Return to Index › Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2012-12-21
Re: My Experiences in China as a Black American teacher (New Dynamic Institute)

Silverboy you are right about dealing with chinese people. I think the need for them to constantly "prove" how much better they are or how "knowledgeable" they are compared with others shows a sincere lack of spirituality and true insight on what makes people, well people. You will be hard pressed to find even one chinese person who will try to see others on an equal plane with them. It's either gross inferiority with seeing one's self(and therefore idolatry towards money, people with a lot of money, etc.) or a facade of superiority towards other fellow human beings. The bottom line is to always prove why they as an individual are always more "righteous" and "virtuous" compared with others due to their "intelligent" insights.

It's sad when you live life trying to see faults in others and try to put them down to make yourself feel better. You can see why china attracts the types of foreigners that she attracts.

GW's deserve China. You, me, and a few others on this board deserve Better!

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