Return to Index › BEWARE: Bil-Cag, Malatya, Turkey
#1 Parent MALATYA BİLİM KOLEJİ - 2012-10-03
Re: BEWARE: Bil-Cag, Malatya, Turkey

Dear Madison,
The things you wrote are completely dissapointing.Firtsly,it was your first teaching experience and you did not show up your certificates and BA diploma which is required to get your permits and health insuarance so you can not blame the school.Secondly to get your residence permit the school spent an amount of money which you did not pay and now you are posting negative thoughts on this web link.

#2 Parent Dragonized - 2012-09-21
Re: BEWARE: Bil-Cag, Malatya, Turkey

Turkey seems to be getting more complaints too now. I have worked in another Turkic country before and I can say that the amount of arrogance towards treating non-Turks and with dishonest businessmen running abound there will only be more reports of news such as this. The only thing that's really keeping them from becoming another china is the diversity within the population as well as the generally low population in these countries which makes the chances for causing too much damage smaller.

Madison Jackson - 2012-09-13
BEWARE: Bil-Cag, Malatya, Turkey

I would like to nominate Bil-Cag in Malatya, Turkey, for blacklisting.

The owner of the school is a very arrogant man who mistreats his employees, Turkish and foreign alike. He threatens his employees by stating that, should they break contract, he will contact the police, who then contact the airport. On top of that, he also makes ridiculous claims that a breach of contract will result in a $5000 fine, which is simply NOT TRUE. He is a bully who is not afraid to intimidate his teachers and uses his authority to mistreat those that work for him.

On top of that, the school is very poorly organized, with little to no guidance and absolutely no materials given to teach children classes. The school is also a bed of trickery. In the interview, the teachers are told one thing, only to discover the opposite. They claim healthcare is provided, which it is not. They claim you will live with only one or two other teachers, when they then try to place five teachers into a three-bedroom apartment, regardless of the protests of the employees.

In short, the school does not fulfill any promises that they list on their site or claim in an interview, and the owner directs the school through threats and intimidation. Be wary.

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