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#1 Parent juanisaac - 2012-11-13
Re: BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

Ain't this ever the truth. I try to explain to my ex-pat friends that if it is not o.k. in our countries, why is it ok here? The adage T.I.C. does not cut with me. If the Chinese like to poison each other to save a buck, why should I? If I am not a skirt chaser at home, why would I become one here? Just because I can does not mean I should.
I've met way to many who go through a Kafkaesque metamorphosis once here. Of course some people are bad apples at home and here, and some continue to be themselves in all the good and bad.
I strive to keep an even keel as I try to remember who I am. Ghandi has a saying "Be the change you want to see." China has a myriad of problems and I complain about them all the time. Well, if I want China to change I must be that change first. I do not leave my ethics at Pudong Airport every time I check in. Good post Sir!

#2 Parent Magister - 2012-11-08
Re: BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

Surely he can't ever make a return to public office. Certainly Bo hasn't been publicly destroyed to the same extent that a politician in the west would be in similar circumstances because the party had protect itself and if you burn one rotten apple you might have to burn them all. The problem he faces now is he is too famous/infamous for his own good. Prior to the murder he was already making his name as a populist. This is a break from the way politicians have been viewed for the last few decades in China with some western news agencies suggesting he was the closest thing that the Chinese had to a western politician. However, it's going to be very difficult for him to ever remove the stink of such allegations and he is of course still awaiting trail on several charges himself. I'm sure that as with his wife he won't get be punished to the full extent of the law but it would be another big dent to his image and will leave a come back unlikely. I guess only time will tell for certain.

As for our 'modern way' to interfere in the sovereignty of states, I can tell you we have been doing so for longer than most of you 'new world' nation states have existed. You might get some pleasure from reading Kippling's 'Kim', a book that details Britain's participation in 'The Great Game' in areas such as Western China/Tibet, as well as the sub-continent and middle east.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-08
Re: BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

I seem to remember a case some years back where the candidate for the chief legislator in Hong Kong was being backed by some wealthy british man. This of course caused a stir, given the territory's former colonial status.

There is collusion and mixing everywhere, and sadly, a lot of westerners leave their morality at home, on coming to Asia, even so far as to cheat their fellow westerners.

#4 Parent englishgibson - 2012-11-08
Re: BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

The Chinese Security Service, Bo and the Brit may have had something in common. Bo's family dealt with the Brit for much longer than the 3 years and the dealings included funneling dirty money abroad, getting the young Guagua prepared for his future, and perhaps more than that which I do not dare to convey here. Bo's had the power, connections and people believe in him maybe as much as Wen. The reason why Bo's assistant Wang did not succeed in the US consulate may have to do with Bo's family's influence at home and abroad. The reason why they are "James Bonding" the situation in such a timely fashion is that if there's a justification for the murder and if there's a common knowledge other politicians are so wealthy as Wen too, Bo will not only escape any wrongdoing but also set the stage for his son to grap a leading role in China one day. Even the old Bo may have another shot at it.

The British Intelligence or Neil Heywood roles have been the same as they've ever been. Have a look at how many nations have the Brits colonized in past few centuries. I think there are no more than 20 nations worldwide they haven't invaded before. Assisting Bo to power in Beijing would've been a promising step towards another shot at a more modern way to interfere in sovereign nations' affairs.

Cheers and beers to justice

#5 Parent Magister - 2012-11-08
Re: BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

I can accept that once the police chief had tried to defect and the stories of Heywood's death being suspicious began to circulate that Bo's political enemies began sharpening their knives for the kill. But it doesn't explain why in the 3 year period starting in 2009 when he is reported to have first met the MI6 officer to his death in 2012 the Chinese security services did nothing to prevent Heywood from providing sensitive information to the British Government. You'd therefore have to accept that either the information he was providing wasn't of a sensitive nature or the Chinese security service is completely incompetent.

#6 Parent englishgibson - 2012-11-08
Re: BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

The Chinese authorities may have allowed this to continue 'cause the few involved benefited in a few ways. Had Bo risen to power, a part of the party office would've been able to carry out their significant changes they dreamed of. Needless to say that how much money that they stole from people they were able to transfer abroad. The politics and money drove those politicians.
Cheers and beers

#7 Parent Magister - 2012-11-08
Re: BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

Define the term 'connections' in regards this case?

Is it that surprising that a man who has lived in a foreign country for the best part of 20years, hobnobbing with high level officials and running his own consultancy advising on British business interests overseas had 'connections' with MI6? Part of the role of MI6 as defined by the Intellegence Services Act of 1994 is to perform tasks relating to the economic well being of the UK. Therefore is not just as likely that Mr Heywood and his mate from MI6 were having a chin wag over Chinese bureaucracy and how to protect the interests of British business and investment overseas? Could this be the "useful" nature of Mr. Heywood as quoted in the Wall Street Journal article? As I alluded to in my last post, the problem is if you mention MI6 then people automatically romanticize the situation and align it to something similar to a Hollywood movie. Even if we assume that Mr. Heywood was providing more detailed and damaging information about a member of the Politburo and Chinese policy to the British Secret Services why would the Chinese authorities and security services have allowed this to continue for 3years up until the point of his death which caused a major political scandal in the country?

#8 Parent englishgibson - 2012-11-07
Re: BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

Magister, the fact that Bo's family may have been aware of Neil Heywood's connections would challenge the motive for the Brit's murder. Had there been a plan to dethrown/discredit Xi Jingping, it'd have been pretty uneasy for Bo. It was hard to believe the Brit came to the city to blackmail or get laid. Also, it was suspicious that British government laid low in the case when no autopsy was pefromed there.
Justice to all

#9 Parent englishgibson - 2012-11-07
Re: BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

A perfect timing for the release of info. I bet my 5 quai Bo's son (hiding from home) on his American business visa is busy selling news. Hasn't he hidden much of his father's money in NY?
Cheers and beers to the transfer of Beijing's wealthy officials :)

#10 Parent Magister - 2012-11-06
Re: BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

This has been touted by the news agencies for a while. Personally it doesn't surprise me to learn that he had contact with MI6 given his relationship with Bo Xi Lai and other 'leaders' but you have to wonder how much dirt he was actually passing on to the British security services given that such information could have damaged his own vested interests with the Bo family.

Also amusing how the wall street journal choose to wait until the release of the new Bond movie until publishing what most already assumed. That way we can all imagine Heywood being a handsome maverick, sipping vodka martinis, driving fast cars and banging beautiful women as opposed to reality of the situation that he probably had a couple of meetings with some boring grey suit from Vauxhall Bridge. Oh well, whatever sells newspapers.

Interested - 2012-11-06
BBC article: Neil Heywood, Briton killed in China 'had spy links'

"A British businessman who was killed in China had been providing information to the British secret service, the Wall Street Journal newspaper claims.

Neil Heywood had been communicating with an MI6 officer about top politician Bo Xilai for at least a year before he died, the paper said."

Source: BBC at the link below

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