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lmorin - 2012-10-15
Education Experts / Skyline Global

What I am writing is meant to be a factor for all those considering taking a position with this company. I have worked for them closing on a year and do really regret having agreed to have done so. The latest is a refusal to pay 45 days vacation days for processing a Canadian visa which is part of their 'option' system. A system that they invented and then use and abuse purely for their own ends.This 'system' also seems to involve cancelling year contracts in order to prorate plane tickets etc. to save them money. Another teacher agreed to work past her contract expiry date as a favor to them and the University which is short staffed. They are now refusing to pay her end of contract bonus as they are claiming she did not work the specified amount of months (she worked a bit past it at their request doing them a favor). I have known other teachers who they have also asked to work past their contract expiry date but they had declined. A friend of mine went to collect her contract bonuses after working for them for over two years and was promised it and then the manager called the accounting department and asked them to deny her payment when she went up to collect. Another friend is considering suing them for around 20, 000 SAR which she claims they owe her and have not paid (and it does not seem likely that they will do so). I finally got paid after waiting close to three weeks after when I should have been paid. However, some other (as they paid some teachers over a week ago and not others) were not so lucky and are being ignored or recieving rude emails in response to their begging requests for their salaries. I could go on all day talking about this company but I think enough said. I made an easy decision without putting in the effort to bypass a recruiter (direct hire) and have regretted it since.

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