Return to Index › Re: A warning of two recruiters to avoid!
#1 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-06
Re: A warning of two recruiters to avoid!

I was toying with the idea firstly of knocking up a potato stamp to nicely finish off a DIY medical. Then I got more elaborate and found a nice stamp on ebay for 9 quid-but then I re-read the medical form of which I could easilyfillin myself-however I do notice they want various results attached-for example, I can't magic-up an X-Ray exposure. Never mind, I do have a Chinese wife in Blighty gainfully employed, I shall just have to get her an additional part time job in order that I can swan around China on extended holidays instead of actually working there myself.

#2 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-06
Re: A warning of two recruiters to avoid!

For example:
In the UK, you'd be initially offered a contract for a job with a big company that would include a clause about the offer being subject to you subsequently passing a medical exam. There would also be a stipulated probationery period. If you were a foreigner, eg a Japanese, you'd never be allowed to start work until you had your green card. As for your mandatory medical insurance, that would be deducted from your salary as your contribution, and your employer would also have to pay his share.

By contrast, the way things are arranged in respect of the above in China is an utter shambles. Furthermore, your employment rights are compromised on account of the employer having extra rights. This double-medical nonsense is a good example of beaurocracy gone mad. You can counter that only if the employer was careless enough to let you sign the contract he offered you before he tried to make you tske another medical locally. In fact, there is no specific clause in the contract re medical exams and none of us should be teaching before we have our Resident's Card. That's illegal! Many Chinese employers expect us to teach during the first 30 days of our Z visa, during which time they will decide whether or not to employ us. This is ridiculous and we should have been made fully aware of that before we had flown to China! Also, given that the SAFEA contract allows your employer to dismiss you at any time during the run of the contract after a dismissal procedure has been instigated negates the need for a probationary period in my view. Some Chinese employers have tampered with the SAFEA contract by adding this to the appendix thereof. That is not good!

According to Foxy, whom I don't doubt, the British heath people can be tricky also. I have had a quote from my doctor after leaving the Chinese form with the surgery receptionist. The quote was £150. Foxy tells me that they have omitted(lies by omission) to advise me that others will want a cut of the cake, the hospital will want to get in on the action by also levying charges. I have written the doctor once more, and am told she will reply by Wednesday. Here is my letter.
mobile 0752 3921 806

Dear Dr

I came in the other day; as a result you left me a quote of £150, to do a medical(form enclosed;) however, after been given advice by a Mr Foxy on ESL Teachers Forum, advising me that there could be other charges, as a result of you contracting out procedures to the hospital.

I've had a few of these medicals done in China itself, so I know the equipment involved, which is quite considerable.

I don't know if I want this medical done or not. If it's only £150 for everything, well I can afford that, even though I am unemployed. But can you tell me if there are any hidden charges, please? Do I have to pay the hospital for the use of their equipment, which I assume you do not have on-site, on top of the £150?

I notice (on the rear of form) that they require various results attached-maybe X-Ray exposure etceteras.

These medicals all used to be done in China. I'd write my own and potato stamp it but cannot produce “attached results”

The Chinese are hassling me at the moment, so would appreciate hearing from you, so I can either tell them I won't be coming, or I will.

Cheers David

As for the Chinese, I never believe a word they tell me and as long as they pay I don't really mind them giving me another medical when I get there. Neither do I mind if I'm working illegally for a while,life has it's risks and one shouldn't worry too much about stuff. It'll all come out in the wash.

#3 Parent Connie - 2012-08-05
Re: A warning of two recruiters to avoid!

The college FAO in my first job tried to force me to take a Chinese medical some four weeks after my arrival, and after I had taught without a Residence Permit for three weeks, at which time they offered me a teaching contract. Of course, I had no idea of this illegal and wily procedure when I applied for my Z visa for China back in the UK before coming to China.

For example:
In the UK, you'd be initially offered a contract for a job with a big company that would include a clause about the offer being subject to you subsequently passing a medical exam. There would also be a stipulated probationery period. If you were a foreigner, eg a Japanese, you'd never be allowed to start work until you had your green card. As for your mandatory medical insurance, that would be deducted from your salary as your contribution, and your employer would also have to pay his share.

By contrast, the way things are arranged in respect of the above in China is an utter shambles. Furthermore, your employment rights are compromised on account of the employer having extra rights. This double-medical nonsense is a good example of beaurocracy gone mad. You can counter that only if the employer was careless enough to let you sign the contract he offered you before he tried to make you tske another medical locally. In fact, there is no specific clause in the contract re medical exams and none of us should be teaching before we have our Resident's Card. That's illegal! Many Chinese employers expect us to teach during the first 30 days of our Z visa, during which time they will decide whether or not to employ us. This is ridiculous and we should have been made fully aware of that before we had flown to China! Also, given that the SAFEA contract allows your employer to dismiss you at any time during the run of the contract after a dismissal procedure has been instigated negates the need for a probationary period in my view. Some Chinese employers have tampered with the SAFEA contract by adding this to the appendix thereof. That is not good!

#4 Parent foxy - 2012-08-05
Re: A warning of two recruiters to avoid!

Unfortunately for them, Chinese teachers must undergo annual medicals. That is in my view unnecessary. They aren't airline pilots, after all! As for foreign teachers, they are generally not forced to undergo annual medicals so long as they do not change jobs.

