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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-10-14
Re: Employment in China as an EFLER

I think one reason expats keep on leaving is being worn out with all the me-first attitudes of the expats who are there. Too often you will hear an expat give a token critique of their host country but will shy away from the real ugliness lying underneath because they are the main benefactors of that. Although occasionally one or two will pop out of the woodwork when reality driven boards like this one gets too much under their skin. Then they have to screw themselves over gleefully by jumping on here and telling us how wrong we are because they didn't have all the bad experiences and what not, but they show would be expats who are thinking about traveling to china how much ugly of characters they can expect to deal with.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2012-10-12
Re: Employment in China as an EFLER

don't expect to get concrete long term relationships out of them. Expect to understand and feel the society in both its good and its bad. You may get more than you bargained for because of your background. Just don't get too emotionally tied up

You know your onions re: relationships in china. Even the most open minded easy going expat/FT newbie in China will get that way after a couple of years, hard not to. You see that everything isn't so rosy, despite any good first impressions.

#3 Parent Oil workers - 2012-10-12
Re: Employment in China as an EFLER

contact or say that the school doesn't want me. I need to know how to find a decent teaching job in China teaching EFL. Decent for me means around 40 RMB a class of duration 40 minutes or so while I live rent-free

Are you serious, 40 rmb for 40 minutes?

Make the figure maybe 100-120 rmb and it is nearer the mark. you should never work for that amount of money, as it convinces them it is fair to keep paying less all the time!

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-10-12
Re: Employment in China as an EFLER

I would add that while there is a chance of you having a good time with locals, don't expect to get concrete long term relationships out of them. Expect to understand and feel the society in both its good and its bad. You may get more than you bargained for because of your background. Just don't get too emotionally tied up. Avoid dealing with people (such as the expats who will dump on you and take up much of your time with their complaints, only to show how spineless they really are when they talk shyte behind your back about you) who give you knots in your stomach. Good luck.

#5 Parent foxy - 2012-10-11
Re: Employment in China as an EFLER

My suggestion is to apply to each of the following:

Private Schools - Shanxi Modern Bilingual School, North Campus. Chinese-Americans are employed there. Google it to get the e-mail address of the FAO, Mr "Gerry" Gao. Kindergarten and elementary education.
Recruiters - teachingjobs@163.com and <Teachinchina@qq.com> Specify what you are looking for.
Agent - http://www.ycielts.com/en_index.php Mainly senior high schools, but some college work is available too.

#6 Parent James Mcdougall - 2012-10-11
Re: Employment in China as an EFLER

Just be careful who you pick. Are you Chinese ethnicity if you don't mind me asking? Disney seems to hire Black teachers, and EF. Wall Street seems to be better organised from what I have heard. I would try them, but just do your research first. EF try to hire diversely,but they are the worst out there. China is a fantastic place to live and work. I am sure you can find something.

Chinese- American - 2012-10-11
Employment in China as an EFLER

I have attempted to look for jobs on the mainland of China both direct and through recruiters/agents. All of them seemed very interested, but upon receiving my name and/or my passport photo, they would cease contact or say that the school doesn't want me. I need to know how to find a decent teaching job in China teaching EFL. Decent for me means around 40 RMB a class of duration 40 minutes or so while I live rent-free. Please, if you can, supply the e-mail addresses of contacts who might well review my resume and personal details favorably, given my ethinic background.
Though I've only been employed as a (disrespected) bellhop by a NY hotel chain here in the States , I'm nonetheless averse to going to the Chinese mainland to be screwed over financially. Were that to happen, I couldn't respect myself afterward!

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