Return to Index › New Oriental Education in China franchise?
#1 Parent Dragonized - 2013-03-22
Re: New Oriental Education in China franchise?

Thank you for the article James, I read most of it and I stopped towards the end due to the poor logic and lack of solutions for the root problem which IMHO is the reason why two demographics of people so different from each other will want to hook up for sex in the first place. The writer wants to set up Chinese men with foreign women and yet at the same time cannot stand the thought of the reverse happening, and the hate shows in the article. I have stated before that it takes two to tango. The way Chinese women are treated in China makes even ignorant ones think about the grass possibly being greener on the other side. I would personally ask the author questions such as, "Do you have actual respect for Chinese Women? What consists of this respect that you have? How would you teach females in China to respect themselves?" I highly doubt the writer has a solid answer for all three.

#2 Parent San Migs - 2013-03-21
Re: New Oriental Education in China franchise?

I remember that post well.

Best avoid that place, rubbish as it is.

#3 Parent James - 2013-03-21
Re: New Oriental Education in China franchise?

The owner and his wife hate foreigners and openly say so online. It's shameful to bite the hand that feeds you.

I couldn't believe what the owners wife had to say about foreigners, very very racist.

#4 Parent James - 2013-03-21
Re: New Oriental Education in China franchise?

I would never work for anyone who speaks openly online about foreigners as if they are complete scum

#5 Parent Dragonized - 2013-01-21
Re: New Oriental Education in China franchise?

Matt, New Oriental is a private chain of Training Centers. Of course the management can be nicer in some places than in others. However for the most part because you are or will be working in China you can expect most Chinese bosses to be cheap, penny pinching, and flat out exploitative of foreign teachers. It would not matter where you went in China with private businesses as they do not provide decent experiences in general. You can look at the number of negative vs. positive posts regarding this chain and weigh it for yourself. It is ultimately up to you whether you want to go or not.

Matt - 2013-01-18
New Oriental Education in China franchise?

I keep hearing conflicting things about New Oriental Education in China. Is each New Oriental school owned by by an independent owner (like McDonald's franchising their stores) or does New Oriental own all of their schools themselves? So are some locations better than other because the owners are different, or is everything pretty much the same throughout the company?

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