Return to Index › FILIPINO RESPECT - ESL discussion
#1 Parent Alvin Reyco - 2005-07-14
Teachers - ESL discussion

> Yeah... thats great... so if Filipino teachers are so great, why are
> there English Language Academies such as in Cebu City that want
> natives from the UK or USA!!!! Why don't they hire a Filipino
> teacher!

> Yes, I admit, the Filipino teachers are good and hardworking. BUT, so
> are the Chinese English language teachers, and they make 15% of what
> I make per month! So if we are going to consider Filipino teachers on
> the same scale as the native English teachers, then shouldn't we do
> the same for English teachers whom speak English very well from
> China, Singapore, India.......etc...... I know some Chinese people
> whom can speak English more fluently than many Filipino teachers, but
> I don't see them teaching spoken English at any high paying
> institutions or complaining on websites about not being able to......

> I don't agree with your opinion on the Filipino accent, I don't think
> it sounds like a New Yorker, maybe a Puerto Rican living in New York,
> but not a native New Yorker. It sounds more like a Mexican-American
> accent of English.

I beg to differ but actually many (or most actually) of the best teachers in the Philippines get to work abroad because Filipinos are actually a favorite since they are hard working and they love their jobs. They especially enjoy what they do and as a result, the maximum output that is possible is produced.

In any given country today (provided that it produces English teachers) there are always very good teachers and also lesser teachers. Do not generalize on just a few cases of teachers that you see. What you are doing is like saying that the whole population of a country are idiots when you actually only saw 3 people goofing around.

#2 Parent Dan - 2005-07-02
Mic - ESL discussion

Mic what is wrong with you? I've read a few of your posts and in all of them you have reacted totally out of proportion to the post you are replying to. You should at least read the post's properly. The writer who was talking about the Philipino with a New York accent was talking about one person, not every person from the Philipines.

Not to mention your rant about the person who was talking about overweight western women in China. I have to conclude that either you are a complete nutcase and/or idiot or that you are just trying to get a reaction out of people (which would make you an idiot as well) Take you own advice: Get a life!!

#3 Parent RhenoThai - 2005-06-29
It's a deal - ESL discussion

It's a deal. If the teacher doesn't have a noticable accent, then he/she deserves the same pay as a whitey doing the same job.

Good luck.


#4 Parent Mic - 2005-06-28
ok. deal - ESL discussion

I have heard enough Filipinos speak in my lifetime, I have even heard the Filipino President speak.. The Chinese on CCTV-9(international news station in China) speak better English and they often make mistakes. I don't need to listen to your friend whom might be a minor exception....

but anyways......

Okay deal. We can hire all the Filipino English teachers(whom are certified teachers) to teach English, but then you must also hire all the Chinese English teachers whom have passed the TEM-8(test for English majors)....... if you will treat them equally(acknowledge them both as Oral English Teachers), then we have a deal.

#5 Parent RhenoThai - 2005-06-27
Let me get her to call you up - ESL discussion

Mic, I'll let you call her up. You can then judge what her accent is like. She definitely does not sound like a Puerto Rican.


#6 Parent Mic - 2005-06-27
yeah... thats great... - ESL discussion

Yeah... thats great... so if Filipino teachers are so great, why are there English Language Academies such as in Cebu City that want natives from the UK or USA!!!! Why don't they hire a Filipino teacher!

Yes, I admit, the Filipino teachers are good and hardworking. BUT, so are the Chinese English language teachers, and they make 15% of what I make per month! So if we are going to consider Filipino teachers on the same scale as the native English teachers, then shouldn't we do the same for English teachers whom speak English very well from China, Singapore, India.......etc...... I know some Chinese people whom can speak English more fluently than many Filipino teachers, but I don't see them teaching spoken English at any high paying institutions or complaining on websites about not being able to......

I don't agree with your opinion on the Filipino accent, I don't think it sounds like a New Yorker, maybe a Puerto Rican living in New York, but not a native New Yorker. It sounds more like a Mexican-American accent of English.

#7 Parent RhenoThai - 2005-06-22
Filipinos are great - ESL discussion

I know at least six Filipino teachers in Thailand. They have at most a very mild accent. Is that an excuse to discriminate against them? Hell no. Should schools label these fine teachers 'non-native' speakers? Again--hell no.

The best ESL teacher I've seen yet is a filipino. And she speaks like she's from New York. Unfortunately, she's not from New York. She's from Manila. For that she automatically gets a pay rate that is 50% mine.

The rest of my Filipino friends would blow away most white teachers.....teachers who make twice the money but exert half the effort.


#8 Parent Samantha - 2005-06-21

I as a FILIPINA my self have read this e-mail as a discrmination. I have lived in the PHILIPPINEs for almost all my life. But reading this letter fro "THE WHITGUY" can go ahead and bury his head in DIRT because he made us look like we are nothing but dirt in this world. Us FILIPINOS have done so much for everybody around this world. Even though we ADORE japanese/chines animations dont say that WE ACT, SPEAK, TAKE THIER CULTURE away form them because its not true.
According to "THE WHITEGUY" us filipinas have a tendency to become prostitutes. MAYBE its because we need to support, live, and take care of our loved ones. it the way of lliving. You see ALOT of PROSTITUES here in NORTH AMERICA and i dont see you discriminating them.
So the INFAMOUSE WHITE guy i want you to do me a BIG FAVOR, know your facts and your knowledge befor you START BASHING THE FILIPINO RACE....

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