#1 Parent Wow - 2012-09-20

Scanning the boards and while looking at options I came across this posting thread for the AEUA AIAKM. 1 word. Wow!

AEUA stands for American Education United Association. That is a supposed consulting agency that claims to have great experience in sending students overseas.
AIAKM stands for American International Academy Kunming. Both of those organizations are run by sub-human scum that are lower than snake piss.

I was unfortunate enough to work there.

Suffice it to say that it totally sucked.

Food covered with flies during the lunch hour.

Students pay for text books but the school refuses to issue the books and the school owners pocketed the loot which is about 20 grand per student (RMB).

One teacher, licensed in California and Virginia with thirty-years of experience who is now working at Kunming Number 1, was harassed and assaulted by school guards since he was an American-Filipino and they, (the owners) don't like Filipinos. They also turned off his water, electric, and Internet access.

No Z visas .

Paid late.

Many riots on school property involving local villagers and construction workers.

The school owners took about one hundred thousand RMB from the head of the Yunnan government education unit for books and kept it while never actually buying library books for the school library. I think he is the leader of the Yunnan Province Education Board but I am not sure who he is. All I know is some high official gave them money and they did not use it for books.

The school owners lied to NCC and told them they had high speed Internet and a proper library with books and they used a fake book purchase order to get a contract with NCC.
If anyone knows how to get hold of the people at NCC please let them know that the school owners are misrepresenting their library. They need to be from the Hong Kong office for NCC or maybe the Beijing NCC office. If NCC were smart they would cancel their involvement with that school in seconds.

Speeding cars with arrogant and drunk Chinese golfers that use the same roads to get to the golf course while going through the school property.

Prostitution in plain view on the campus involving hookers at the swimming pool and/or the golf course. Its the Chinese guys with the black cars and black windows pounding snatch during the lunch hour.

No heat in the classrooms or the offices during the winter months.

No defined curriculum / no plan / and 12th grade students do as they please.

School administration knowingly permitted sexual relations between at least one kid in 12th grade that was 19-years old and a 10th grade girl that was 16-years old.

Water is turned off on a near daily basis in the international testing center which is where foreign teachers worked.

Wild dogs with serious skin problems running around on campus, some of which are foaming at the mouth. Most likely they are from the surrounding village.

Contracts are not SAFEA approved and in fact they don't know how to honor a contract. If a teacher has a problem, there is no one to go to for help and then the owners lie about their roles at the school. One month one guy is in charge of HR and the next month he is not in HR but he is charge of school operations. They just keep passing the buck.

They use photos of supposed teachers in their advertising that don't even work at the school. They also hire fake teachers for events to stand around and look pretty.

I could go on but those are some of the high points that I remember.

I agree with all posters on here as well. The school is not a school and it must be shut down and the teachers need to be arrested as well. Anyone that would knowingly stay in that setting is no better than the Chinese ass monkeys that run that place.

3 investors control the school and the Chinese principal that they hired as a spokesperson just sits around all day or walks around campus and picks up garbage.

If any Chinese parents, students, or Chinese government employees can read this posting please take action. There is a guy that was working there or he may still be working there that is a photographer. He is the one that took all of the riot photos like the one that someone posted on here earlier.

Shop around before working in China. There are better places to work for. Since the Beijing Blacklist guys are on the case that place is toast anyway.


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