising one's own authority; losing the trust of the students; creating jealousy and suspicion and rivalry; an creating an atmosphere of unfairness that was antithetical to the kind of utopia one would want a place of learning to be. She was right 100%, and if I'm ever in charge of teachers, they are going to get a similar lecture.

If I were to take the route of empathy, I'd tell him that, yes, students can be alluring, and there are many of them that will like you and who you will like. I've met students and thought, "Wow, I wish she was ten years older." And I've also thought that a goodly percentage of my students would make good girlfriends or wives, if there weren't the age difference, different citizenship, and other glaringly obvious reasons why we should not be involved. And I would say, "You have to be strong and resist temptation. You have to tell yourself that students are absolutely off limits. You have to stop socializing with them outside of class in situations that allow for flirting and so on. And then, miraculously, you will stop lusting after them as well, just as a person who quits smoking will often lose the craving. But if you think it's OK and you go forth with it, it will only get worse, and there will be more girls."

When you say "wrong" did you apply those standards to yourself as well? I'm not just talking about dating standards, but all around.

This is so interesting. I like your mind.

wouldn't ANY middle aged man who wasn't married and was single qualify as "wrong" by common sense standards of what is deemed as "normal" in any of the developed countries?

Wrong as in "there's something wrong with this milk"? You mean flawed or inferior? That's possible, but that's a different kind of "wrong" isn't it? That's "there must be something wrong with that guy" versus doing something ethically or morally wrong. This thread is about something that is ethically wrong, and even a flawed or unfortunate individual can rise up to not further compromise himself by sacrificing his morals and fucking with students and their lives.

Also, just to counter the notion that a single middle-aged man is "wrong," in my particular case I could have gotten married but always shied away from it because I quite literally value my freedom first, and also can't quite imagine only being able to have sex with one woman for the rest of my life. Having a wife and family means also having to have a secure job and that can mean having to take shit from the boss. I like being able to say, "Fuck off boss" and only have to worry about myself. If I were rich enough, I might be married, because it wouldn't be such an obvious threat to my independence. But in today's economy, one could lose one's freedom almost completely. Living overseas and being single allows me the most freedom of any of my friends back home.

I can though always improve myself with support whether they be coming from people or from more spiritual sources, but I wouldn't take the advice from someone who merely says, "You can't...".

One doesn't need to take that tactic with you. But some people who are in a quandary would like a clear answer from an authority. This is why people see mystics and such. I offer a clear argument, and a very clear answer. I don't want it to be too muddled or diluted in beating around the bush, or watching out for someone's feelings.

But being that we all have had varying life experiences with interconnecting points of commonality I would say that I should go with the general consensus of what constitutes an adult relationship, and in this case because I do not know the 2 individuals involved I should refrain from judgement.

Fine. One doesn't need to judge to say it's wrong. We all do stupid things sometimes, and make mistakes. I've done them (including signing up to work at a training school in China and ending up in the shittiest apartment I've ever seen). Everyone can also change. So, no judgement on the person, then, but, yes, this action will be stupid if he goes through with it. He should tell the girl, "I am a teacher! I should not get so involved with students."

We don't know the emotional maturity level of the poster himself, either and how much romantic experience he has. Let's hope he makes the right choice, but he shouldn't have to do it with the belief that we are on a higher moral pedestal than he is.

Sure. We are all born ignorant, and we all make mistakes, or get tricked or cheated on the way. If I could go back in time I would kick myself up the ass, like I want to kick this guy, about many of my decisions, because now I have more perspective and can see where I made some major mistakes. So here, I am just offering a greater perspective, and a better argument, and trying to keep the guy from doing something stupid. But, in truth, I'm more concerned about his students than about him. I know students at that level, and they are among my favorite people, and the idea of some middle-aged guy mucking with their lives and trying to have sex with one of them is a little infuriating. That some other men would encourage it is just pathetic and ugly.

#33 Parent Terry - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

Hello Dragonized
You bring up a good point about expats finding themselves in a lonely place and needing company. I think that that truth brings us back to the argument about the importance of learning to communicate in Mandarin. This need to communicate, find somebody to talk to, I'm sure leads to relationships between teacher and students, students who can speak some English, and are eager to learn more, even if it means removing their pants as part of the bargain. As soon as a foreign teacher arrives in China he/she should busy himself with learning Mandarin. My God, think of the advantages; for example, there's no need to copulate with your students to avoid loneliness, you can take yourself off to the supermarket and chat up one of the shop assistants, In fact, if you have a one year contract, a big sexual appetite, and a smattering of Mandarin, one could work oneself through a whole Tesco store load of Chinese shop assistants, thus keeping your grubby hands off of your students. And you may be able to get staff discount on butter cheese and eggs.

