Return to Index › St. Paul American school in Clark, Pampanga - Christian School in the Philippines question?
#1 Parent Rappa Gangsta - 2014-05-24
Re St. Paul American school in Clark, Pampanga - Christian School in the Philippines question?

Luko is probably dressing up differently to look differently - at one time to look like one of the "4 fat American girls American girls" and another time to look like one of the "2 0r 3 American male non-certified (In the US) teachers".

Luko most likely is not a certified US teacher either.

Too many vineyards, too much wine, speed, crack or whatever....LOL

#2 Parent Jimmy D - 2014-05-23
Re St. Paul American school in Clark, Pampanga - Christian School in the Philippines question?

Have you had a look at the St. Paul Clark Website? The teaching staff consist of 4 fat American girls, 2 0r 3 American male non-certified (In the US) teachers.

The rest of the teachers are made up of Filipinos, a 25 yr old Head Master who looks like Doogie Howser and the Infamous James Luko Genocide Denier

aka 'The Serb'.This is not a real American School but more like a bad sitcom made for korean television.

#3 Parent Warren Sperling - 2013-01-15
Re: St. Paul American school in Clark, Pampanga - Christian School in the Philippines question?

Hello, as far as Nacel ( Spacs )schools go, each of these schools are quite unique,and independently owned.

This branch is owned and operated by a korean. The so called Headmaster/ Vice Principal initials J L stands for James Luko,that is where you you need to refine your search with a Google search, or Yahoo.

James Luko Serbian Genocide Denier resides in Pampanga. This is what exactly came up when I did a Google search On James Luko.So my question would be, why is he employed at a Christian school?

Scott Framer - 2013-01-11
St. Paul American school in Clark, Pampanga - Christian School in the Philippines question?

Hello, I recently applied with a org. NACEL International School Systems based out of St. Paul Min. USA.

They have several schools in Europe and in Asia. Being a Certified Elementary teacher I was asked to teach at there campus in Angeles City, Pampanga Philippines.Has anyone worked for St. Paul American school in Clark, Pampanga before?

If you have what was it like? Do you mind sharing your experience with us they advertised for several teachers on the Spring School job website.

The only thing that was a little strange was the Headmaster called and interviewed me on skype. Three days later the same man ( initials J. L. ) called again claiming he was the Vice-Principal and interviewed me for a second time?

Thank you and God Bless to all.

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