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#1 Parent Clyde - 2012-08-02
Re: Summation of the debate.

The last part of that quote is just pure GW talk, oh here they do things differently, this is China, you have to adapt, it works for me, I'm alright here....utter sell out bs, you have no education at all.

OK, let's get this straight... If a person from China moves to England, or America or anywhere in the west, by your logic they should be able to demand that they are treated just how they were back home in China? If your answer is yes, I don't think the majority of people in the west would agree, considering the animosity westerners have to immigrants who come to their country and don't adapt to their way of life ("Coming here, taking our jobs and they can't even speak English! Is this why we fought in the war? To have our country taken over Johnny Foreigner?!"), or are you that naive that you think the animosity towards foreign immigrants in the west is fictional?

What if a woman who moved to a strict Islamic country? Would you consider her a GW if she began to wear a hijab to cover her hair? Or a man who refrained from drinking whilst living for a year in Qatar?

Let us break down the differences between what you consider a GW sell-out and what I consider an idiot.

Person Number 1 - The "GW sell-out": I travel to a foreign country, I choose to come to this country knowing full well that it's unlikely to be just like being back home, it might even be the reason I chose this country in the first place; to experience a different culture. So, I get here, and surprise surprise, it just happens to have a completely different culture to the country I'm from! How about that?! So, I crack on with learning some of the language, experiencing the culture and teaching my classes. I quickly find that I don't like a lot of things about the culture; I don't like the attitude towards education, I don't like the way Chinese staff are treated, I don't like the under-the-table business dealings, I don't like the idea that loss of 'face' is more important than doing the right thing.... And not buying a really nice building because the door faces the the 'wrong' direction is just totally insane to me. But, as much as I disagree with the many injustices I see, as much as some of the policies and treatment outrages and disgusts me, I also realise that this is not my country, they do things differently and whether I agree with it or not, that is how it is. So I get my head down, I teach my classes, I work hard for my students and I wait for my time to be up and I leave. Because I have worked hard for the students in my care and put their needs first, I have very happy, clever students, which is what is actually important.

Person Number 2 - The "Idiot": I travel to a foreign country, I choose to come to this country knowing full well that it's unlikely to be just like being back home, it might even be the reason I chose this country in the first place; to experience a different culture. So, I get here, and surprise surprise, it just happens to have a completely different culture to the country I'm from! How about that?! So I get arsey with my bosses, I moan and complain about everything, I do my job badly and when my co-workers or boss pulls me up on it I whine about how badly FT's in China get treated by private schools (neglecting the fact that if you were under performing in any profession, in any country, you would get told off by your boss) and decide to go on an internet crusade to let the world know just how unfair I've been treated. I don't, however, leave the country; I stay because I'm enjoying having sex with Chinese girls and drinking cold beer. While all the time expecting that the culture should adapt to me, everything should be just like it is in my home country and denigrating any body who has a different view about it to me.

Try changing the nature a little. Try Making person number one a Afghani immigrant to the UK, who finds the whole culture baffling and strange, but finds a job, works hard and tries to do his best until he returns home to Afghanistan. Try making Person number two an Afghani immigrant to the UK, who finds the whole culture disgusting and strange, takes a job, complains about the way everything is done in the UK and wants to practice Sharia law instead of following the laws of the UK. Stays there for a long time, in the apartment the government has provided him, telling anybody that will listen how badly immigrants to the UK are treated, whilst waiting for his free surgery on the NHS.

Now tell me again how you shouldn't expect to have to adapt to the culture and way of life of the country you choose to move to?

OK, I'm going to try to be unbiased here, but, obviously San Migs is WAY out of his league with LongdonGirl. She argues circles around him, and then he burps "GW". When I'm the one arguing with the "LBBH"* people it seems ridiculously imbalanced, me making sound arguments and them belching "GW," but when someone else tackles one of the "LBBH"s it's so painfully obvious what a waste of time it is to even talk to them that now I wonder why I ever bothered.

London Girl. they are not even worth arguing with. They'll never agree because they aren't even capable at this point of reading anything we write objectively. Not one of them has addressed the teacher/student trust, for example. Fight on if you will. I'm very pleased to see another sensible person arguing against this mindlessness, but, after watching you do it for a while, I can see how you are wasting your time, and thus how so am I.

I really am not going to bother with this pathetic crew anymore.

* (LBBH) = Low Brow Blow Hard

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