Return to Index › In a bad situation
#1 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-21
Re: In a bad situation

Ulanbator the capital of Mongolia, was my destination for my visa run from Hohhot. I had got my Mongolian visa at the Mongolian visa office in Hohhot before departing for Erlianhot, on the Chinese side of the border. There I purchased an international train ticket to Jamin Ude, the first town across the border. I stayed on the train by extending my travel to UB by buying another ticket @ Mongolian prices, from JU to UB, much cheaper than buying a ticket from Erlianhot to UB! The Chinese visa office in UB were fast. And there weren't long queues outside. But that was a good few years ago.

I would imagine that is the best option.

As things change in China (as you know well) whether it can be done there anymore is anyones guess, esp with the new visa rules.

#2 Parent foxy - 2012-11-21
Re: In a bad situation

Ulanbator the capital of Mongolia, was my destination for my visa run from Hohhot. I had got my Mongolian visa at the Mongolian visa office in Hohhot before departing for Erlianhot, on the Chinese side of the border. There I purchased an international train ticket to Jamin Ude, the first town across the border. I stayed on the train by extending my travel to UB by buying another ticket @ Mongolian prices, from JU to UB, much cheaper than buying a ticket from Erlianhot to UB! The Chinese visa office in UB were fast. And there weren't long queues outside. But that was a good few years ago.

#3 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-21
Re: In a bad situation

I agree it is better to sort things out on the mainland first.

Depending on the number of days he overstays however there will most likely be a fine. Granted his distance from Hong Kong will also play a factor, but then I lived in Shenzhen, therefore no flight or long train journey involved, I could get a new visa and be back the same day.

#4 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-21
Re: In a bad situation

The 5,000 rmb ceiling is correct.

I only advised HK as a cheap alternative if one lives nearby. If coming from the north of china,financially and physically it is a headache.

#5 Parent foxy - 2012-11-21
Re: In a bad situation

However, there is a 5,000 RMB ceiling. That's the situ at present. And also expect to have to leave the mainland within 10 days of the compulsory issue of a new 10-day xero entry (*) visa, which will not be issued free of charge to the visa violator.

#6 Parent foxy - 2012-11-21
Re: In a bad situation

He'll have to sort things out on the mainland first. If his Residence Permit has expired, or his L/F visa has expired, he won't be allowed to leave the mainland for HK - he will be stopped and dealt with by the Chinese Customs at the border!

#7 Parent pONY tONY - 2012-11-20
Re: In a bad situation

Firstly, sorry to hear about your situation. I think the only thing you can do is contact your embassy. I hope they can help. I don;t think that continuing to work here illegally is going to help you. Additonally, be aware that there is a fine (500 RMB?) for every day that you overstay a visa.

#8 Parent San Migs - 2012-11-20
Re: In a bad situation

I would go to HK, rent a cheap room for a week with free internet.

From there, get a new visa, apply for a job where you are not dealing with a recruiter.

#9 Parent Magister - 2012-11-20
Re: In a bad situation

That is a bad situation.

As you've already said its very unlikely that you'll now be able to turn your z-visa into the residence permit so I would suggest that you tell the school you are leaving. This is likely to provoke one of the following responses from the school

1. It may prompt them to take action, although I'm not sure at this stage what they really can do so be suspicious of any promises they make. Remember you are the one bearing the risk by continuing to stay illegally so don't let them continue to fob you off by saying it'll all be ok, we'll sort it tomorrow, blah, blah, blah

2. They'll threaten you with the fine and the difficulties down the line should you walk away. You may just have to bite the bullet and accept the fine and any further ramifications. It would be better to do that now as waiting will only increase the fine and consequences of staying illegally in china.

You should also report the situation to the SAFEA and once you're safely away from the school post the names of these scammers so that others don't get lured into the same trap.

Just to confirm, did you give them your passport? If you did this could place you in an even worse situation.

I can't say exactly what might happen if you wish to reapply for the z-visa and then residence permit. There is lots of talk of a 'blacklist' existing for teachers who run out on contracts, etc. but no one really knows if it exists, also I'd imagine most schools inc. yours would be less inclined to report teachers to the authorities as they themselves are breaking the law. I also know plenty of people who have had visa trouble at one place, left the country (at which point they were taken to oneside by the customs officials for overstaying their visa) but who then reentered with the proper documents a few weeks later no questions asked........

#10 Parent Cheryl - 2012-11-20
Re: In a bad situation

And what are the other foreign teachers doing? Same situation or not? Did you do any reference checks prior to accepting the job? If so, what did former employees say? Either way, you need to give them an ultimatum. Give them a date to have the visa/paperwork in your hand and complete, or you walk. Make this date within the next 10 days. Anyone on the up and up doesn't take as long as you indicate (though you have no dates in your complaint). Your predictament is not new nor special - experience will make sure you don't do this again.

Simon - 2012-11-20
In a bad situation

Dear fellow teachers:

I am in a very bad situation and would really like to hear your comments concerning this issue.

To make a LONG story short, I was hired by a school who provided me with all the necessary paper work to go to China and teach ESL.

I was provided a working permit and a letter of invitation by the school. The problem is, having been at this school for some time now (almost 3 months), they never bothered to issue me a residence permit within the 30 day time frame required by Chinese law. I am constantly being told not to worry and to "trust them." Which I did, until they finally realized the tragedy of the situation and that they are required to pay a HUGE overstay fine for over a month of me being here illegally. They keep telling me that they are still issuing me a residence permit, however I don't think that is possible considering the time limit has expired. I ask them WHEN will I receive my working permit and they only and always respond in "soon." I don't want to storm into this place causing a scene angry and yelling at everyone (because now I am at their mercy for paying this fine and providing me with a proper visa), but I am so frustrated and am losing sleep at night over this issue.

The owners of the school are very rich I guess figure they have this place feeding from the palms of their hands, dunno.

They've placed me in this horrible situation that now could affect my future visits, or even future employment in China.

I really require this residence permit as I have jumped through hoops and paid a lot of money for my health checks, etc.

What should I do? Any insight, thoughts would be very appreciated.


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