#34 Parent Cupid - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

I've noticed "Romeo" hasn't come back to offer a rebuttal against Clyde because there isn't a sound and sane one.

I've noticed that too. I doubt it's because of the reason you state.
Perhaps he sees no point in having a public debate about his moral dilemma. I guess he's spending his spare time more productively and happily with his Chinese girlfriend. If I were he, I'd do so too. Debating with Clyde and others of similar viewpoint would be a very unattractive second choice to being together with a young female Chinese stunner. I'll conclude by stating I hope things will continue to go very well for Romeo in respect of the latter.

#35 Parent Magister - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

Notorious for my views on women? Please enlighten me as to what those are as don't recall posting anything on these boards in regard that topic.

#36 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

After a bit of reflection I've decided that your best course of action is to ask the Foreign Affairs Officer (your boss) what he or she thinks. Then see if it's OK with the girl's family. If they all think it's OK, and you don't get threatened with being fired or killed, or both, you might go ahead with your plan to bed the young student. Whether or not you want to ask your own family's opinion is up to you. Of course, it would still be a very serious breach of the code of conduct for teachers (and some of us are dead against it because we put the students first), but that might not be as important to you as satisfying your sexual appetites in the short run. I'm pretty sure you also know that in the long run the relationship is doomed, and her reputation with it.

#37 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

...and your personal attack of the poster makes you better than the people who you are attacking? How?

#38 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

if you can land a 21 year old, you can surely land someone only a couple years older who has graduated, gotten employed, and is now looking for a foreign, older, rich(?) husband.

You are suggesting it's okay for women to be like gold diggers as they grow older? How do you know this person who is asking about the relationship is well off to begin with?

If you stay in touch with this GIRL, Romeo, then you can explore a further relationship in a couple of years once she graduates and can better be defined as a WOMAN. If you can't wait that long, then your feelings for her are certainly sexual with no hint of love or respect.

What if the student stays in school until she is 25 or 26? How much longer do you expect the person to wait? Your standards for what defines a woman are unexplained, as you just speak out of pure emotion.

On a last note to both you and the other "Iconkiller" poster, you both haven't actually communicated to the girl, either. So you offputting attitude shows a pretty easy disregard for the opinion of any local Chinese. One of the reasons that the "Romeo" poster possibly hasn't responded was he was intimidated by the holier than thou mantras of folks who responded to him. I don't see people who put themselves as better off morally as more of a human being than those who aren't. Your higher morals are first and foremost for yourself and to make yourself a better, more compassionate person. To talk to another person in such a condescending manner like they are somehow less worthy of you (and therefore possibly less of a human being) only makes others think of you as being on that very low level of humanity that you accuse others of.

#39 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

At my last school there was a teacher, about the same age as you actually, who ended up so badly beaten up, that he lost one eye and will always walk with a limp, and now wears dentures, having pulled his natural ones with pliars.

Which doesn't make the behavior of these chinese to be any better than that of the teacher. You are right about the survival part though, the poster needs to take into account the fact that xenophobia is alive and well in China, and the locals don't like it when they see you dating one of "their" women. From my personal experience even Western citizens who are ethnically Chinese aren't given any exceptions. The ignorance of the culture is what makes the people dangerous.

#40 Parent Iconkiller - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

There is a couple of disturbing things about what you have written. Firstly and most disturbing is that you are seeking advice about this issue. You claim to be 44 yo and you do not understand how wrong this is?
Is it legal in your country for a teacher to have a sexual relationship with a student?
Do you want your 21yo old daughter having a sexual relationship with a 44 yo foreign teacher?
Perhaps you are one of those typical fat unattractive immature losers that is incapable of being involved in a real relationship with someone your own age from your own country, therefore you go to asia for "easy pickings".
You will get caught out, as you can be sure if you are seen with this girl the other students WILL rat on you because they are all seeking brownie points from their head teacher. Any excuse to rat on a foreigner and they pounce on it.

Maybe you should consider how you will explain this issue to your family and friends after you are deported. You certainly will not get another job in china after you get caught out.

Grow up and get a life.

#41 Parent IMHO - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

I agree 100% with Clyde. He is telling it like it is. I've noticed "Romeo" hasn't come back to offer a rebuttal against Clyde because there isn't a sound and sane one. Oh sure, the old stand-bys here (Silverboy, Magistar, etc.) and are notorious for their views on China, Chinese women, western women, etc. But their opinions and views don't make Romeo's posting any less . . . icky. I agree with Clyde -- if you can land a 21 year old, you can surely land someone only a couple years older who has graduated, gotten employed, and is now looking for a foreign, older, rich(?) husband. Students should always be off-limits, with no exceptions or special circumstances. You can be friends with students, hang out with them, but keep out of their pants for god's sake! If you stay in touch with this GIRL, Romeo, then you can explore a further relationship in a couple of years once she graduates and can better be defined as a WOMAN. If you can't wait that long, then your feelings for her are certainly sexual with no hint of love or respect.

