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#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-08-05
Re: Final contribution from me

whereas, when the rest of us return to Blighty, even after many years of "teaching" in the orient, are reduced to stacking Tesco shelves-if we can get it.

That is the truth. And with the workfare scheme, I doubt there is even stacking work.

Of 3 people I knew in China, 2 who were qualified to teach in the UK, 1 is still teaching in England, and the other is teaching at a british school overseas in Peru. The other is teaching TESOL at a college in England, having qualified and studied for a masters degree.

Pretty depressing, but if you are not qualified, it is what it is. You are right on the money.


#2 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-05
Re: Final contribution from me

COR, it looks a jolly nice place to live, a bit like xishuangbanna perhaps. [edited]

I've read a lot of your stuff over the past....must be a few years now.? Your efforts have always been well-written and very caring. You can be a bit unsettling, you're a nicer man than I-that's unsettling. You are clearly a proper teacher; you are qualified to teach English to the English; whereas, when the rest of us return to Blighty, even after many years of "teaching" in the orient, are reduced to stacking Tesco shelves-if we can get it.

I bet a pound to a penny there are many out there who benefit from your posts, who have had nothing to do with all the recent wailing and gnashing of teeth- they will miss you, and will no longer be able to benefit from your wisdom.

Personally, I like u-turns and have surprised myself over the past few years that when I make such a manoeuvre, the stars don't stop their relentless progress and seemingly futile purpose into nothingness.

Thank you.Although it doesn't always seem apparent, I have learned a tad of restraint from you.

cuning linguist - 2012-08-05
Final contribution from me

I want to take this opportunity to put the record straight. I have not condoned the behaviour of teachers who abuse their position of trust. At the same time I have attempted and failed, judging by the views of some posters, to listen to the moral debate, yet this means listening to contradictory views. I have been accused of a lack of conviction - fair enough that's one view, I don't accept that it is true. I've demonstrated my conviction to education, teaching and learning over decades in the UK and elsewhere and possibly on this Board. But I did not like the sinister tone that was developing on both sides of the argument.

My priorities rest with ensuring I do a good job and earn the money they pay me in China for the remainder of my university contract. At present I am preparing my new scheme of work for next term and re-writing / illustrating one course to make it better. Three of my courses are exam-based and I've been analysing the results and question papers for my courses to see if there was any ambiguity in the questions or instructions given. One question on an advanced writing paper seemed to be difficult for a third of the students- maybe because it called for analysis of different points of view, or maybe they just didn't do the reading or revision. Teaching schedules have to submitted at the end of the first week of term and I have always done that. Students have been informed much earlier this year of the new textbooks, (where I use textbooks) they will need to purchase, so I expect them to be prepared and eager for the first classes in less than 3 weeks. Where I can effect change that is needed I will attempt to do just that, as I've also commented upon here, in the past.

Contrary to what has been written about being able to find information on expectations of teachers because it's in Chinese, I have now published on here, in a reply to one post, and also on the Know Your Rights Board, brief extracts from the English version of the Teachers Law.

Here is a link about codes of conduct for teachers.


If this debate has achieved just one thing, and that is to make a teacher consider his/her duty of care, it will have achieved one of its objectives.

In putting the record straight on a personal level, I am in a stable 4-year loving relationship with a divorced Chinese woman that will lead to marriage fairly soon. This is now my main priority as we decide where to live and the work we do. I have posted before on the nature of her two businesses and whether I will be involved.

I intend to buy a two-bedroom property in the city near the coast where I now work. This is not a requirement of getting married or expected by either my partner or her family, but I see it as a place for holidays near the sea and an investment. My partner owns a third share in a house (see photo) in the countryside in another province with her two brothers. The house has not been lived-in continuously for 5 years as it is used mainly for family gatherings at the times of traditional festivals. Both brothers have businesses in town so no longer need the property as a residence. The brothers have said they will not sell-out their shares but we can live in that property rent-free when I marry their sister. I will ask my lawyer to draw up a contract so everything is tidy and, I if want to make any refurbishments to the house, everybody is comfortable with that idea. I'm not looking for a free-ride and any refurbishment can be seen in lieu of rent.

Another priority is to read about snakes and creepy-crawlies so I can identity them at sight in the countryside - friend or foe.

There is a huge lake/pond in front of the house. I have suggested that some of the younger members of the families could use this as a fish-farm for the village and for the market to learn about caring for animals, (yes, even if the fish are destined for the table) and to give them a break from their studies. If the proposal is acceptable and the youngsters want to do it, I will provide some start-up funds and they can use any profits to help pay for their further education.

To those who consider I have helped them over the years and those who have corresponded in a friendly and courteous way I wish you well. For those who have chosen to abuse me, it is really your problem not mine. I do hope this may debate may signal a turning-point in how people respond to each other on this Forum. Good luck to the "evangelists" in their "crusades”, whatever the topic. Only time will tell.


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