Return to Index › Welcome SB
#1 Parent Miffed - 2012-12-24
Re: Welcome SB

Why does it concern you if I care too much about SBs coming to my country?
Ain't filipinas women?

#2 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-23
Re: Welcome SB

You are getting personal now, and I will not respond any further

So sorry, I was a mite flippant. I agree with you actually; why would this bloke leave China's warm embrace to move to a country where he is not too keen on half of the population; and the important half(females) to boot? The only explanation I can come up with, is that he's an Aussie, and the lager is tepid at the best in China, and the Philippines have a good reputation for chilled tinnies. . and..and cheers&chilled beer.

#3 Parent El Abogado - 2012-12-23
Re: Welcome SB

You are getting personal now, and I will not respond any further. End of story.

#4 Parent Mancunian - 2012-12-23
Re: Welcome SB

And he didn't criticize all filipinas, only the women.

Ah, perhaps he should take you up on your suggestion and head for Saudi Arabia instead, he has an appropriate credential; why they'd most probably give him his own tent, twenty virgins, and as many camels hahahaha

#5 Parent El Abogado - 2012-12-23
Re: Welcome SB

Why do you care if he is coming to your country so much?

And he didn't criticize all filipinas, only the women.

Miffed - 2012-12-21
Welcome SB

Is Silverboy really coming to the Philippines? After all's been said and done about us filipinos, he has chosen to come to our country? Just asking.
Anyways, from me personally, I say Welcome to the Philippines SB. I am home from China July this year. I can provide you my complete address in case you would want/like to argue with me face to face....LOL. Kidding only. Peace!

Merry Christmas everyone! May its spirit be always in our hearts.

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