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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-30
Re: moral dilemma? IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

Of course, San Migs wanting to bed 16 year olds just proves what an immoral perv he really is!

Never said anything about such things.

However, an 18 year old is acceptable.

As it is I am only interested in busty, curvy 30 somethings with their own apartment. Younger fickle golddiggers are not my cup of chai but each to their own surely?

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma? IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

Absolute certainty can also be absolute ignorance of what people really mean. You may have been taking what SMGS said a little bit out of context. If people really wanted to commit paedophilia they would do it in secret and not boast about it so much. Take a look at in the USA with a well known institute of higher learning by the name of Penn State University and the Sandusky Case. The real perpetrators would hide and be able to get away with it for years and it's very difficult to get most of the victims to come forward without taking a tremendous amount of time and effort.

In the big picture, you are defending suppsedly a group of people (the Chinese) who will admit themselves that the native folks from their own country may not have too much principle. You talk about setting standards for an amoral society which doesn't give a rat's @$$ if you do or not, and the only thing you succeed at doing is alienating folks who are not higher or lower than you on the societal podium.

#3 Parent Terry - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma? IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

Clyde is concerned with what is right or wrong, whereas you seem to be homing in on what you can get away with. Having a close relationship with a 22 year old Chinese student will have much more and longer lasting disabling effects on her than a relationship in the west with a western student. Your average Chinese student must prepare herself for the often hard reality of a Chinese husband and way of life. I don't believe that this Romeo really exists at all but if he does he already has a wife, he's 42 and he probably won't end up marrying her. However, supposing the relationship lasts for a couple of years; that couple of years of a totally different way of life to what normally should have been her lot, may mean she will be unable to adapt herself to the type of life she has to follow in the future. While she is with our Romeo, they may holiday together, take a plane or two somewhere, when a hard sat on China rail awaits her when Romeo needs to return to his own country. When you interfere in somebody else's life, best be sure you're not taking them somewhere that they can't get back from; somewhere meaning a way of life. I can't expect to feed my cat on salmon for a year and then expect her to return to dried munchies.
You yourself would probably spoil her on expensive coffee and Ipods(or is it ipads) Yorkshire Ales and a holiday in the Dales. Just joking.

#4 Parent IMHO - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma? IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

You'll notice the OP starts this thread with the word MORAL dilemma. It doesn't matter about the legalities of what is the age of consent in this case, rather is it moral for the OP (or anyone for that matter) to sleep with one of his students. I think Clyde has made his case about this opinion perfectly well. Of course, San Migs wanting to bed 16 year olds just proves what an immoral perv he really is!

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma? IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

Clyde, this is about the UK, and I would imagine that Aus, Canada and other commonwealth realms having a pretty similar legal system is about the same too.

In Britain, a sexual relationship between a teacher and a student under 18 IS

as it is classed as a "breach of trust" offence. Above that, it is perfectly legal, but there is a good chance it will result in the teacher losing his job and having a seriously hard time finding a new one!

So there it is, in a nutshell. Apart from the bible bashing USA, in other western countries if the girl is under 18 only is it a "crime". If she is over 18 the worst that could happen to the teacher is he will lose his job and would be unlikely allowed to continue in the teaching profession. He would still be free to maintain the relationship however, no law whatsoever against that. At 18, a woman, so no problem at all.

I have included some links below for further reference.





I could post more, but rather tired. I am sure Silverboy can inform on aussie law regarding this matter.


#6 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma? IT IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

Yes, stupidly in some US states it may be a felony to sleep with a 21 year old ADULT student.

So you've conceded the point that you are encouraging someone to do something that is a felony, and "sexual battery" punishable by up to 5 years in Ohio. Good.

Your other gibberish about the "Christian Taliban" is just posturing and you provide no facts or statistics. States like Ohio, N Carolina, and Connecticut, don't make exceptions if the student is over 21, but most will have severe punishments if the student is 17-18, and you are likely to loose your job anywhere if you sleep with students.

So, you, sex-pat that you are, are strutting around trying to make this an issue about "sexual freedom," when it's not. You say the "leaders" at the university will go hook up with a girl at KTV. Even if that were true, that girl is not their student. We are talking about teacher students relationships, and the reason it is forbidden is because the teacher has power over the student, and is entrusted in taking the job to not try to take advantage of the students.

I am sure you would fit in well as part of such a government with your extreme views. Like those people who take their kids to "hell houses" to "scare" them into being "moral", a form of child abuse.

There you go again, trying to put words in my mouth because you can't formulate a cogent argument, because you are on very thin ice. I'm not against homosexuals or single mothers or birth control, or any of that other bull-shit you are trying to tack on to me. You are confusing your issues, and giving examples of radical right wing politics designed to harm or punish individuals who are marginalized or poor. We are talking about trying to protect vulnerable people from loser predators such as yourself. That's the complete opposite. You will find that it's the people with the most liberal politics, who are most supportive of gay rights, single mother, safe sex, and sexual freedom in general, who are also most against sexual predators victimizing their students. This is because humanists want a society where children and young adults can grow up without being preyed upon by unsavory, unethical, and dare I say undesirable older people who put themselves before their students.

You example of the law in Ohio is a red herring: That is a backward state, with backward people and politicians. Ofcourse they would have draconian laws, like the one you spoke of.
Don't try that shit in California either.

Be honest there Silverboy, what age to YOU feel students are too young to sleep with? Give a true answer. Is it just what the law says?

Throughout the West it is against school policy and code of conduct to have sex with students, and one may not only lose one's job, but suffer prison sentences for breaching the code of conduct. Nevertheless, some middle-aged men go to Asia to try to sleep with students there. Ah, a loser in one country, a loser in all.

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