#42 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-28
Re: moral dilemma?

As Terry has mentioned about the grey areas, let me put my thoughts about what you have written down and give my opinion on what I think the situation can also be interepreted as:

In general, nobody I have ever met who has had significant experience teaching university students in China honestly maintains that they are NOT more sheltered and inexperienced than their Western counterparts.

As someone who has taught at the university level in China as well, I can say that on the surface the Chinese students can APPEAR to be more naive simply out of the fact that their maturity level is not equal to their western counterparts. The idea of a college age Western Student having more confidence to stand up to their own opinions, express their own opinions, and be more well equipped to bring out their own confidence with differing opinions in the face of an authority, parental, or societal figure is a well established pre-assumption in the developing societies.

However, the fact is the students in China will appeal to flattery to the western teachers and appear to be more naive and vulnerable when in fact they may be merely manipulating you about them being that way. Do not forget your foreign face, that is already a barrier to you getting the truth from them in how they see reality in general. I remember reading a banned Chinese book which quoted a mixed White-Asian American Female reporter by the name of Sheryl WuDunn and quoted her along the lines of saying how being in China with a Chinese face allowed her access to the real China.

Chinese students will generally not be as well mannered, have strong logical thought, and trust themselves and their own intuition when they are in a college environment as their western counterparts as well due to the cultural upbringing of keeping your opinions to yourself, but that doesn't mean they don't hold those opinions. The ugly politicking and lack of real friendships amongst themselves but making a lifetime effort to put up a facade of "TongXue" (classmate) connections is a good example of this. I cannot believe for a moment that logically there can be any GENUINE naivety with a group of people who are willing to forgo common sense and manipulate even themselves to the point where they forget how to form an honest, trusting relationship. Just look at the Chinese soap operas on TV in China with how husbands and wives interact with one another, the lack of an ability to keep an honest and decent conscious saps even the most basic intimacy from the closest relationships.

You boldly assert the 21 year old girl knows exactly what she's doing, but you have no evidence for your assertion. Therefore I will counter it by boldly asserting she has not idea whatsoever what she is getting into. You say that I seem "unwilling" to see that the Chinese "women" may be trying to use the man in question. We are not talking about "women". Let's not generalize it to the extent that it's a Chinese woman and a Western Man. It is a Chinese student who is only 21, and a Western teacher who is more than double her age. You are trying to play with words to make it sound like they are equal, but I am dealing with the reality of the situation. We are NOT talking about Chinese women, we are talking about a "barely legal" student. Let's not kid ourselves and try to use semantics to justify a totally inappropriate relationship.

I agree with the idea that it is inappropriate to have a relationship with a student who is 21 and you are twice her age. You did however forget to mention that it should be inappropriate in ANY country, developed or undeveloped. In your argument you merely attacked the individual who wanted the relationship with the student. What you didn't mention was justifying the higher moral standard that the teacher was supposed to bring. The problem of teachers having affairs with students or even committing rape/molestation with underage students isn't a western centric problem, it's become more common in China as well. Your continued focus with seemingly attacking the character of the original poster won't make him think his actions are less appropriate, it would bring shame at the most which can backfire if he is in a weaker emotional state and will only drive him to go deeper into his pursuit with the relationship.

I've worked with teachers who have dated their students, and in the case of one of them the students were all under aged (that was a training school). Bother were irresponsible teachers, and selfish. I'm sure you'd agree it's not appropriate to date under-aged students, yes? I thought so. But tack on one or two years and it's a perfectly consensual relationship between adults, is it. It's that black and white? Why, it could even hinge on a birthday.

Nobody ever said it was okay to date under-age students, the original poster certainly didn't. Your merely adding fuel to the fire for your own argument by putting others down with exaggeration. I wouldn't stand by the side of the original poster who asked if having a relationship with a woman 23 years your junior was appropriate or not, but whether or not you and I like it we don't always live in a fair world. If one of my family members went on a trek to Congo in the early 90's and ended up kidnapped and murdered would I think it's fair that this country should exist? If I was a western businessman who got shafted by some crooked locals and a corrupt government in any developing country should I then believe these places deserve our money? I would say no and no to both questions. But the fact is we don't control the behavior of others, we may only guide them. If you express your right ideas in the wrong manner, it may actually be used against you in the worst way and that is to ignore outright.

