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#1 Parent Mr Marketing - 2005-06-17
Pricing decisions - ESL discussion

Many years of experience in the UK summer market has suggested that courses are often run on tight margins.

Setting your prices can be extremely complex and will impact, and be impacted on by many factors.

Before setting your price you must decide on your strategy and how you want to position yourself in the market.

The clearer you are about your objectives the easier it will be to determine your price.

Examples of common objectives are survival, market entry, profit maximisation, market-share maximisation or quality leadership.

Setting objectives requires a comprehensive understanding of market and demand.

Product costs will set a floor to the price; consumer perceptions of the value of your product will set the ceiling.

You will need to consider competitors prices and other external and internal factors to find the best price between these 2 extremes.

This gives you 3 options to look at:

A cost-based approach
A buyer based approach
A competition based approach

Most good marketing books will explain these in detail

Pricing decisions must also be coordinated with overall service design and be part of a consistent and effective marketing campaign.

You cant price and market your service at the top end of the scale if in fact the quality you provide is at the bottom end.

Elizabeth - 2005-06-16
Summer School Fees - ESL discussion

I am looking at running my own summer school, aiming to enrol Korean Students living in China. I have no idea how much to charge. If anyone could let me know how much they have charged before, .. well it would be a start. I would like to look at hiring a room from somewhere. Any advice on programs or other summer schools which you have found successful please forward it to me. Thanks a million!!

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