Return to Index › Thanks, Fakers--South Korea's new delays mean I'm losing $$$ because of you - ESL discussion
#1 Parent Elephant - 2005-06-13
I wouldn't feel resentment. I'd be INFURIATED - ESL discussion


"Yes, South Korea discovered a major scam and sent the posers packing, which means I don't have to compete with a crew of fakers. I'm glad for this, as I worked hard for my real degree and would resent losing out on a great job to someone using a fake."

You aren't the only one who worked hard for his degree. I worked my ass off, both in the classroom and outside of it to pay the tuition.

So...I wouldn't feel anything close to 'mere' resentment if I lost out on a good job to a poser. I'd be INFURIATED to say the least.

It's great news South Korea has gotten its act together and is cracking down on both counterfeit documents and counterfeit people. It makes me want to go there even more.

Force those dipshits to go to Laos or China. Keep them away from my plate, please!


#2 Parent Howard Zinn, Historian - 2005-06-13
There's a better way for SK to do this - ESL discussion

South Korea demands that teacher candidates send their transcripts in sealed envelopes. They should also demand that degrees and certificates be sent in sealed envelopes directly from the institutions just like the transcripts. This would help cut down the wait from possibly two months to about five weeks. It would also help cut down on fakes and fakers making into South Korean classrooms.

Ann-Toe-Knee - 2005-06-12
Thanks, Fakers--South Korea's new delays mean I'm losing $$$ because of you - ESL discussion

Hello. I'm teacher here in Thailand who just finished up a year-long, and I'm about to head to South Korea. I'm presently flopping in a hotel room waiting on my visa blue form to arrive so I can get out of here. I shouldn't be doing this. I should be up there already working.

But no.

Thanks to a few idiots who've tried to submit fake degrees to the immigration office in Pusan the last few weeks, I may now be waiting here an additional month.

Yes, South Korea discovered a major scam and sent the posers packing, which means I don't have to compete with a crew of fakers. I'm glad for this, as I worked hard for my real degree and would resent losing out on a great job to someone using a fake.

However, we innocent teachers seem to always get caught in the crossfire. This case is no exception. Thanks to the actions of a few morons, South Korea has just begun a crack-down on checking all teachers' credentials to eliminate fakes and fakers from their teaching ranks. This means extra time and thus waiting, waiting, waiting to receive the blue form. A process which took two weeks just one month ago may now take up to two MONTHS.

The extra wait may cost me hundreds in USD.

Thanks, fakers!


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