Argue this one: Go find a real woman outside of the university if you are worthy of having one, and leave the students alone. I'm not being a prude. I've had some hot steamy sex with willing Chinese women, and of course I am attracted to some of my students (and they to me), but I would NOT take advantage of students. Further, while they are attractive in their way, they are really too young for me. I would prefer someone who is actually a real adult, not just someone who has always lived with mommy up until a year ago and now lives in a dormitory at school but is technically by age an adult. I was there to protect them, in all ways, not take advantage of them.

Sure, if the local Chinese could speak English well, could communicate honestly and treat the foreigners with respect which you yourself had said you couldn't get. Your reasons sound just and absolutely right on the surface (again) but you don't give a resolution or suggestions to the foreign guy on how he can find a woman out of the immediate vicinity where he works at. I am not at this point saying it is okay for him to even think about pursuing this potential relationship with this 21 year old students, but your pre-occupation with seemingly winning the argument against the Magister poster would only turn off the original poster from considering your words. I don't think you think highly of the poster who started this thread, which means you already passed judgement against someone whom you haven't met either. But I believe carrying a little empathy and realizing expats are in a lonely place with a need for company can give you a better chance at giving more ideas since you would be operating from a more open mind.

If you can't meet a woman outside the university there's probably something wrong with you, in which case you are definitely not doing your students any favors by dating them. If you CAN find a woman outside the university, than leave your students the hell alone.

Clyde, can I ask you something? If I am not someone who frequents bars, goes clubbing, or likes to party (of which you can find aplenty in China) but am a person who participates in special interest clubs, outdoor activities, charities, and volunteer work (of which there is a scarcity of in China due to the selfish nature of many modern Chinese people, but you should know that from the previous posts I have read that you wrote) then where is a reliable outlet of decent, English speaking, and interesting people whom I can initially meet? Honestly ESL Teaching is not a glorious job, nor one with any stature in any developed country. When you say "wrong" did you apply those standards to yourself as well? I'm not just talking about dating standards, but all around.

Some of the other posters have already said they come here to have an easier life, and wouldn't ANY middle aged man who wasn't married and was single qualify as "wrong" by common sense standards of what is deemed as "normal" in any of the developed countries? What is normal to you? If I had to be totally honest with myself, I would say that being a man who just entered middle age the fact that I am not affluent, that I have not found my soulmate, and that I had to teach overseas to make it through some lean years would make me do enough introspection and think that my social, emotional, and maybe interpersonal skills were lacking in some ways. I can though always improve myself with support whether they be coming from people or from more spiritual sources, but I wouldn't take the advice from someone who merely says, "You can't...".

Normal people may not always be certain of many things, which I would say I have first hand experience in. But being that we all have had varying life experiences with interconnecting points of commonality I would say that I should go with the general consensus of what constitutes an adult relationship, and in this case because I do not know the 2 individuals involved I should refrain from judgement. I do believe that mistakes can often be the best teacher, and some things need to happen in order for the lesson to be learned. In this case either side could be making the mistake with being manipulated by the opposing party. Of course your own experience was different, so you have your ideas. Unfortunately making the closed statement in this case can only make the individual want to HOPE even more, of which more inappropriate behavior can follow. We don't know the emotional maturity level of the poster himself, either and how much romantic experience he has. Let's hope he makes the right choice, but he shouldn't have to do it with the belief that we are on a higher moral pedestal than he is.

#43 Parent Terry - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

Nice to see you sticking to your guns, Clyde, I'm sure there's a lot in what you say. i think there can be grey areas though, where normal rules may not adequately cover a situation. Maybe not in the case which I cited of taking your hobbies to hearth and home. Sorry if bit disjointed, my birthday today and not used to drink. Keep up the good work.

#44 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

Magister, I will have to disagree with you thoroughly, as well as the argument you put forward.

Firstly young Chinese men and women are not as naive and inexperienced as they might first appear.

As someone who has lived and taught in China for nearly 5 years, and taught countless university students, I can tell you that they are much more naive than their Western counterparts, and exceptions to that are just that, exceptions. Contrary to your assertion, they can also be much more naive and inexperienced than they first appear. In general, nobody I have ever met who has had significant experience teaching university students in China honestly maintains that they are NOT more sheltered and inexperienced than their Western counterparts.

You'd also be wrong to believe that the girl in question doesn't know exactly what she is doing. It seems strange that earlier in the week you wrote about the power plays that occur between fts and Chinese management yet you seem unwilling to see the way this often works between Chinese women and men (both foreign & local). Who is say that the girl isn't looking for a visa, a credit card or just wants to experiment with a foreigner.

