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#1 Parent tianjindave - 2012-08-14
Re: Making the right career choices

I agree. China is only for having a good time. Nobody really comes to China " for the teaching". A GW will say they do, but that is a lie to hide their real intentions.
Anybody who really takes teaching seriously in China these days is a fool. Just eat jioazi, drink cheap cold beer, patronize the local whores, all good stuff!
I concur. If you consider yourself a career teacher, you should expect a union to protect your interests and a pension to look forward to. In China, they think so highly of us that they'll send us off on long treks to do visa runs. They will send us thousands of miles to do that. The Chinese don't even consider Western teachers with PhD's as proper teachers-unless they stay home and teach in the West. They reason and to some extent justifiably that there must be something amiss with this Western Ph.D. teacher, if he's reduced to working in some shithole in Shandong Province. Why is he not teaching in some Western University, they sneer? I ask myself the same question.

The Chinese need oral English teachers, that's all they need. Older, more stable teachers is what they need. The Chinese should value such teachers and make sure they supply enough "Yangtze River Females, so when he's finished his weekly twelve lessons he has company and support.

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