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#1 Parent San Migs - 2013-01-18
Re: And thus endeth the last post from San Migs

Good luck foxy, I can't agree, but each to their own

Enjoy your retirement!

#2 Parent Mancunian - 2013-01-18
Re: And thus endeth the last post from San Migs

Thanks a ton, good sir. You can be sure I'll continue to enjoy being here, especially in the knowledge I can go on posting on this board without having to register!! I hate that kind of unnecssary red tape. After all, this board is full of RESPONSIBLE posters!

You are totally spot on again, Foxy Poster; freedom to post keeps things alive and can produce the unexpected. I found Inner Mongolia a very fine place indeed; although ,it can separate the men from the boys, and is not and not for the faint-hearted. Now am I right or am I right?

#3 Parent foxy - 2013-01-18
Re: And thus endeth the last post from San Migs

Until then, best of wishes, to those who are enjoying China, keep on enjoying, to those trying to live on after China, the best of luck.

Thanks a ton, good sir. You can be sure I'll continue to enjoy being here, especially in the knowledge I can go on posting on this board without having to register!! I hate that kind of unnecssary red tape. After all, this board is full of RESPONSIBLE posters!

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-06
Re: And thus endeth the last post from San Migs

I hope to see you back on these boards sooner rather than later :(. I might not have as much time as well as I am busy getting more than one job back home in the USA. I plan not only on getting by, but getting successful which takes work. I will still pop back here occasionally but I would hope to see guys like you come back here and provide a more down to earth, real prognosis of societies like China rather than the idealized, fuzzy, panda bear hugging "reality" that so many people on so many ESL forums dish out as truth.

Good luck bro!

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-08-06
Re: And thus endeth the last post from San Migs

Hey all,

As it seems the forum has debated into the depths of who is a real teacher, and who is not, after the recent moral dilemma thread, it is at the moment, as I hope many of you will understand the least of my worries.

I am cadging off a mates wifi, sending out job applications, and simply have bigger fish to fry at this moment in time, while CL left to pursue his dream and retirement, my reason for leaving is just to keep my head above water, and get my feet on the ground, then 1 day in the future, who knows I can return here to post again, but with my own internet connection, from my own chair and desk, with a job and income behind me.

Until then, best of wishes, to those who are enjoying China, keep on enjoying, to those trying to live on after China, the best of luck.

San Migs drains beer glass, and scampers down into the darkness and manhole clunks into place for the last time on esltb.

Peace out,

#6 Parent San Migs - 2012-08-06
Re: Final contribution from me

In China it's so easy to slip down the road, have your fill of barbecue and cold beer(even if you have to slip over the road and get it from a place with beer in the fridge) without spending half your wage packet.

I agree with this part. However, poor quality bbqed meat and tofu and veggies aren't everything, nor is drinking beer each night. However, that said I do miss the good quality beer to keep in your fridge.

Why on earth did you return, to stuff newspaper down your shirt and trousers to get shut-eye is some derelict factory?

Returned because of a family problem as previously mentioned, not out of choice, but necessity. Also felt I needed a break, I hope that answers that question. And at the moment, sleeping at a mates house, and hopefully getting a place to rent soon,while still applying for jobs.


#7 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-06
Re: Final contribution from me

It's boring in the UK period. It's boring and expensive. In China it's so easy to slip down the road, have your fill of barbecue and cold beer(even if you have to slip over the road and get it from a place with beer in the fridge) without spending half your wage packet.

Why on earth did you return, to stuff newspaper down your shirt and trousers to get shut-eye is some derelict factory? At least there's no shortage of derelict factories because the only things we make these days is rods for our own backs. I bet even a traing centre with a flat next to LG sounds attractive to you now. No, you get out and back to China.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2012-08-06
Re: Final contribution from me

That is the reality, from what I hear there isn't much going on in Aus either.

But at least you have two homes, that is better than most EFL teachers in China. I knew an aussie guy in his 50s, who only had his mothers home back in Aus and not much else.

The UK is really bad right now, to be honest, even China is better, for sure.

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