There is not contraction in my criticisms of leaders for misusing power, and my criticisms of foreign teachers for taking advantage of their position as teachers to take advantage of students. It is one and the same criticism. You boldly assert the 21 year old girl knows exactly what she's doing, but you have no evidence for your assertion. Therefore I will counter it by boldly asserting she has not idea whatsoever what she is getting into. You say that I seem "unwilling" to see that the Chinese "women" may be trying to use the man in question. We are not talking about "women". Let's not generalize it to the extent that it's a Chinese woman and a Western Man. It is a Chinese student who is only 21, and a Western teacher who is more than double her age. You are trying to play with words to make it sound like they are equal, but I am dealing with the reality of the situation. We are NOT talking about Chinese women, we are talking about a "barely legal" student. Let's not kid ourselves and try to use semantics to justify a totally inappropriate relationship.

Instead he's waited until he's sure he likes the girl and she likes him and is then asking advice on the situation.

It doesn't matter if he likes her and she likes him. It wouldn't matter if she was a high-school student, and it still doesn't matter when she's a 21 year old university student. Of course he likes here. Duh! And if it weren't her it could be any of dozens of others. Let's not kid ourselves here. The girl in question is irrelevant. He likes his students in a sexual way (Surprise!) and is asking permission from other people who he probably suspects have already broken this taboo to support him. Really, do ya think after that relationship inevitably ends he won't go after another one? Do ya think?

I fail to see anywhere in your argument what it is about this particular situation that is immoral.

Yes you failed to see it, which doesn't mean I didn't make it perfectly obvious. Please allow me to spell it out for you again. Teachers are entrusted to TEACH students, not go with them to KTV and cuddle with them and kiss them and then say that the girl is "driving [him] crazy" and he doesn't know how much longer he can hold out. Universities in California generally forbid relationships between teachers and students BECAUSE of the unequal power relationship. And then, in this instance, we have 23 year difference in age. I've worked with teachers who have dated their students, and in the case of one of them the students were all under aged (that was a training school). Bother were irresponsible teachers, and selfish. I'm sure you'd agree it's not appropriate to date under-aged students, yes? I thought so. But tack on one or two years and it's a perfectly consensual relationship between adults, is it. It's that black and white? Why, it could even hinge on a birthday.

Let's be realistic, we aren't talking about some great romance here, or some marriage of true minds. The OP didn't mention anything like that. He only said she turned him on.

The naked questions is: is it OK to sleep with my students. And the answer is, No, it's not. It's that simple. Anything else is bullshit middle-aged men are telling themselves because sleeping with girls half their age (which they could never do back home) is so titillating.

Given that he's already worked at the university a year before the situation has arisen it tends to weaken your arguement that he is simply shooting fish in a barrel or that he has no self control

No it doesn't. He has already within that year gone to KTV with students and kissed at least one of them there. That is inappropriate behavior for a teacher, and kissing a student shows no self control. In fact, he'd probably say something like, "I couldn't control myself."

To quote Karl Kraus "Christian morality prefers remorse to precede lust, and then lust not to follow". As Kraus was suggesting it hardly seems a realistic expectation to live like this .............
Ah, so now we are admitting this is about lust. Are you suggesting that it's OK to lust after students and act on it, and then feel remorse later or never?

Argue this one: Go find a real woman outside of the university if you are worthy of having one, and leave the students alone. I'm not being a prude. I've had some hot steamy sex with willing Chinese women, and of course I am attracted to some of my students (and they to me), but I would NOT take advantage of students. Further, while they are attractive in their way, they are really too young for me. I would prefer someone who is actually a real adult, not just someone who has always lived with mommy up until a year ago and now lives in a dormitory at school but is technically by age an adult. I was there to protect them, in all ways, not take advantage of them.

Don't try and say I'm using Christian morals. Bullshit. I'm not Christian. I'm using logic, and maybe the Golden Rule ("Do on to others" or in this case "Do onto other's daughters"), and being very practical and reasonable. If you can't meet a woman outside the university there's probably something wrong with you, in which case you are definitely not doing your students any favors by dating them. If you CAN find a woman outside the university, than leave your students the hell alone.

#45 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

I do actually know of a 21 year old student who is doing very well because she has been sponsored by a 60 year old Englishman over the last year. She has no family and a very tragic story about what happened to them. He gets what he want but so does she, ranging from school books to laptops.

Well Terry, as you say, he is lying to his wife about it. He's made the student into a prostitute. If he REALLY cared about her he'd help her without fucking her, plain and simple. He's acting out of pure selfishness, and buying her stuff to assuage his guilty conscience. Shit, Chinese women look 18 when they're almost 30, some of them. What is the big deal with having sex with someone who is actually so young, when you can have an extremely fit and sex woman who has already graduated? Unless of course one can't because they don't want some old curmudgeon. In the example you gave, as is often the case, the poor students are the easiest to take advantage of. And what do her classmates think about her having the new computer and other luxuries?

