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#1 Parent ADMIN! Admin - 2012-08-03


#2 Parent Clyde - 2012-08-03
Re: moral dilemma?

You've won this debate fair and square, so I suggest calling it a day and be satisfied in your superior and obvious intellect over SilverBOY and the others. Good job!

Not as simple as you claim. You may think he has "won", but educated people like Turnoi, myself and Silverboy don't see it as winning or losing. Merely what is right and wrong. There is nothing wrong with dating a student, so claiming who has won the debate is meaningless. It is only in the USA where it presents serious legal and moral problems, as we are not interested in teaching English in the USA then what is being asserted is irrelevant and diverting....

Happy sangrias,

You are still holding on to something OK UNLESS it is against the law in the specific place where you happen to be, in which case it would be perfectly OK to engage in cannibalism in parts of Papua New Guinea. I don't know why you erroneously state that having sex with students is ONLY forbidden in the States. It's against the "Code of Conduct" and could get you fired anywhere, including China, as has often happened (I know personally of three instances). Further, you'd better check the laws in Europe and get back to us on that, because I think you are in for a nasty surprise.

Also, a debate certainly can be won. In fact it is a contest in which the greater argument, and the ability to defeat the opponent's argument wins. Any non-biased reader versed in debate could easily conclude who won the rhetorical arguments (including this one).

Your statement that "only in the USA" does having sex with students present moral problems is absolutely false, and mindbogglingly ignorant. If students have been cursed enough to have you as a teacher, and you make sexual advances from them, you run the very real risk of being expelled from your post by the administration of the school, specifically on moral grounds. The idea that Chinese people don't object to teachers having sex with students is both racist and ludicrous.

Holy crap!

And then you talk about this and that person being educated. Derp! So am I. Further, the proof is in the pudding. You and your cohorts here, who have merely trotted out the same arguments that have already been soundly defeated (which would get you kicked out of a debate for violating the rules by continually repeated the same thing to the point of harassment) has shown, intrinsically, in the very words before our eyes that they possess less real education or ability to express themselves or argue a point.

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

You've won this debate fair and square...

I hope it isn't just about winning for you, as your sweeping generalizations of several people whom you haven't met won't make others agree with you personally. As for criticizing other posters for "following up" you've been doing the same thing yourself. I'll be honest and say that if I was 44 years old I cannot see myself with a 21 year old student at all. But at the same time for you to take a moral high ground when sexpats are clearly not the priority criminals of the society where this issue is being argued doesn't do any favors to others for showing how moral you really are or how much you really know the society.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

People who take action instead of just sitting on their laurels and criticizing others are the ones who have the most credibility. If you had worried about folks who waited to "snipe" you when the chance came along you need to realize there will always be people like that out there. As long as you believe in what you are doing and it isn't illegal then you aren't any less of a human being than what some of the detractors may have been implying about you, don't worry about it in other words.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

You've won this debate fair and square, so I suggest calling it a day and be satisfied in your superior and obvious intellect over SilverBOY and the others. Good job!

Not as simple as you claim. You may think he has "won", but educated people like Turnoi, myself and Silverboy don't see it as winning or losing. Merely what is right and wrong. There is nothing wrong with dating a student, so claiming who has won the debate is meaningless. It is only in the USA where it presents serious legal and moral problems, as we are not interested in teaching English in the USA then what is being asserted is irrelevant and diverting....

Happy sangrias,

#6 Parent Clyde - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

Thanks IMHO, it seems some people are hopelessly behind the times. We might as well be debating whether or not it is wrong to have black slaves. This stuff isn't even up for debate anymore. I do appreciate a little support from others, because basically I am outnumbered here, which is really a travesty for ESL. As a man, I am always suspected of being the next sexpat on campus when I arrive, just because I'm a male, because of all of these jerkwads trying to get in their student's pants. One campus I applied at called the FAO office where I taught to see if I was an alcoholic or dated students. This is the rap we have to deal with now. It's so bad it's a stereotype. And yet, dufi (plural of doofus) are here fighting tooth and nail to be able to fuck their students, and one poster just said the age "should" 16.

I love this "debate". Silverboy trots out the same retort for each of Clyde's well-thought-out comments. And then Turnoi and San Migs come along from time to time with their "crocs" and "GWs" rhetoric as usual. So predictable. Clyde, I'm guessing you've been to this site before. The five or six regulars here never admit they're wrong, never concede a point, never compromise, never change their opinions. You've won this debate fair and square, so I suggest calling it a day and be satisfied in your superior and obvious intellect over SilverBOY and the others. Good job!
#7 Parent IMHO - 2012-07-29
Re: moral dilemma?

Once again, a 21 year old Chinese woman is an ADULT,

Legally? Yes. Emotionally? Mentally? Perhaps not.

I love this "debate". Silverboy trots out the same retort for each of Clyde's well-thought-out comments. And then Turnoi and San Migs come along from time to time with their "crocs" and "GWs" rhetoric as usual. So predictable. Clyde, I'm guessing you've been to this site before. The five or six regulars here never admit they're wrong, never concede a point, never compromise, never change their opinions. You've won this debate fair and square, so I suggest calling it a day and be satisfied in your superior and obvious intellect over SilverBOY and the others. Good job!

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