I used to be a secondary school teacher in the UK. There I only had to have one medical exam during ten years of teaching, and that was after graduating from a college of education in order to be registered provisionally with the GTC. That meant I was licensed to teach. After I had completed my 2 years probation successfully, I received full registration.
In my first 6 years of teaching legally in China, I had no medicals. But I had one in the UK before coming to China. The college FAO in my first job tried to force me to take a Chinese medical some four weeks after my arrival, and after I had taught without a Residence Permit for three weeks, at which time they offered me a teaching contract. Of course, I had no idea of this illegal and wily procedure when I applied for my Z visa for China back in the UK before coming to China. - I flatly refused to take another medical, and so did my former wife, who was with me at that time and employed as a foreign teacher by the college too. We completed our two-year contracts at that college, and moved on to another part of China to continue our teaching careers.

#5 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-05
Re: A warning of two recruiters to avoid!

Now, my doctor doesn't even have an X-ray machine,
Your GP will make an appointment for you at the local hospital for your X-ray to be taken there. You will probably be billed for that separately and in addition to the fee your GP will charge you for the other parts of the medical exam.

She reluctantly agreed-so right from the outset before I even start the job we have bad feelings.
If you haven't signed a contract yet, I guess from what you have posted that you and your FAO to-be won't be signing it in 'the spirit of mutual friendly co-operation', which could invalidate the contract???
Female FAOs in China can be vindictive. Personally, I wouldn't take a job at a school/college that has one unless I had no alternative job offers. They can be out and out bitches!

That's interesting, thank you. I thought the £150 quote from the doctor's sounded too good to be true. If there are other charges, shan't bother about returning to China. I wasn't going to go for the money as such but the job would have to pay for itself. I'm not prepared to risk too much outlay on the strength of a Chinese-promise. We all risk the price of the air ticket and the Z Visa as it is.

#6 Parent foxy - 2012-08-05
Re: A warning of two recruiters to avoid!

Now, my doctor doesn't even have an X-ray machine,

Your GP will make an appointment for you at the local hospital for your X-ray to be taken there. You will probably be billed for that separately and in addition to the fee your GP will charge you for the other parts of the medical exam.

She reluctantly agreed-so right from the outset before I even start the job we have bad feelings.

If you haven't signed a contract yet, I guess from what you have posted that you and your FAO to-be won't be signing it in 'the spirit of mutual friendly co-operation', which could invalidate the contract???
Female FAOs in China can be vindictive. Personally, I wouldn't take a job at a school/college that has one unless I had no alternative job offers. They can be out and out bitches!

#7 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-05
Re: A warning of two recruiters to avoid!

They sent me the form-here it is. My doctor has given me a quote of £150, and promptly disappeared on holiday until the 14th. The £150 doesn't seem over the top to me considering how much equipment is needed to do such a medical. Now, my doctor doesn't even have an X-ray machine, God knows how he will fill in this form. I am expecting the Chinese to say I have to have another medical when I arrive, even though they have assured me it will not be necessary. The fao tells me I am aggressive because I answered, you may tell me that but I don't necessarily believe you. I said to her, firstly do you undertake to reimburse the £150 and moreover as you are so confident that the authorities will not demand another medical, I want you to undertake to pay for the one in China that I will not need to undergo? She reluctantly agreed-so right from the outset before I even start the job we have bad feelings.

外国人体 检查记录
姓 名

性别 □男Male
Sex □女Female
出生日期 年 月 日
Date of Birth y. m. d.
(put hospital seal across the photo)
Present mailing address

Blood Type


Birth Place

Have you ever had any of the following diseases? (Each item must be answered“Yes”or“No”)
斑 疹 伤 寒 Typhus fever □No□Yes 细菌性痢疾 Bacillary dysentery □No□Yes
小儿麻痹症Poliomyelitis □No□Yes 布氏杆菌病Brucellosis □No□Yes
白 喉 Diphtheria □No□Yes 病毒性肝炎 Viral hepatitis □No□Yes
猩 红 热Scarlet fever □No□Yes 产褥期链球菌 Puerperal streptococcus □NO□Yes
回 归 热 Relapsing fever □No□Yes 感 染 infection □No□Yes
伤寒和副伤寒 Typhoid and paratyphoid fever □No□Yes
流行性脑脊髓膜炎 Epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis □No□Yes
Do you have any of the following diseases or disorders endangering the public order and secure?
(Each item most be answered “Yes”or“No”)
毒物瘾 Toxicomania………………………………………………………………………………□No□Yes
精神错乱Mental confusion ………………………………………………………………………□No□Yes
精神病Psychosis:躁狂型 Manic psychosis……………………………………………………□No□Yes

妄想型 Paranoid psychosis…………………………………………………□No□Yes

幻觉型 Hallucinatory psychosis……………………………………………□No□Yes
身 高/Height (厘米/ cm)
体 重/ Weight (公斤/ kg)
血压/pressure Blood(毫米汞柱/mmHg)

视 力

矫 正 视 力
Corrected vision
左 L

辨 色 力/Color sense
淋巴结/Lymph nodes
肺 /Lungs
编号:42 (19×27cm)

神经系统/Nervous system
Other abnormal findings
胸部X线检查/Chest X-ray exam


化验室检查(包括艾滋病、梅毒血清学诊断)/Laboratory Exam (HIV, Syphilis Serodiagnosis)
附上对以下项目的化验室报告:Please attach the results and data sheets for the following items:AIDS.,Syphilis,ALT.,AST.,T-BIL.,and HBsAG.
未发现患有下列检疫 染病和危害公共健康的疾病:
None of the following diseases or disorders found during the present examination.
霍 乱 Cholera 性 病 Venereal Disease
黄热病 Yellow fever 开放性肺结 Opening lung tuberculosis
疫 Plague 艾 滋 病 AIDS
麻 风 Leprosy 精 神 病 Psychosis

意 见 检查单位盖
Suggestion Official Stamp

医师签字 日期
Signature of physician Date

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