Return to Index › Fake Products in China (part two)
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-09-05
Re: Fake Products in China (part two)

EG, you have posted about your woes in China on these boards many times,once even stating you would have to go so far as a divorce.

I will reiterate what i believe, China is no place for a family, the environment in Canada is far superior, in terms of air quality, healthcare, the lot.

You would be better going back with your family,


#2 Parent Rebecca - 2012-09-05
Re: Fake Products in China (part two)

My 4 year old boy is coughing so much that he is throwing up. The fake healthcare in the country has just infuriated me the most. After seeing two different doctors last week and after spending a few hundred yuan, my kid's condition has dramatically deteriorated. My son, my wife and I are losing lots of sleep and I am fighting any lower quality performance in my classrooms that have just begun.

It all depends whereabouts you are, because there are Western Clinics all over China. It might be cheaper to see a western doctor than keep paying the Chinese and getting no results. I should google it, they are often called hospitals.
englishgibson - 2012-09-04
Fake Products in China (part two)

My 4 year old boy is coughing so much that he is throwing up. The fake healthcare in the country has just infuriated me the most. After seeing two different doctors last week and after spending a few hundred yuan, my kid's condition has dramatically deteriorated. My son, my wife and I are losing lots of sleep and I am fighting any lower quality performance in my classrooms that have just begun.

Reading about "2,000 Arrested in China in Counterfeit Drug Crackdown", has only raised questions in me of how widespread this can possibly be and how many people are affected as well as how many professionals and perhaps government officials inclusive, are actually involved. This has got to be a multibillion, if not trillion, yuan industry of some unprecedented fakery proportions. Imagine that a billion people spend a few hundred yuan on some sort of medicine every year. And, I am not talking about any exports here.

Could anyone guess how much of this country's GDP accounts for fake products? Would there be companies, shareholders and some actual investment options available in counterfeited products here? One of my friends that I've played tennis with has officially invested in "fake tennis balls". You can't fake the government office, can you?

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