Return to Index › Jim Cheung = Beware of Frank Zhang, the chameleon!
#1 Parent Kanadian - 2012-11-24
Re: Jim Cheung = Beware of Frank Zhang, the chameleon!

that is so CORRECT ! I was swapping emails between Jimmy and Frank in mid July till mid Sept of this year. I have also spoken with an agent that yes i can trust, her words to me was " most schools don't like him ". I had this confirmed with a college in Guangzhou - crap wish i could recall the FAO's name - she said the same thing, we don't trust Frank.. 3 weeks after arriving back in Canada Jimmy or Frank - hard to say who is who - emailed me a job offer.. My reply was, " you must be stupid, I told you 2 weeks ago I'm goneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ". Facts are facts, 90% of all agents in China are full of BS but, Frank is in the 99.99999999999 %

Anonymous - 2012-11-24
Jim Cheung = Beware of Frank Zhang, the chameleon!

Frank Zhang, China's worst recruiter and crook, changes names and email addresses from time to time. Beware of him!
He has got a lot to hide, and his most recent alias is "Jim Cheung". "Jim Cheung" in reality is Frank Zhang, stay away from him!

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