Return to Index › My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-12-21
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

Unfortunately, American blacks are more concerned with race than any other group of people on the planet. It is really sad.

I do think you are in the wrong with this statement. From my own personal experience I have met people from all walks of life from many different demographics who are obsessed with defending what they feel is "good" for their own respective races. I have come to think that it's become 2nd nature for most folks in this world.

Bottom line is, a young Caucasian male/female with distinct physical features that are generally of a Western European/Scandinavian lineage will always get the most leverage in the ESL world no matter where you go. As for others it really depends on which country you may be working in. For example Russian teachers teaching English may be able to make a salary that is equal to other Native English expat teachers in a country like China due to their looks, but may not be able to get away with doing so in Japan. On the other hand, American/British teachers of East Asian lineage may be able to make a salary that is almost on par or on par with other fellow Western expat teachers when working in Saudi Arabia, but will not if they're working in a place like China.

#2 Parent Terry T. - 2012-12-20
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

Unfortunately, American blacks are more concerned with race than any other group of people on the planet. It is really sad. The reality is that there are nearly 1 billion people living in Africa, 799 tribes, and few white people. American blacks are not even welcome in Africa. I think you need to cowboy up and march straight.

#3 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-19
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

The lesson I learned from working in china was valuable in that I understood how not to live life, how not to treat others, and how not to waste time.

Ah, I see. Never mind, it's Christmas Time and gloom's a crime, there's more to eat than words.

Have a Gay Christmas. Cheers&Beers.

#4 Parent Dragonized - 2012-12-18
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

The lesson I learned from working in china was valuable in that I understood how not to live life, how not to treat others, and how not to waste time. You obviously still don't know what the chinese are like with regards to the darker side of their characters on a general basis. Their lives are so devoid of culture, fullfillment, and dignity that they will live just to take these away from others who have them (especially expats whom the chinese will target deliberately) to get a feeling of satisfaction.

You can think anything you'd like from my posts, I frankly don't care. I see it like this: My opinions should not rock your world, nor should it cause you discomfort to the point where you need to label others leaving china in a "wooden box". You are your own self, and as an adult you can manage your own feelings. What I posted obviously affected the hive mind in you and threatened the very fabric of a part of your existence that you are both proud and ashamed of at the same time. For that you need to look at yourself and be willing to have more courage to change your own habits. It's not my problem if you have hurt feelings from what I say.

#5 Parent San Migs - 2012-12-18
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

Fact is, China ain't Blighty. And I do not envisage things re racial discrimination changing fast here. But there are certain extra freedoms one can have here as a foreign teacher that one can't take advantage of in Blighty. In my opinion, they outweigh the negative aspect you mention. Please don't ask me what they are. I won't reply, more than to mention L's, F's, X's and Residence Permits that are inappropriate.
BTW, Blighty isn't the dog's bollocks either. Each country in this world has its unique +ves and -ves. The secret is to match your special needs with what the prospective host country has to offer
you. Maybe that's too general - sometimes particular areas of countries , such as backward parts of China, fit paricular westerners' needs. In contrast, developed zones such as Shanghai would be poison to some of us, me included.
One thing we can say is it's better to be white when it comes to being employed in China as an FT. A good angle for white people, and this should be exploited!

I am not going to rise to your bait, it is christmas after all. I agree with some parts of your post, but disagree with most (hah, that rhymes!)

Merry Christmas (from someone resolutely NOT your enemy!)

#6 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-18
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

Fact is, China ain't Blighty. And I do not envisage things re racial discrimination changing fast here. But there are certain extra freedoms one can have here as a foreign teacher that one can't take advantage of in Blighty. In my opinion, they outweigh the negative aspect you mention. Please don't ask me what they are. I won't reply, more than to mention L's, F's, X's and Residence Permits that are inappropriate.
BTW, Blighty isn't the dog's bollocks either. Each country in this world has its unique +ves and -ves. The secret is to match your special needs with what the prospective host country has to offer
you. Maybe that's too general - sometimes particular areas of countries , such as backward parts of China, fit paricular westerners' needs. In contrast, developed zones such as Shanghai would be poison to some of us, me included.
One thing we can say is it's better to be white when it comes to being employed in China as an FT. A good angle for white people, and this should be exploited!

A totally stupendous post in all its content by Foxy, and I wish I had written it. This clearly is wise stuff. I would go a bit further and suggest to those that can't fit in without moaning, should moan their way back to the United Kingdom, or wherever else they think that the grass would be greener.

#7 Parent foxy - 2012-12-18
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

Why is it that some of us will only leave China, it seems, in a wooden box, having moaned our way through half a lifetime of apparent torment? Why don't we make our point by just going?

I guess 'some of us' have been taken in by the deceipt in many job ads for FTs in China and have suffered in consequence of having taken up bad teaching posts here. I'm thinking of regular posters such as Silverboy in this respect, though it seems that he will leave China for good soon.

In my case, I realize the need for posting warnings to prevent newbies from being duped by grovelling weasels who act as lackeys for bad Chinese directors by posting positive comments about working for said directors, or other laowai who will accept being treted badly by their employers because they are too dumb to reslize they're being used and abused. All that said, I should add that there are plenty of positives re working in China if one avoids working for certain kinds of employers here such as private training centres. As for mainland Chinese, I think the ordinary people here are the salt of the earth. However, Chinese teachers tend to be stuck-up and prone to nitpick. So, avoid them where and when possible.