That man is just a selfish prick. I am 100% certain the girl would prefer to get the gifts without having to have sex with him, and it seems that the gifts aren't exactly hurting his bank account. He made himself a cheap prostitute out of one of his students. Hooray!

These kinds of foreign men give all teachers a bad reputation in Asia, and are one of the reasons our salaries are lower than they should be. We all have heard stories from just about everyplace of employment in China about some foreign man sleeping with students, and many of those are horror stories.

#46 Parent Magister - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

Firstly young Chinese men and women are not as naive and inexperienced as they might first appear. An increasing number of them are sexually active in middle and high school. I can give you an example of a situation at a local high school near me where two students were found doing it in a teachers office. The teachers then searched the bags of several of their classmates mates and found them to be carrying condoms with them to school.

You'd also be wrong to believe that the girl in question doesn't know exactly what she is doing. It seems strange that earlier in the week you wrote about the power plays that occur between fts and Chinese management yet you seem unwilling to see the way this often works between Chinese women and men (both foreign & local). Who is say that the girl isn't looking for a visa, a credit card or just wants to experiment with a foreigner.

No you're right, foreign teachers aren't hired to bang as many students as possible. In this case though it hardly seems that the op is doing that. Instead he's waited until he's sure he likes the girl and she likes him and is then asking advice on the situation. Given that he's already worked at the university a year before the situation has arisen it tends to weaken your arguement that he is simply shooting fish in a barrel or that he has no self control.

I fail to see anywhere in your argument what it is about this particular situation that is immoral. Granted we all have different standards by which we live by but I can't personally see anything immoral with a situation where a man likes a woman and that feeling is reciprocated!

To quote Karl Kraus "Christian morality prefers remorse to precede lust, and then lust not to follow". As Kraus was suggesting it hardly seems a realistic expectation to live like this .............

#47 Parent Terry - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

I do actually know of a 21 year old student who is doing very well because she has been sponsored by a 60 year old Englishman over the last year. She has no family and a very tragic story about what happened to them. He gets what he want but so does she, ranging from school books to laptops. He also deposits 1000 RMB in her bank every month when he gets paid. Her English has dramatically improved since they've been co-operating. She has even past her driving test and next term he will buy her a car. Now what about the icing on the cake? She flies out to England with him in the next couple of days and will be warmly welcomed by the Englishman's wife.(I think she[the wife] thinks she is just a poor orphan and hubby is being his usual altruistic self.) They will both return together ready for the next semester.

As you say though it's a piece of cake for even an ugly teacher to get himself a fair pair of legs in China, It would not do me though, after one of my colleagues was badly beaten by a girl's family. I still hear about him, he spends a lot of his time in a South African Mental Health Hospital these days; unable to come to terms with losing parts of his anatomy.

#48 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

But I fear that only Chinese females will read on with relish! In contrast, Western women will ignore this thread as nobody wants to know they are rated second-best in intimate matters!

What you really mean to say is that naive, vulnerable, accessible, and barely legal girls in the developing world are highly preferably to you than are mature, independent women, whatever their "race" or nationality in the so-called First World. Don't worry, there are a lot of shabby, third-rate specimens of Western men that would agree with you. Sometimes (OK, usually) I think the guys saying that all Western women are 2nd rate must be at least 3rd rate specimens themselves to utter any such inanity without the self-awareness to even notice the drivel dripping off their chins.

#49 Parent Foreign Sexpert in Northern China - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

That's good advice! It's great that Rickie and his Chinese beauty are so happy together. I wish them a great life together. When there is true love, age differences mmean nothing. I bet they can get it together very well between the sheets when the relationship is cemented in this way! Chinese girl and Western man doin it together, wow! What a divine combination!

#50 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

If it's wrong in the West it's still wrong. Don't think that because Chinese people smoke in restaurants and cut in line that it's not wrong for you to do it, for example. You know better, and you know the reasons why. And you also know why teachers are not supposed to try to sleep with students, theirs or someone else's. "Love" or "she wanted to" is no excuse in the West. One would look like a complete idiot playing that card.

Hi all. I have a bit of a dilemma to discuss. I am very attracted to a Chinese student at my university. She is 21 and is pretty and sexy. She is not my student, but the student of another FT at my university. I have been at this uni for one year.

I am 44, I know this might sound wrong, but I am smitten with this girl. We get along so well, and we enjoy dancing and singing so much. When I kiss and cuddle with her at KTV I feel alive, I can't get this sensational feeling from any West woman I have ever been with, including my ex-wife.

