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#1 Parent Kevin - 2012-09-08
Re: Yuncheng IELTS?

Its hard to imagine that this guy is serious.

If he doesn't ever post again, we can assume he's posted porky pies to stir things up. Time will tell. That said, the thread has given us all an update on what's been going on there lately, thanks due to 'foxy' for that. I wonder which is the better of the two to work for, Yuncheng EV or Yuncheng IELTS?
The third player there, Jane sth or other 'School' had recently posted an ad on this board. I gather she provides kindie and elementary school foreign teachers. Strange that such a small city as Yuncheng has so many agents!

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-09-08
Re: Yuncheng IELTS?

Hello sir/madam,

Afraid we will have to agree to disagree here.

You'll be taught how to teach by your Chinese teaching assistant.

What if you don't like being taught how to teach? Most TA's are recent graduates themselves/or lack know how in classrooms. Their role is to assist only, not to teach us how to TEACH!

She will accompany you to every class to be your translator and help maintain discipline.

As for maintaining discipline and translating, yes perhaps helpful. But I would say you are better off learning some mandarin and classroom management, then you won't need a TA at all.

Teaching without a teaching assistant is exhausting and inefficient as many high school students in China have very limited English vocabulary and poor listening ability.

Agree about the students abilities, but I just don't like someone reporting and snitching back on me.

She will also assist you and your family outside the classroom to buy life's essentials and open a bank account so you can be paid your monthly salaries.

Opening a bank account is easy enough, take your passport, the form is easy to get at say bank of china, no worries there.

Chinese trains are fast and safe.

Fast yes, but safe no. Wenzhou accident? Power cuts on the shanghai to beijing line? Overcrowded at holidays with kids running around and people carrying on watermelons and stuff like that?

They are relatively clean if you travel by hard or soft sleeper, which you will be doing.

I'd agree on this, however the sinks/toilets will not be upto western expectations. I'd also say hard sleeper is not safe at all, if there was an accident.

The company will have to use you and your family's passport attachments from your e-mails to purchase sleeper tickets on your behalf in advance.

Do you mean the scanned passport page? This is true, although getting the tickets can be a nightmare, esp at busy times of the year.


#3 Parent Beijing Blacklist - 2012-09-08
Re: Yuncheng IELTS?

Its hard to imagine that this guy is serious. But...

1) Be glad you are not in China and stay home.
2) Don't work for Yuncheng IELTS.

If you are a licensed teacher apply for a college job directly with a high school or a college in your own country. Avoid any and all training centers.

Is there any part of this that you do not fully understand?

#4 Parent Ex Yuncheng IELTS FT - 2012-09-07
Re: Yuncheng IELTS?

Yuncheng IELTS is a particularly suitable destination for newbies to teaching in China. You'll be taught how to teach by your Chinese teaching assistant. She will accompany you to every class to be your translator and help maintain discipline. Teaching without a teaching assistant is exhausting and inefficient as many high school students in China have very limited English vocabulary and poor listening ability. She will also assist you and your family outside the classroom to buy life's essentials and open a bank account so you can be paid your monthly salaries.

Chinese trains are fast and safe. They are relatively clean if you travel by hard or soft sleeper, which you will be doing. The company will have to use you and your family's passport attachments from your e-mails to purchase sleeper tickets on your behalf in advance.

Train WCs are often smelly and somewhat dirty. They are not of the sit-down variety. Best to take some anti-diarrhea medicine before travelling so that you can avoid visiting them during your seventeen-hour train journey to Shanxi's 'Salt Lake City', namely Yuncheng!

Stan&Family - 2012-09-07
Yuncheng IELTS?

Hi Everybody, I'm a newbie. I am supposed to be in China now but the school that was supposed to be sending me an invitation letter has not sent it and will not answer my emails and this has been going on for a few weeks. I think they are ignoring me but I am told the Chinese can be a bit slow. I am beginning to look about for something else and a school called yuncheng Ielts sounds like a good school and by the look of the pics they have sent me it looks like a Chinese paradise in Shanxi Province. They sound very nice and i have been told they will meet me at Beijing airport, and that by looking at the map and the distance seems very kind of them. Has anybody heard of this school please? Why I ask is that this forum came up very easy in connection with the school, and some not very nice things were said going back a few years. I don't want to make any mistakes because my wife and toddler will be coming with me. The school says we will be traveling back to Yuncheng from Beijing by train. Are the trains alright, please?

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