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#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-03
Re: Along lighter lines...

What some posters don't realize is that their standards of judging others isn't going to end disagreements, but exacerbate them. With MC he's got the "myself" caricature and then the caricature of me and you. He withholds any assumptions of virtuous behavior for our caricatures because he thinks obviously a person who is the opposite of him wouldn't be engaging in the "good", but only the "naughty" as defined by MC. A bit naive?

I will say that at least MC isn't going out of his way to create a binder filled with logs on pre-planned future actions that take place both with him, his circle of friends, and the interactions that take place on both sides. I once met an expat teacher briefly who was nice enough once and who invited me to his birthday party in China with 2 tables worth of his students and colleagues. But he actually kept a detailed log and every 10-20 minutes or so he'd write an "occurrence" or "happening" along the many pre-printed blank lines in the log or read something from the log and write down the answer that the student gave him. The questions would be along the lines of, "So [Teacher's Name] asked [Student's Name] a question about her family and what she likes, and [Student's Name] answered ________." What made this bizarre was this wasn't at some trivia tv show but it was just normal interactions at a party...in which he had to record every detail. The students (as well as a few Chinese teachers and a fiance of one of the teachers) all felt a bit uncomfortable with him doing this but they were nice enough not to call him out about it, thinking it was just a western thing probably. It was a bit depressing actually since he actually brought two copies of the binders and invited other people to "participate" in his "time of the life" moment. Nobody wrote anything in the 2nd binder despite him putting in a painstaking effort to write like a million questions in there and it was passed around the tables like a hot potato. I just smiled at the guy and thanked him for inviting me.

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