My advice would be that China's great for those of us who are particular regarding whom we associate with at and outside of work while being able to conserve money by avoiding buying Western products, seldom eating out at western-style restaurants and never drinking at western-style bars.

The grest thing about China is that one needn't work hard or long hours for an attractive salary in terms of its local purchasing power if one works in the public sector. That's the best way for those of us who aren't capitalistic in nature, contrary to the attitude of many Westerners who come here and of most 'educated' local Chinese.

As I've asked before on this board, where else in the world can one be paid a reasonable full-time salary plus receiving rent-free accommodation for putting in a total of approx 12 hours of teaching plus prep time. No-one can tell us where else that can be done. That's what makes China unique from other countries as regards TEFL employment, and that's great for those of us who aren't interested in working hard nor putting in long hours at work.

#8 Parent foxy - 2012-12-18
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

In the UK/USA she would be fired, and could also be sued to high hell, for sending an email like that.

Fact is, China ain't Blighty. And I do not envisage things re racial discrimination changing fast here. But there are certain extra freedoms one can have here as a foreign teacher that one can't take advantage of in Blighty. In my opinion, they outweigh the negative aspect you mention. Please don't ask me what they are. I won't reply, more than to mention L's, F's, X's and Residence Permits that are inappropriate.
BTW, Blighty isn't the dog's bollocks either. Each country in this world has its unique +ves and -ves. The secret is to match your special needs with what the prospective host country has to offer
you. Maybe that's too general - sometimes particular areas of countries , such as backward parts of China, fit paricular westerners' needs. In contrast, developed zones such as Shanghai would be poison to some of us, me included.
One thing we can say is it's better to be white when it comes to being employed in China as an FT. A good angle for white people, and this should be exploited!

#9 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-18
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

Dear De you have summed up chinese culture as a whole in a mere few sentences. To all real teachers who want to make a difference you are better off somewhere else where people will actually see your personal value. DO NOT let the chinese use you for their own personal gains and their narcissistic egos. Let this be a lesson to all.

Good Day
May I ask you, please, what you mean by "Let this be a lesson to all?" It followed "DO NOT let the chinese use you for their own personal gains and their narcissistic ego" So, the implication and the answer seems to suggest that none of us should remain in China to aid and abet them with obtaining these 'personal gains?' I observe that something does not seem to fit, because the people who seem to advise us so much that the Chinese are total shits seem to stay on in China year after year. I do not refer to the good gentlemen who started this thread, because in all honesty he has said "Up with this I will not put, and will not farther tarnish myself by remaining in their midst."(poetical translation) Why is it that some of us will only leave China, it seems, in a wooden box, having moaned our way through half a lifetime of apparent torment? Why don't we make our point by just going?

#10 Parent San Migs - 2012-12-17
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

that email reply you got from "kiki" is utter crap and just does not cut it.

In the UK/USA she would be fired, and could also be sued to high hell, for sending an email like that. Racist it definitely is, downright unprofessional also. I would send that to safea and the US consulate also, if I were you. The more trouble you could make for her and the company the better.

#11 Parent Dragonized - 2012-12-17
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

As, I came here to teach the English Language and culture. I find that they don't really want to know either. They just want to look like they do.

Dear De you have summed up chinese culture as a whole in a mere few sentences. To all real teachers who want to make a difference you are better off somewhere else where people will actually see your personal value. DO NOT let the chinese use you for their own personal gains and their narcissistic egos. Let this be a lesson to all.

Dear De - 2012-12-17
My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

I came to China to work as an English teacher. Not in anyway to be boastful, but I am a good teacher. I love what I do, and I enjoy my students. I am from the USA, and of course a native English speaker. However, after being in China for over one year, I find that is not what they really want. To be fair to my other foreign peers, most do a very good job of teaching. My concern is though I get passed over for jobs because of the color of my skin. While, the schools (like New Dynamic Institute) much rather employee a white non native speaker. And, just lie to their clients and say they are from America. I am currently in the process of leaving China, but this should be a warning to other teachers of any color. Racism is alive and well. They don't really like to admit it to themselves, but they are. To be a developing country is no longer an excuse... The world has moved to far along. I now find my job pointless. As, I came here to teach the English Language and culture. I find that they don't really want to know either. They just want to look like they do.

And I can't forget... NDI never pays on time!!!!! They treat ALL of their teachers horribly (Foreign and Domestic).

Below I posted the response I received from Headquarters in New Dynamic Institute about why they can't employee me. Even though I am American. I am also black. And half the teachers in Hefei are also black. That isn't true. Some of their teachers are from the Philipians, their is one full time teacher from Africa (non-native), three teachers I can say are from either America or Australia, and the other half are all non native speakers. Some of which I have helped by either explaining what a word or lesson meant; or switching classes with them b/c the level they were asked to teach was to high for them.

Now, please don't miss understand. There are a lot of non native speakers who are great teachers. But, schools like NEW DYNAMIC INSTITUTE should use their teachers for who they are. Employee teachers who can do the job you requested, and not just look like they should be able too. But, then again, not even they Chinese teachers speak English. The school is a waste of time and money.

Let this be a warning to teachers of dark skin.... Be mindful of the school and city you choose to go to if you want to have a good experience and job in China.

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