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#1 Parent sharp shooter - 2012-12-22
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

Reading your article was like pulling teeth from my own mouth! Do you own your own brain or has working for this company sapped your opinions. Maybe it is unknown to you, but people are allowed to voice an opinion [edited]. Your statement: 'Less well off Chinese off students take our lessons,' is just hilarious! Obviously, you have-not lived in China long. I bet your VP just loves you!

#2 Parent Magister - 2012-11-15
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

I'd imagine you were a manager or supervisor of a fast food chain or office supplies shop in the west.

Or it's Mick Romney himself. Lol

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-15
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

I reward hard working professionals and fire the slackers.

That is a self centred, republican, tory, right wing, yuppie, sell out GW statement.

I'd imagine you were a manager or supervisor of a fast food chain or office supplies shop in the west.

#4 Parent juanisaac - 2012-11-15
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

Not knowing you, or where you come from I will take your comments at face value. But one also has to criticize the schools who knowingly just hire white faces over the qualified to teach in China and then pay them bottom of the barrel salaries. So it is a two way street here. You have, somewhat, alluded that both sides need improvement.
As has been my argument with many local teachers in China, if we foreigners are not qualified and a drain on the education system in China, why do you bring us here? The schools are the ones who advertise for foreigners and do all the paperwork for them to come here. No one is telling the schools you need to bring this foreigner and pay them this amount of money. The accountant has a fit at my school every time she gives me my paltry 5,800 yuan salary every month and then goes on to complain that she earns half. She does not take into consideration that I am alone here, prepare all the classes myself, and try to be the best teacher I can. Pretty much, you get what you pay for. If this school paid me less than what they pay me now I would not be here. If a foreign teacher would be paid what the school accountant got paid, imagine what they would get. If my school would pay a foreign teacher twice my salary, again imagine what they would get as well. I am not the best teacher, or the worst, but damn it I try. I came to China with 4 years of ESL experience at the high school and middle school levels in the USA so I am not a green horn here. By the way, I don't smoke, drink, or chase skirts and it still irks me to be thrown in with the lot of foreigners you have described.

#5 Parent The man behind the vale - 2012-11-15
Re: rainbowhouse club Beijing

Just giving my opinion based on my experience. If one works hard and remains professional, the school wont f[edited] you over, or at least the branch that I manage wont. I reward hard working professionals and fire the slackers. Then the slackers rant about how they were cheated because they couldn't come to class on time due to their "food poisoning", IE hangovers. Rainbow Houses course prices are significantly cheaper for the Chinese student, that's why the salary is a little bit lower than schools like EF and Wall Street. This means that poorer people attend our classes, and when teachers don't respect these people and steal their hard earned money I get my britches in a wad. The school isn't on a shoe string budget. On the contrary, is has increased from 1 center with 50 students to 4 centers with 6000+ students in 3 years. This is due to the financial backing it has. I understand complaints towards shady Chinese business practices. I have them too. Its the system and its inescapable at the present if you are a teacher in China. But if you work responsibly for this school, the VP will reward you. I am a testament to that. I just can't begin to understand why Westerners come here lacking all teaching credentials and demand to be paid the highest possible salary, skip classes, and act generally in a way that would get them immediately fired in a western company. I see it day in and day. Then, when action is taken against their irresponsibility, they just cant understand it and it must be the company's fault rather than their own. I am not talking at any particular posters or teachers here as I dont know who wrote the initial negative ad. I am just speaking from my experience. I am not saying this company is blemish-less and totally guiltless. I am just regurgitating my experiences as a counter balance.

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