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#1 Parent Beijing Blacklist - 2012-09-05
Re: blacklist: China TEFL Network





We will pay them a visit and have a chat with them on behalf of anyone that has been screwed by them so far.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-09-01
Re: blacklist: China TEFL Network

I would not worry, that all sounds much like bluster. Also this organization is not to be trusted. They will skim of some of your salary each month, find ANY reason to deduct some of your airfare, and generally do things to annoy you and get you frustrated. Also, if you are placed in a school with a terrible FAO and disgusting accomodation, they will just tell you to be co-operative and that you signed a contract. They certainly won't stand up for you, as getting the fees from the school they placed you at is all they care about, you are expendable and don't even come bottom on their list of priorities. You are right, deal directly with the place you want to work man, not through this agency.

Good Luck,

#3 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-31
Re: blacklist

Stand by to suffer the consequences stated by said agency if you don't co-operate as per contract.

The man is a free man who hasn't even set foot into the People's Republic of China yet and from what I can read from what you have written it sounds like you are already indicting him. It's so convenient to just obey and not think twice when everything's being done for you, ain't it?

The amount of respect for china gets just a little bit smaller by the day as companies and the government show how much control is the only thing that matters to them. Not something more virtuous like mutual understanding, mutual benefit, compromise, and above all a conscious effort towards being tolerant.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-08-31
Re: blacklist

Hi, I would tell you that right now the agency may be bluffing about this whole blacklist thing. You HAVEN'T EVEN SET FOOT INTO CHINA YET, and they are already threatening to blacklist you??? I'd say if you are sure that you will receive the position at the other university AND you can get a legitimate Z Visa BEFORE going to that university then you should do it as soon as you can. The bureaucracy of the chinese government means that this whole blacklist thing may take up to a couple of months to happen.

If unfortunately you did get blacklisted, then the onus of this responsibility IS NOT ON YOU. It just goes to show the xenophobia of china in general and how hermit like the country is regarding the treatment of expats. The whole world is gradually finding out anyway that there is really nothing there of true value. The government and the agency that collaborated to do this to you would have just shown THE WORLD what a bunch of idiots they really are. Please take care.

#5 Parent Windsor - 2012-08-31
Re: blacklist

The contract you have signed with China TEFL Network Co.Limited is a legal contract protected by law.

Stand by to suffer the consequences stated by said agency if you don't co-operate as per contract.

Yanko Yanev - 2012-08-31
blacklist: China TEFL Network

To whom it may concern,
I have signed a contract with this company. They have sent it to me and I signed and scanned it
back to them. They said they will send me an invitation letter and other documents to London. They have never did. Therefore I have contacted a university and I have agreed to teach for them not for the agency.
Now the first company send me this letter. Please have a look ans tell me what you think. I am very worried about my situation.

This is the letter from the agency:

Mr. Yanko Venelinov Yanev,

We hope you are all well and the holiday you had were a very pleasant too. Since we do not hear from you neither from email nor telephone, we wonder if you could get back to us as soon as possible due to the delay of schedule. We have got your invitation letter a month ago, however, it is for the reason that we do not hear from you and we were afraid you will not received our package that we still hold it on our hands.

According to your plan expressed on your emails before you leave China, you will finish the traveling by the end of August. We hope you can get back to us very soon so that the schedule can catches up and you will report to duty on time by us sending you the invitation letter.

The contract you have signed with China TEFL Network Co.Limited is a legal contract protected by law. If the company and the school do not hear from you before the school year begins( 15th Sept), this behavior is most likely to be regarded as attempting to break the contract.The company will have to confirm to the Foreign Affair Office(FAO) that your behavior can be regard as breach of contract,thus according to the signed contract, the penalty will be paid as a compensate for both the company's and school's loses. If the situation get worse, teacher who break the contract would be reported to the Foreign Expert Administration Bureau's black list. The consequence is neither teacher nor the company want to see, which means once a teacher is black listed, one will not be allowed to teach in any schools in China nor one will never be able to come to China in 5 years.
As understood that if the contract is not respected, the company will protect its rights without any hesitation.

However,we deeply believe that you didn't get back to us due to the reason that you were in the middle of traveling. We will be very delighted to hear from you again in a very short time!

Please write back to us as soon as possible! Thank you very much!

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