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#1 Parent foxy - 2012-10-19
Re: Citibank is a shitibank! And The UK is 'Machofan'!

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk" <Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk>
To: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 10:02 PM
Subject: RE: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []

Dear Mr [],

Thank you for your e-mail

I have tried to resolve the issue we are having with Citibank processing your payments. Obviously my efforts have been unsuccessful. I have today arranged for the 3 missed pension payments to be re-issued as a foreign telegraphic transfer. This will bring all your current pension payments up to date. Further to this I will be contacting one of their Customer Service Representatives to try to resolve the issue once and for all. I have also notified our Payroll Manager regarding the issues we have experienced and they will be looking into the matter and escalating this as an issue with Citibank.

Please accept my sincere apologies for these delays. I am doing my very best to ensure that you receive payments on time however unfortunately there is only so much we can do at our end. Once I have had my conversation with Citibank today I will supply them once again with the complete details for your pension payments. I will contact you once this has been submitted and I will contact you again when our payroll has been run so that you may monitor the situation from your end and hopefully inform us that you have received the funds successfully.

Once again I greatly appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me directly.

Yours sincerely

Brian Thomson

Payroll Administrator

Scottish Public Pensions Agency

7 Tweedside Park




Tel: 01896 893000

Fax: 01896 893214

e-mail: brian.thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk

From: []
Sent: 08 October 2012 02:37
To: Thomson B (Brian)
Subject: Re: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []


I tried to get my pension from the Bank of China 3 days ago - no joy! I reckon that 3 monthly pension payments are owed to me at this time! Not good, is it?


From: []
To: Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk
Sent: Friday, September 7, 2012 2:52 PM
Subject: RE: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []

" I am in the process of addressing this and will notify you as soon as I have resolved the matter."

Dear Brian,

That's great. As soon as Citibank informs you that the outstanding pension payments have been initiated, please notify me by e-mail. Some days later I'll pay a visit to the Hohhot branch of the Bank of China to determine whether GBPs have arrived via TT. Of course, I'll inform you of the result of said visit soon thereafter.


--- On Wed, 9/5/12, Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk <Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:

From: Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk <Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk>
Subject: RE: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []
To: []
Date: Wednesday, September 5, 2012, 1:55 PM

Dear Mr [],

I have investigated this matter for you and it would appear that July and August’s payments have not credited. I am in the process of addressing this and will notify you as soon as I have resolved the matter.

Once again I thank you for your patience. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact me

Yours sincerely

Brian Thomson

Payroll Administrator

Scottish Public Pensions Agency

7 Tweedside Park




Tel: 01896 893000

Fax: 01896 893214

e-mail: brian.thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk

From: []
Sent: 04 September 2012 14:11
To: Thomson B (Brian)
Subject: Fw: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []

No transfers in GBP have arrived as of Monday 3rd September! Any news?
--- On Wed, 8/29/12, [] wrote:

From: []
Subject: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []
To: Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk
Date: Wednesday, August 29, 2012, 11:28 PM


I'll visit my bank branch in Hohhot city once again on Monday 3rd September, am, to try to get my pension payments in GBP.

Any news re Citibank?


--- On Sat, 8/25/12, [] wrote:

From: []
Subject: Fw: RE: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []
To: Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk
Date: Saturday, August 25, 2012, 2:51 AM

Dear Brian,

In the morning of 24 August!

Unfortunately, no transfers either to my Wenxi account or to my Hohhot account had been received at this end for the transfer supposedly instigated Citibank on the 27th July 2012.


--- On Sat, 8/4/12, []wrote:

From: []
Subject: Fw: RE: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []
To: Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk
Date: Saturday, August 4, 2012, 2:42 AM

Dear Brian,

I've just finished moving house to a county of Hohhot. That's why I've been offline in the last few days.

But I did manage to visit the Hohhot Bank of China branch whose bank details I'd previously sent to you on the "Cross Borders" form. That was in the morning of Thursday 2nd August. Unfortunately, no transfers either to my Wenxi account or to my Hohhot account had been received at this end for the transfer supposedly instigated Citibank on the 27th July 2012.

As the Hohhot branch is about 80 minutes from here by bus (the bus fare is the equivalent of 10 pence GBP one-way, by the way), the next time I'll check my bank accounts there will probably be be around the 15th August.

I'll e-mail you around then to update you as to any developments or not re the problem above.

[], date as per this e-mail.

--- On Tue, 7/31/12, []

> wrote:

From: []
Subject: Fw: RE: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []
To: Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk
Date: Tuesday, July 31, 2012, 7:26 AM


No funds have arrived here Tuesday morning, local time. I'll visit the bank on Friday. Probably I'll be able to get my monthly pension payment then, using either of my two bank books! I'll let you know the situ in detail then.


--- On Thu, 7/26/12, []wrote:

From: []
Subject: Fw: RE: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []
To: Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk
Date: Thursday, July 26, 2012, 10:30 PM

Dear Mr Thomson:

Thanks for your e-mail.

If the funds are released from Citibank on the 27th, I doubt they will be here the same day. Also, there is a time difference factor to consider - at present local time here is +7 hours ahead of your local time. Another thing is that the Bank of China foreign currency counters are not staffed on Saturdays or Sundays. So, I'll visit my Hohhot branch on Monday 30th July in the afternoon to check. BTW, the way it works in China is that if one withdraw funds or sell foreign TT currency at a branch which is not your own branch, you'll be financially penalised to some extent.

On Monday afternoon I'll take the Wenxi bank book with me as well as the Hohhot one. It's almost certain the funds will have been electronically transferred to one or the other by then - I'll e-mail you on the 30th to let you know in detail what has actually happened.

Best wishes,


--- On Thu, 7/26/12, Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk <Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:

From: Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk <Brian.Thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk>
Subject: RE: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []
To: []
Date: Thursday, July 26, 2012, 9:30 AM

Dear Mr [],

I write in reference to our recent communication regarding your SPPA pension payments.

The bank details supplied in your e-mail dated the 18th June 2012 have been submitted to Citibank and all future pension payments should be credited directly to that account as requested. I have checked our Citibank system and it appears that the funds should be released to your bank on the 27th July 2012. Can you please confirm that this transfer has been successful? This will allow me to ascertain whether or not any further action is required.

Many thanks

Brian Thomson

Payroll Administrator

Scottish Public Pensions Agency

7 Tweedside Park




Tel: 01896 893000

Fax: 01896 893214

e-mail: brian.thomson@scotland.gsi.gov.uk

From: []
Sent: 17 June 2012 02:53
To: Bertram J (Jamie)
Subject: Cross Borders Teacher Pension Transfers re []

Dear Jamie,

Please apply my new bank details as per the attachment ASAP.

(I have retained my Wenxi bank book just in case it takes a month or so to initiate the attachment's details.)

Best regards,

[], Hohhot city, 17th June 2012

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And The UK is 'Machofan'! Click below and listen, except for San Migs!:


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