Everything you said is obvious, and also shows you do not belong at the university. You are not there to take 21 year old students to KTV and cuddle with them or kiss them. How would you like it if your 21 year old daughter we going out with a 44 year old Chinese teacher who was totally turned on by her, mostly because she was so much younger than him. Of course you are attracted to a 21 year old girl. It's not because she's Chinese, you noob, it's because she's 21. You act like this is some mystical miracle. No. It's just your hormones. You are "that guy," the older guy perving on the young students. What the hell do you think you are doing? You are there to teach them English, not try to get in their pants. Yes, the students will also go after the teacher. It's happened to me, too, but I made it very clear that I don't date students and word got out and it never became an issue after my first month of teaching. You, on the other hand, want to play the field.

You are not there to pray on students, and anyone who says otherwise is an asshole. Don't lose your Western standards when it comes to students. If you want to try to take advantage of naive young Chinese girls, who are actually more like high-school students than their western counterparts, you would be wise to meet them outside of the university.

"Teachers" who seek to sleep with students are a disgrace and an embarrassment.

Despite what other older male teachers on this forum might say, get your shit back in perspective and remember why you are there. If you are lonely, go meet a Chinese woman outside of the university.

To any blowhard who disagrees with me, I hope your 21 year old daughter hooks up with a foreign teacher in her university (probably one among many as he becomes a serial student banger. Oh, but he's not even here teacher, he just scoped her out while generally hitting on students.). Your role is to educate students, not fuck with their lives and their reputations just because it feels so good to be with such a young girl and makes you feel alive and all tingly inside.

I also don't care if some of the Chinese teachers do the same thing. Many also beat their wives. This is a no-brainer. Sadly, however, many foreign teachers will do what your are contemplating, find excuses, find camaraderie from other pathetic middle-aged men who pray on students, and behave like complete assholes overseas.

You can meet a real woman who is not entrusted to your care as a teacher (I don't care if she's another teacher's student) outside of the university if you think you are God's gift to Chinese women. If you can't meet one outside the university, then you are not much of a stud then, are you? You are just taking advantage of a situation where you have some power, and you have been implicitly trusted to not abuse it.

leave the little freshmen girls alone. Go outside and find yourself a real girlfriend.

#51 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

Like you said you are both adults so I can't see any morale dilemma. As she is not your student you can't be accused of some how using your position as her teacher in any sinister way (whatever that might be).

No, Magister you are flat out wrong, and if you don't know it, you are kidding yourself. By your logic, all teachers at universities can sleep with any student they want as long as the student isn't their student (and won't be in the future). Really?! Both adults? Yes, we know technically that a 21 year old student, who someone has been scoping out since she was 20 qualifies as an "adult," but having taught scores of girls that age in China I know that they are much more like High School girls in the West, much more innocent and sheltered. When you say "you are both adults" you are trying to make it sound equal, when you know a 44 year old Western teacher and a 21 year old native Chinese girl are NOT on an equal playing field.

No, my friend, one is not hired to prey on the students, and a university is not a place for teachers take advantage of students like shooting fish in a barrel. I'm fairly positive you would all object vehemently to someone dating their High School students, but tack on one more year and it's an open playing field? Nope!

There's a much easier way to look at this. You are there to teach students, and that's it. If one doesn't have the moral backbone and self-control to leave students alone, he doesn't belong in a university. He is a liability and a threat to students emotional well-being as well as their futures.

Such teachers should be removed from their posts because they have shown themselves to be, without a doubt, too immature and weak to take up a role as an instructor in a university.

That's the reality. People can make lame ass excuses to take advantage of students, but that's pathetic. It's also an admission that one can't meet a real woman outside of the university, or, to use my analogy, can't catch a fish unless it's shooting them in a barrel.

#52 Parent mark - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

“having said that i dont know how much longer i can...."
I think your minds made up.

word of advice
done be silly, put a condom on your willy.

#53 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

I want to add one more thing to this because it's pissing me off, because I know of these type of teachers that fall for preying on their students (for some the students are under 21 and it's not really all that different when you are talking about 1 or 2 years), and what often starts with 1 student quickly becomes 2 or 3…

So let me ask you this question. Is a 23 or24 year old girl to old for you?

If your answer is no, as it should be, than you can meet a Chinese lady who has already graduated from university. They are everywhere. If you can't meet one than you either are not appealing enough, OR you are not trying. Nobody is going to complain if you are dating a young woman with a job who has graduated. That really and truly is two adults (well, more or less). I've taught in a public university for 3 years, and I can tell you there's an enormous difference between freshmen and seniors.

So, unless the young, educated, independent women will have nothing to do with you, there's really no reason to date students. Thus, you must firstly admit to yourself that you are for whatever reason unable to meet a young adult who is independent and educated, and further you are desperate enough to turn to students where you work to find female companionship. Worse still is you distort reality to find excuses to justify taking advantage of a situation which was never intended to be an arena for older Western teachers to pick sexual provender from.

Additionally, those students always have their exams and are busy. You risk damaging their education by taking them away from their studies. I hope you don't think you are teaching them valuable lessons about the adult world or, to use another poster's ridiculous claim "sexually liberating" them. In fact, you are interfering with their ability to succeed in university by distracting them from their studies, and quite likely causing them emotional turmoil, embarrassment, confusion, and you name it. That probably doesn't matter to you, because you haven't thought about it. Mostly you are thinking about the tingly sensation you are getting from being so close to a barely legal girl. Gimmie a break. Grow up.

So, I say, you want to date a beautiful young Chinese woman? You like young women? Fine. Go out and find one. If you fail. If they don't like you. Then you can think about what you really must have to offer to students in the romantic realm. You will know for certain at that time that they are ONLY dating you because you are a Western teacher.

There's no excuse to not date outside the university. None at all. I don't want to hear, "they don't speak English." I lived in a tiny city, by Chinese standards, and there were plenty of young women who spoke English, including scores of college graduates from the previous years.

#1 Rule for teachers in China = Don't try to date the students (it's just as pathetic as doing it in the West). If you do, you are weak, cowardly, pathetic, and a hypocrite (because I know damned well there's no way, if you had a 21 year old daughter, you'd be happy with her sleeping with her 44 year old transient foreign language teacher from some other country, who is divorced… You'd want her to meet someone appropriate and not just be the sex-pet of some middle-aged dude who justifies it by how turned on he gets).


#54 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

@ Ricky:

I would say tread VERY carefully, if your FAO is vindictive you may not get a release letter, which could cause you problems if you want to change your job, or need a reference, or worst case, be fired. With the rise in nationalism in China over past years, better to be careful.

Ultimately, your decision, but a lot to think of either way.

#55 Parent Cupid - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

Romeo/Ricky, thanks for letting us in on your moral dilemma. I'm sure that you'll follow your heart, and so will she. When you take things to the next and ultimate level, which I think won't be long from now, you're both going to experience something so intense that you'll both be wanting more of the same day after day after day. Or maybe I should correct that to 'night after night after night'. I dunno who will be the luckier of the two of you. but especially during the first time she's getting laid, I'd expect her to be crying with sheer delight. Afterwards, I'm sure you won't ever want to lay a Western woman again! I'm looking forward to your future postings, as I'm sure many other male readers are too, be they Western or Chinese. But I fear that only Chinese females will read on with relish! In contrast, Western women will ignore this thread as nobody wants to know they are rated second-best in intimate matters!

#56 Parent Terry - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

Hello Ricky
You should be very careful indeed. At my last school there was a teacher, about the same age as you actually, who ended up so badly beaten up, that he lost one eye and will always walk with a limp, and now wears dentures, having pulled his natural ones with pliars. They also(his family) robbed him and trashed his flat. Your age will go against you somewhat, perhaps you are older than her Dad, and they will find that very insulting. I don't see it as a moral dilemma more a survival one. It's lust not love which has you in its grip. It's best you take a nice cold shower, Ricky. It's far better that you look in the direction of the Chinese teachers for a few one night stands.

#57 Parent Magister - 2012-07-27
Re: moral dilemma?

Like you said you are both adults so I can't see any morale dilemma. As she is not your student you can't be accused of some how using your position as her teacher in any sinister way (whatever that might be). The university bosses probably won't care so long as you're not rubbing it in their faces. What you'd have to be careful of is if they are looking to get rid of you then this is just the kind of thing that your fao or other management will hold against you.

Romeo - 2012-07-27
moral dilemma?

Hi all. I have a bit of a dilemma to discuss. I am very attracted to a Chinese student at my university. She is 21 and is pretty and sexy. She is not my student, but the student of another FT at my university. I have been at this uni for one year.

I am 44, I know this might sound wrong, but I am smitten with this girl. We get along so well, and we enjoy dancing and singing so much. When I kiss and cuddle with her at KTV I feel alive, I can't get this sensational feeling from any West woman I have ever been with, including my ex-wife.

We are both very physically attracted to each other also. The sexual chemistry between us is magical, but so far we have resisted the urge to actually go through with the deed.

Having said that, I don't know if I can hold out much longer. This girl is driving me crazy, my hormones are on the verge of exploding. When I see her in her in her short skirt and frilly skimpy top with her long hair and long legs it drives me wild.

I just feel a bit guilty, because she is a student at my university. If she was not at my uni I would have had her in bed by now.

But then, we are both adults, why should I feel any guilt?

Some advice from more experienced foreign teachers would be appreciated.



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